Monday, December 26, 2016

A petulant child?

"However, the new Congress might beat the new President to the punch. I would not be surprised if a bill is introduced to defund (or worse) the UN." 

This past week was yet one more example of the man who does not play well with others. This time he decided to screw over Israel (once again). Sometimes the things he does are nothing more than head scratchers. Some folks beleive this guy has a nefarious agenda, and we are just watching it play out. Others think he is just incompetent. Me? I think it is maybe a combination of the two.

What he did to one of our closest allies in the world is cannot be defended. Not at all. Of course President Trump is going to have to unscrew this mess once he gets in. However, our new Congress might beat the new President to the punch. I would not be surprised if a bill is introduced to defund (or worse) the UN. This might have been the straw which broke the camel's back. My opinion as well as many others? It is long past the time for the US to get out of that cesspool.

And the Russians. January 20th cannot come soon enough for them. I think Putin often times looks at Obama with more amazement than disdain. I really believe that. I am very hopeful that Trump will be able to convince (rather than threaten) Russia to mostly do the right thing. I would like to say always do the right thing, but I am not that naive. 

It is going to be refreshing to also see how this all plays out next month. Compared to President Bush (take your pick - either 41 or 43), this President is acting like a petulant child. Rather than plowing the road or setting the table for the next President, this President has just been planting land mines and IEDs. From pardoning hundreds of felons, to playing footsie with Iran, to screwing Israel (once again), to the last minute promulgation of needless regulations and executive orders, PEBO has shown himself to be a piece of work.

Sorry. Probably should have not brought this up the day after Christmas. But man, oh man, after what he did to Israel, I could not take any more. Bebe himself is convinced that our President was the architect behind the whole thing. And it would not surprise me if he was.

For Bebe, for Russia, for 62 million Americans, January 20th cannot come soon enough.


1 comment:

  1. "0" is a total scam:always has been.
    The good? This is exposing the Rockefeller's baby - the U. N..
    The problems throughout the Mid-East are all man-made: man can Not fix it.
    Have a great 2017.��
