Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Mistpouffers are back in town!

"And it does not matter what you call them. Mistpouffers, Seneca Guns, Gabriel's Trumpets, or just a horrible screeching noise. They are heard all over the world."

Okay. This is going to be a bit on the wild side. But I did not bring it up. Someone on social media did this morning. Even though I have addressed this issue before in past years, I feel it might need to be addressed again today. Why? Because they are back. In the Twin Cities area this time. And it does not matter what you call them. Mistpouffers, Seneca Guns, Gabriel's Trumpets, or just a horrible screeching noise. They are heard all over the world. And nobody is on record of having a clue what these noises they are.

A while back, I watched a special on one of the cable channels on crop circles. I have been intrigued by crop circles for quite a while. This special showed how intricate they have become. I have thought for years that crop circles (if they are not a hoax) were about the strangest thing in nature. That is of course, until I started looking into Mistpouffers.

Mistpouffers are nothing new. They have been noticed in America since the 1800's. In fact many referred to them as Seneca Guns in the Carolina area. Witnesses say the sounds are similar to distant lightning (even when no storms are present), or canon fire. But there is much more to this story.

It is not just one sound which is being heard, like canon fire. It is the Taos hum, which has been heard in New Mexico for years. It is a sound like trumpets playing off key. And some of the sounds are like a screeching of metal on metal. Other sounds defy description.

And they are heard just about everywhere. Over land, the waters, in a forest, you name it. The sound seems to come from the sky, and some even say the ground. There is not agreement as to which direction these sounds are coming from. They only agreement is this - not one breathing soul knows what they are or understands them. Nor can anyone point to their cause or origin.

So take heart Twin Cities. The sounds you heard last night are not unique. They have been heard many other places as well. If you really want to fall down this rabbit hole, go on YouTube. Many people have recorded these sounds and put them on the internet. It is as spooky as it is unsettling to hear some of them. One could almost believe it is Gabriel's Trumpet sounding a warning.

Mistpouffers, Seneca Guns, trumpets, whatever. They are something. It is like when people ask me about the UFO I witnessed almost 10 years ago. I always reply the same way - I don't know what it was, but it was something. Same with these mysterious noises. We don't know what they are, but they are something.

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