Sunday, September 17, 2017

London bridges falling down...

"In real life, terrorists would love to take down a London Bridge. Why? The image. Just like taking down the twin towers. Stay vigilant folks. The bad guys are still out there."

Another terror attack in London. The main question which needs to be asked is where the next one occur. Paris? Brussels? Madrid? Munich? The fact that there is going to be another attack goes without saying. Why. Future behavior is usually no different than past behavior. However, I have a deeper question to ask. 

Here is my deeper question - why? What is their purpose? What is their end game? Bring Europe to its knees so that it will reject western ways and adopt Islam? Kill all who follow the Cross? Extract revenge for many in Europe being allied with the United States? ISIS never tells us the reason for what they do. All they do is claim responsibility.

The Muslim Mayor of London has been interestingly mum on a response to these London terror attacks. Because these attacks have been perpetrated by Muslim terrorists, I would think his voice of condemnation would have been the loudest. Nope. In fact, he referred to the latest terror attack in London as an "incident".  Please Mayor Kahn, give us a break!

I have said this ever since 9/11. Until a country has control of its borders, until there is an iron clad method of knowing "who is who" within the country, the chance of bad apples getting "inside the tent" and  doing dastardly things, are very good. How bad is it in Europe right now? Bad, bad. I think there are numerous "sleeper cells" over there, just waiting for their time. 

Having a terror problem is kind of like being addicted to something. First you need to admit there is a problem. Any substance abuse counselor will tell you that until you face your problem, you will not get better. Same is true to terror. A country must admit it has a terror problem. How do I know? We went through that for eight years with Barack Obama refusing to call Islamic Terrorists what they are.

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady. So goes the nursery rhyme. In real life, terrorists would love to take down a London Bridge. Why? The image. Just like taking down the twin towers. Stay vigilant folks. The bad guys are still out there.


  1. Another terrorist attack.
    Another grim tally of the wounded.
    Another killer full of hate, from a land that breeds such men. Like millions of migrants before him, the perpetrator crossed the border unchallenged.
    And like others, he struck at London without warning.

    Terrorism is not a simple, direct response to, or result of, social injustice, poverty, or any other objectively discernible human ill.

    It is not the personal that is political, but the political that is personal.

    People with unusually thin skins ascribe the small insults, humiliations, and setbacks consequent upon human existence to vast and malign political forces; and, projecting their own suffering onto the whole of mankind, conceive of schemes, usually involving violence, to remedy the situation that has so wounded them.

    Our politicians say they’ll stop these killers. They talk about building walls and vetting refugees. If we were serious, we would do it. We would seal our borders against North Carolina.

    For two decades, the Tar Heel State has been a hotbed of religious extremism, fueled by clerics who preach holy war. The result is a stream of interstate terrorism.
    Eric Rudolph
    Steve Anderson
    Justin Moore
    Frazier Glen Miller
    Dylann Roof
    Robert Lewis Dear
    All followers of the Christian Identity Movement who together have killed dozens of Americans.

    That doesn’t make the Christian state of North Carolina anywhere near as dangerous as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. But it does make you wonder why, as we close our doors to refugees who have done us no harm, we pay so little attention to our enemies within.

    And for those of you who wrap this problem around religion:
    Let us be perfectly clear: We are not now, nor have we ever been, a Christian nation.
    Our founding fathers explicitly and clearly excluded any reference to “God” or “the Almighty” or any euphemism for a higher power in the Constitution. Not one time is the word “god” mentioned in our founding document. Not one time.

    The facts of our history are easy enough to verify. Anybody who ignorantly insists that our nation is founded on Christian ideals need only look at the four most important documents from our early history — the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers and the Constitution — to disprove that ridiculous religious bias. All four documents unambiguously prove our secular origins.

    1. If that is how you really feel David, you might be dwelling in the wrong land.

    2. Love it here
      As FDR said;
      Freedom of speech
      Freedom of worship
      Freedom from want
      Freedom from fear
