Tuesday, November 28, 2017

War, just for the hell of it...

"Now that our law makers are finally back in town, I want our President to ask them for a declaration of war against North Korea. Even if we do nothing at first, that will fill many diapers north of the DMZ. Once Trump has that Ace in his hand, the Norks will think very carefully on their next move. Why? Their next move could be their last." 

Fact # 1 - When the Korean conflict ended in 1953, it ended with an armistice. Technically the two Korea's are still in a state of war.
Fact # 2 - The North Koreans have violated numerous agreements with the United States concerning not starting a nuclear program. Other than some meaningless sanctions, North Korea developed its nuclear program in a unimpeded fashion.
Fact # 3 - Today for the second or third time, North Korea launched a ballistic rocket with landed off the coast of Japan. Any one of these could have been considered to be an act of war by the North Koreans. If war comes, the United States is treaty bound to side with Japan.
Fact # 4 - Because the North Koreans have threatened to nuke Hawaii, Hawaii has started nuclear drills - for the first time since the Cold War. This is unfathomable.
Fact # 5 - South Korean intelligence officials now believe the North Koreans are a year or less away from completing their nuclear program. They have threatened (many times) to use these nuke against the mainland of the United States.

Looking at the stated facts above, we have every right to go into North Korea and kick some butt. We have the weaponry to do it, nuclear or otherwise. I know, I know. Seoul will take a beating. I wish it was not that way. But ever since the end of World War II, this is the best case we have had to go to war. And why not? We have gone to war just for the hell of it just recently.

What are you talking about Bird? Afghanistan or Iraq? There were reasons, some very good, for being at war in both countries. No, I am not talking about Afghanistan nor Iraq. I am talking about Libya. Why we went to war with this forlorn country remains a mystery to many - including me.

Why do I say that? Unlike Saddam or Assad, Qaddafi could see the writing on the wall. He decided to play nice with us. He got rid of his WMD, with proof of doing so. He was still a dictator, but that entire area is replete with dictators. Then we decided, to for some reason, to invade Libya. Was it their gold, their oil? Ask Obama or Hillary.

We ruined that country and killed the only man who could hold it together. Then came the mess. Next came Benghazi and more of the wild, wild west. Today, Libya is a quagmire of biblical proportions. Why? Because Obama and Clinton (her) decided to go to war "just for the hell of it".

Now, I am not a war hawk. In fact, I hate war. It is the scourge of mankind. That being said, war in the Koreans might be necessary, and very soon. This, unlike Libya, would not be "war just for the hell of it." This would be war to save millions of Americans from the chance of being vaporized by a Korean nuke. Why? The chance of the Norks doing something bad to our country is as plain as that goofy look on the fat kid's face. We need to take out his war machine, and NOW!

Think I am grandstanding? I don't know - lets ask Abe from Japan. Or ask the good folks in Guam. In Hawaii. In Alaska. Thanks to the Clinton Administration, we have allowed this puppet regime to become anything but. We need to take them as serious as a heart attack. We need to take them out. 

Now that our law makers are finally back in town, I want our President to ask them for a declaration of war against North Korea. Even if we do nothing at first, that will fill many diapers north of the DMZ. Once Trump has that Ace in his hand, the Norks will think very carefully before their next move. Why? Their next move could be their last. 


  1. I wonder if 45 would ignore a nuke on one of the western blue states?
    Maybe? He hates them for their progressive policies.
    If he is willing to let a million South Koreans die, where are his limits?

  2. My true fear is, if he feels personally slighted in any way, he will counter-punch as is his habit.
    Since he has alienated all of our allies, we will have to go it alone, without U.N. support, which is unnecessary militarily, but vital to the rest of the world.
    We will become the rogue nation.
