Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Rough and tough, or rude and crude?

"Anyone who wants to vote Blue Team in November, remember this. I mean voting Blue Team for ANY position. What you are seeing right now is what you will get. Chaos, anarchy, and entropy. Not the America I want. No way, no how."   

As an American, I was embarrassed yesterday. It was a horrible example on how our system is currently working. And one of the stars of this mayhem yesterday, was our own casserole queen - Amy Klobuchar. Anyone who thinks she is sweet and innocent, either did not see the spectacle yesterday, or has consumed way, way too much Blue Team kool aide. 

Amy proved herself worthy of being lumped in with the rest of the socialists yesterday who sit on the judiciary committee. She was rude and argumentative. She interrupted, and tried to talk over people. Whereas Senators are supposed to be the "saucer to cool the hot tea", Amy was anything but. She was instead, an igniter. She and the rest of her Blue Team, along with the paid nitwits who kept shouting and caterwauling from the gallery, make yesterday a joke. An embarrassing moment for a fine man like Brett Kavanaugh. 

Senator Ben Sass summed it up well yesterday during his chance to speak. Where the Supreme Court was set up only to be fair arbiters, lifetime appointed, unbiased jurists whose job is to only to call balls and strikes, it has instead turned into a political action committee. Sass said this is wrong. The debating should take place in Congress - not the courts. He went on to say if the courts are going to continue to be political, Congress would need to rethink lifetime appointments. AMEN to that Ben!

Let's face it. This all started with the Robert Bork hearings. He was so smart, so over qualified to be on the Supreme Court, Ted Kennedy and his Blue Team did everything in the book (and outside of the book) to derail it. It was so bad, a new term was formed - to "Bork" someone. That issue notwithstanding, the Red Team did not block the hearings for Ginsburg, Sotomayer, and Kagan - three progressives who vote with Blue Team issues most all of the time.

After the Gorsuch hearings, after the Kavanaugh hearings are over, it will be "game on". Some day there will once again be a Democrat President with a Democrat Senate. The first time this Democrat President nominates another socialist to be on the court, watch out. Memories are long, and scars are deep on the Potomac. In this American new civil war, the first legislative shots have been fired. With the next Blue Team nominee selected, it will be all out war.

Where will the fault of this war lie? Amy Klobuchar. Al Franken (before he was booted). Cory (I am so pissed off!) Booker. And the list goes on and on and on. These are people who most certainly give the impression they hate America. If they don't hate America, I sure cannot understand their actions. They are tools of the Loony Left. All they want to do is "burn it down". My antipathy for this misguided group of scofflaws grows deeper every day.

So let's start this day two of the hearings. Part of me wants to listen, as it is history. The other part of me wants to throw my radio against the wall. But we will get through this. By the way folks - if you think the rancor is bad with these hearings, just wait to see what happens if the misfits take control of the House after the midterms. As soon as the impeachment hearings start, all hell, and I do mean hell, will break loose. It will be the match which lights the fire.

Anyone who wants to vote Blue Team in November, remember this. I mean voting Blue Team for ANY position. What you are seeing right now is what you will get. Chaos, anarchy, and entropy. Not the America I want. No way, no how.   


  1. Just a quibble... These events were not an "embarrassment" for Judge Kavanaugh. They should have been an extreme embarrassment for Mean Amy and her Mercenary Minions. Unfortunately, Democrats have no shame. Our country deserves better. Vote Jim Newberger.
