Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ready for sanctuary counties

"Right now, until we get the grownups back in charge of the Congress, we will take our victories when and where we can get them. Thank you sheriffs, in this world of upside-down, showing us real backbone. You are true patriots."

Relax folks. I know the word "sanctuary" is like nails on the chalkboard to many. I know it is to me. But today, I am going to talk about a different kind of sanctuary. The good kind. The normal kind. And it is not just in one location. I have been reading that more and more counties within different states are becoming sanctuary. Sanctuary from what? From unconstitutional gun grabbing laws. Plus - the country sheriffs are behind it.

Is this good news, or what? The sheriffs get it, our statist politicians sure do not. The politicians continue to ignore the gang banging crime problem in the inner cities (Gasp! Profiling?), and then want to punish the law abiding gun owners. The sheriffs can see through this ruse, as plain as day.

Here is an example. Even though our sheriff is a personal friend, if I should use by guns in an unlawful or dangerous manner, he, or one of his deputies, would come knocking at my door. I would expect no less. However, should I continue to buy my firearms in a legal manner, have an up to date licence to carry, and safely store them in my home, he would never darken my doorway with the intent to take my guns.

The gun issue is only one part of the madness we are seeing today with an out of control government. Is madness too strong of a word? Not hardly. A government which condones infanticide is madness. A government which redefines freedom as only their freedom, to tell us how to live, how to eat, and how to commute is madness. A government which allows taxation, which has become confiscation of wealth is madness. Speaking of which, it was reported yesterday that some nut ball Democrat Congressman now wants the government to tax transfers in and out of our retirement savings. It never stops. 

Right now, until we get the grownups back in charge of the Congress, we will take our victories when and where we can get them. Thank you sheriffs, in this world of upside-down, showing us real backbone. You are true patriots. As for the rest of us, stay strong, stay resolute, stay prepared. Saner days are on the horizon. They have to be.  

1 comment:

  1. Taxation? I'm always in favor of taxing bad laws/bills!
