Sunday, March 6, 2022

Subjugation, deja vu

"What can stop a madman like Putin from rolling across Europe like Hitler did? Nothing except for one thing. Freedom. Freedom which courses through the veins of citizens."

Last year, when we botched our exit from Afghanistan, my blood started to boil. I asked the question which today, remains unanswered. What right did the Taliban have to assume the role of government in that country? Many of the Taliban are not even from Afghanistan. They were nothing but a conquering force. So how much right did they have to Afghanistan? About the same amount of right that we would have had if we had invaded and assumed the role of government. In other words, the people of Afghanistan did not vote the Taliban in - the Taliban decided to subjugate the Afghan people.

As the weeks ticked by after our retreat from Afghanistan, I did some head scratching and soul searching. In this year of our Lord, 2022, how in the world can we still have (or allow) one nation to conquer and subjugate another? This is primitive and tribal. Have we not grown out of this? Some might say, "But the Taliban live in the past. They are centuries behind us in their development." Okay - that has some merit. But Russia? Invading Ukraine? Please explain that to me.

Last night, my wife and I watched the latest episode of "God's not dead" on Pure Flix. The movie started out with a speech by Ronald Reagan on freedom. It went as follows:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same, or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children, and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. 

It was sobering to watch this movie, for many reasons. How some of our freedoms are at risk in our country. How our religion freedom is at risk. How evil men, who control powerful countries are on the march to conquer and subjugate others. Like I said - sobering.

What can stop a madman like Putin from rolling across Europe like Hitler did? Nothing except for one thing. Freedom. Freedom which courses through the veins of citizens. Last night on the news, a young woman from southern Ukraine was interviewed about the broken cease fire. She said, "At first we were frightened. Now we are not. Now we will fight like hell." 

Those are the words of freedom. Outmatched, outgunned, and alone. But still free, and willing to fight, or maybe die, to keep that freedom.

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