Sunday, October 9, 2022

Who wants a war? Please raise your hand

"These are dangerous times we are living in right now. The world is on the edge of war, and our service academies are still figuring out pronouns. Maybe, that is why the Army missed its recruiting goal of 25% this year."

Suppose they gave a war and nobody came? That was a little known movie from the 1970's. Lots of anti-war stuff back then due to the Viet Nam War. Remember Viet Nam? That is when we took over for the French to fight off Communism in Southeast Asia. It was mostly America fighting with the help from some allies. We were fighting the Viet Cong and NVA regulars, who were being supplied by China and Russia. Of course, back then we did not threaten to nuke Russia for supplying the bad guys. Proxy wars were just a thing back then.

But who wants a war today? Not Ukraine. They did not ask for this war. Not NATO. This Russian incursion into a non-NATO country hit a bit close to home, thank you. The United States? Nope. We want peace on Earth. How about China? The BFF to Russia? If this war spreads, or goes nuclear, it would be VERY bad for China's Belt and Road Program. And India? They have already told Russia this war is a VERY bad idea.

Then who is supporting Putin's war effort? Besides the Russians, that is. Well hold on. It seems this war is not quite a popular as it once was in Russia. This blitzkrieg war is turning out to be very expensive for Russia, in the form of their  blood and treasure. Like, for many Russians, it was a huge mistake. And the continuance of this war, with conscription of another 300,000 young men? The youth of Russia cannot leave Russia fast enough. 

So what then, is the bottom line. Circle back to the opening sentence. Suppose they gave a war and nobody came. Or if I can morph this sentence just a bit, "suppose Putin gave a war, which nobody wants". Now Putin is hiding in his bunker, not sure who will come after him first. The Ukrainians, NATO, or his own Duma. Putin has put his country of jeopardy of being considered a rogue nation, an impoverished nation, or worst yet, a ruined and radiated nation. All because of Putin's ego.

Everybody is worried sick about Putin's "off ramp". Like, how can Russia get out of this mess without uncorking the bottle which holds the nuclear genie. Some military experts think that Putin might authorize a limited strike using low yield tactical nukes in eastern Ukraine. Even though we have (through back channels), supposedly told the Russians if they do that, we will eliminate his armed forces. Not by nuking Russia, nor by invading Russia with troops. We would only use our air power and conventional missiles to do so. And then what? A full out retaliatory response by Russia? Or would Russia stand down, and call it a day.

These are dangerous times we are living in right now. The world is on the edge of war, and our service academies are still figuring out pronouns. Maybe, that is why the Army missed its recruiting goal of 25% this year. Our feared soldiers, instead of learning how to kill people and break things, are instead learning how to play "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man" at our service academies. Well played Joe, well played.  


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