"What is DOGE? DOGE is what happens when you put two of the smartest men in the country on solving a previously unsolvable problem. Even though the Democrats have once again resorted to lawfare, Donald Trump is ready for it. He will not fight liberal judges - he will escalate legal issues right up to SOCUS."
Not my words, but words of a well-respected person on a national TV show. "DOGE is the most exciting government program I have ever seen!" I will give that statement a ditto and an AMEN! Money has been extorted out of this country's taxpayers now for many, many decades. As such, with no will, and no tracking, our national debt has gone up like a roman candle. In the words of Elon Musk - "We are paying more to service out debt right now than on national defense. If we don't fix out debt and quickly, we cannot survive as a nation. We will go bankrupt."
Elon Musk, whose brain goes full speed 25 hours a day, has come up with another grand idea. To make this real, what DOGE is doing, why not share the good fortune with the persons who ponied up the money in the first place - the taxpayers. In other words, every dollar saved by DOGE, should be split. 80% towards paying down our national debt, and 20% towards a "DOGE dividend" for the taxpayers. The first dividend check is estimated to be about $5,000/taxpayer.
Everybody should love this deal! Right? Nope. The Democrats hate it. With a passion they hate it. Why? Many reasons. First off, they really hate the idea that Donald Trump and Elon Musk are in their rice bowls. Their stash house is being investigated. All the years they have come up with schemes on how to hide money to enrich their side of the aisle, are now exposed to sunlight and disinfectant.
Another reason the Democrats hate this idea, is Donald Trump has once again beat them to the finish line. Donald Trump has shown (again) he is the working man's leader. And the beauty of this dividend is simply this - it is not buying votes. This is given people back a portion of their money, which has been wasted and hidden. The debt gets serviced, the government shrinks, and people get paid back some of what was squandered. Win, win and win.
What is DOGE? DOGE is what happens when you put two of the smartest men in the country on solving a previously unsolvable problem. Even though the Democrats have once again resorted to lawfare, Donald Trump is ready for it. He will not fight liberal judges - he will escalate legal issues right up to SOCUS.
Donald Trump has learned quite a bit since his first term. During the 45 POTUS era, Donald Trump was good to very good. In this the 47 POTUS era, Donald Trump is nothing less than golden.