Thursday, October 17, 2024

OMK (Oh, My Kamala!)

"Did appearing on Fox help Kamala? No. Did it hurt her more? Probably not - most already have made up their minds about her. It did show however, how easily she would be played by a tough world leader. Ergo - the endorsement by the Russians and the Iranians." 

Wow! What a night last night! Because she is not doing as well as she should be doing, she (or her handlers) had her going into the "belly of the beast". She went on Fox News to face off with Bret Baier. Gasp! A real journalist? A person who would ask our fair maiden from California questions tougher than "what kind of ice cream do you like". Or questions like Bill Clinton would get - "What kind of underwear to you use." No, Kamala got real questions. And she did not like them, not one bit.

She even tried that old trick of hers on the wily old veteran Bret Baier. "I am talking now!" But Bret needed to interrupt her. Otherwise, she would have blathered on forever and a day. What was she saying? Not much. Word salads. Talk much, say little. Did she explain her programs? Nope. Was it just platitudes? Yep. It is no wonder that both the Iranians and Putin have endorsed her (true story). She would be a push over. Trump on the other hand, would have both Russia and Iran towing the line.

Towards the end of the interview, Kamala was frustrated and angry. She decided to pull out her big gun, even though it was not relevant to the questions being asked. "I have just shared a stage with a whole bunch of Never Trumpers and RINOs (my words), and none of them want Donald Trump to serve again." Baier did not respond - he went back to the question he asked. Kamala continued, "And if I am elected, I will appoint a Republican to my cabinet." Okay - we all know that would be Liz Cheney. She is as much Republican right now as I am Democrat.

Was it a "cringe worthy" thirty minutes? Not for the Trump supporters. For them it was great entertainment. But for Kamala's team, it was death by a thousand cuts. For the first time, Kamala went up against the "A" team - and lost badly. This was not like sipping a beer with Colbert and playing footsie with him. This was not like being on The View and having a love fest with the gals. This was real journalism. Where she needed to supply real answers, not slogans.

Did appearing on Fox help Kamala? No. Did it hurt her more? Probably not - most already have made up their minds about her. It did show however, how easily she would be played by a tough world leader. Ergo - the endorsement by the Russians and the Iranians. When you go and vote, remember last night. Is this the country you want for the next four years?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Giving up on Minnesota

"Why am I giving up on Minnesota? What is there left to love? It is a pretty state with much recreation to enjoy. But the taxes (highest in the nation), the politics (blue as California) keeps me feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Thus - I give up."   

(Gasp!) Bird! You are not moving, are you? To a normal state? No - this is the state I was born in and due to family (grandies), it will probably be the state I will be in until my rodeo is over. That being said, I still can give up on the politics in this state. I seriously thought, that after the abortion (no pun intended) that happened last session with our newly elected socialists and commies, that the good people of Minnesota would have shaken their heads and woken up. No such luck.

There was a time, not too long ago, in which I thought the politics in this state were confusing. Misguided. After last session, I changed that view. Politics in this state are now evil. Almost satanic. The Ozzie and Harriet view of this state, the Mary Tyler Moore view of this state, has been replaced with visions of Sodom and Gomorrah. It has given me pause to think - where have all the normal people gone in this state? Are the "normal folk" in this state, now that much of a minority? 

Seeing the latest nationwide election projects as of late, and how Trump is surging in some states where he really needs to surge - Minnesota sticks out like an embarrassing blue zit on a red upper Midwest. Heck, even Michigan is in play, and they are the home to the second biggest Somalian cluster of people in the nation. But Minnesota? Nope. We are trump tight for voting for (and electing) circus clowns like Mark Dayton and Tim Walz.

After the Floyd riots, this state redefined itself. Jacob Frey and Tim Walz defined themselves. "Let it burn". Or, let these kids just get rid of some frustrations. Kids will just be kids. Meanwhile, I don't think many people in our country will ever forget those sights. And now one of the architects of letting Minneapolis burn is on the Democrat ticket to be the next Vice President. The governor who signed the bill which blurs the difference between late term abortion and infanticide. That is our new "One Minnesota". 

I know Donald Trump would love to turn this state red. Sorry Donald, that will not happen. The stain of indoctrination from years of government schooling is finally showing its true communist colors in this state. People no longer think - they respond to their training from K-12. And then in one of our colleges - that is where the stone gets polished. The die is then cast, and so are the DFL votes.

Why am I giving up on Minnesota? What is there left to love? It is a pretty state with much recreate to enjoy. But the taxes (highest in the nation), the politics (blue as California) keeps me feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Thus - I give up.   

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

2025 - A dagger to the heart for Russia? Or more poking the Bear?

"In his desire to re-live the Cold War of the Soviets against NATO, Putin is ready to set the world on fire just to get one last chance. One more bite at the apple. And he just might use his nukes to drive home that point." 

Guess what? Russia is running out of gas. Not gasoline (yet), running out of gas as a metaphor to how to keep this insane war with Ukraine going. I will tell you what Russia is running out of - it is running out of tanks, armor, troops, goodwill and pretty soon, maybe money. Russia has devolved from a respected state after the exiting of the Soviet Union, to a pariah today. And Putin has gone from a strong leader to a self-absorbed lunatic.

To make matters worse for Russia, Saudi Arabia has had their fill of the carnage going on in Ukraine. So much so, they are considering a "dagger to the heart" to Russia (economically). Oil is trading at almost $90/barrel. Not too long ago, the Saudis thought it would be a good idea to get the price of a barrel of oil up to $100. All the oil producers would gain from this increase - even baddies like Russia and Iran. 

BUT - the Saudis have recently come out and announced they are considering lowering the price of a barrel of oil to $50. Why? To punish Russia for what they are doing to Ukraine. Would this self-inflicted wound hurt Saudi Arabia? Sure, but nothing compared to what it would do to Russia. It might hurt Russia so bad, Putin would have no choice but to call it a day. Bring his troops home. Stop the war.

During the past two years, Putin has proven himself to be worthy of being the Red Horseman from the Bible. The Bible depicts the Red Horseman as the one who has the power to take peace from the world and make people kill each other. Based on the KIA list from both Russia and Ukraine, it would be hard to argue that Putin is not that guy. 

But a leopard does not change his spots. Both Poland and Germany are convinced that Russia wants to make a play for NATO, and the next war might start in either of those countries. As such, both Germany and Poland are arming themselves to the teeth. As are the Nordic countries of NATO. In his desire to re-live the Cold War of the Soviets against NATO, Putin is ready to set the world on fire just to get one last chance. One more bite at the apple. And he just might use his nukes to drive home that point. 


Monday, October 14, 2024

He is driven by history

"Donald Trump is driven by history. He is a man of destiny. He can right this ship, correct our course, and put us back on the path to "all ships being lifted by a strong tide." Kamala on the other hand, would continue to slice and dice us. Practice zero sum politics. Winners and losers."

What makes Donald Trump tick? He has done it all, made more money that he would ever need, been President of the United States, and had a near death experience on the campaign trail. In his mid-70's, is it not time just to relax and play golf? What is driving him? Simple word - history. Some might call him narcissistic, but here is the long and the short of it. He is probably the only person who can fix the mess the country is in. Trump knows it; his supporters know it. 

Does it not make sense, should this fact be true, that the entire country would want him back? Yes and no. Yes, as Donald Trump is indeed the fixer this country needs. But no, as Donald Trump has mannerisms and personality traits which drive many on the left crazy. How bad is it? When he wins in three weeks, just like when he won in 2016, many misfits will go outside and howl at the Moon. Yell until they lose their voices. Maybe even stay home from work a few days and weep. 

But - on the other side of the coin, the Trump supporters (MAGA types if you want to call us that), will breathe a sigh of relief. For the second time, we dodged a bullet (so to speak). The first time was when Trump dispensed with Hillary. This time, taking care of Kamala. Both of these women would have taken our country down the road to perdition. Maybe to a world war. But Trump is too much of a peace lover, too much of a visionary, too good of a negotiator to allow that to happen. But that view of Trump is not shared by everyone. To the left, Trump is Satan. To the citizens and patriots, Trump is blessed.

I am going to address this in a subsequent article, but here is a sneak peek. I heard something very disturbing on the news the other day. Today, 18% of the population have no confidence in our voting system. That blew me away. If it is true, that our voting system is corrupt, that it can be manipulated, that winners can turn out to be losers, we have a huge, huge problem. Trump could win, sweep all the "swing states", have over 300 electoral votes, and still lose. We simply cannot let that happen. 

Donald Trump is driven by history. He is a man of destiny. He can right this ship, correct our course, and put us back on the path to "all ships being lifted by a strong tide." Kamala on the other hand, would continue to slice and dice us. Practice zero sum politics. Winners and losers. More takers and less makers. Donald Trump will simply not allow that to happen. A better, more secure life for ALL Americans. He has done it once; he can do it again.   

Sunday, October 13, 2024

War (!) or Peace (?) in 2025

"But wait. Is this really going to be all about war? What ever happened to peace? Is peace even possible anymore? It should be. We are on the cusp of some great explorations, some great inventions, some great innovations."

I swear sometimes I have stepped into some kind of vortex and was transported back to the days of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. There are times I really wonder if we will make it to 2025 before something big and bad breaks out. By the same token, there are times I think we are living in an age of great possibilities. Unbelievable change. Peace and prosperity? Depends on who wins the election.

Israel is getting ready to really spank Iran for unleashing almost 200 ballistic missiles on them a few weeks ago. They may target Iran's nuclear program, or their oil fields, or both. Rumors are already flying that Iran set off an underground nuclear test (we read it as an earthquake) and are inches away from having a deliverable bomb. Iran has also threatened the Saudis with some kind of bad outcome should they continue to have a relationship with Israel. Bottom line? Just as the Bible has predicted, Israel is at ground zero for a big (and maybe final) war.

Not to be outshined in the area of death and destruction, the war in Ukraine rolls on. Russia keeps hinting on making this war more than just Ukraine - make it for all the marbles. In other words, just like the Jets and the Sharks in West Side Story, enough of the dancing around - time for a knife fight with NATO. When that war comes, will it be conventional, nuclear, or both? I don't know, but I do know this much. The war birds measure in the legions right now, and the peaceniks are few and far between. All it will take is a match, and Europe will be up in flames (again).

But wait. Is this really going to be all about war? What ever happened to peace? Is peace even possible anymore? It should be. We are on the cusp of some great explorations, some great inventions, some great innovations. Much of what is happening will not be confined to only one country - it (they) will be for all of mankind. The end of hunger, having fresh drinking water for everyone, abundant and clean energy, exploration of the seas and the skies - these are all in the offing.

But this war thing - it is the plague of mankind now as it has been in the past. Why can't we beat our swords into plowshares? Why can't we live in peace? Act as one race - the human race.

We can't for one reason. We, all of us, were born with a carnal nature. That is a fact. It is our duality - the way which we are wired. Part for peace (selflessness), part for war (selfishness). The question is - which part will prevail in 2025? Why is that so important? Because making it to 2026 might just depend on it.



Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Evangelical issue - again...

"With the help of the Evangelicals, this unfair fight would end up as a rout. Think about that. This election is ours to lose."    

Once again, this natty issue was brought up for discussion. Wait a minute - is it natty or just plain vexing? Donald Trump has a voting block which is nothing less than huge. It is a block of 90 million people who vote 90% of the time for the Republicans. Why is this such a big deal? If 100% of the Evangelicals voted for Donald Trump, the election would not even be close. It would be a Reagan type of landslide victory. In fact, if this voting block voted 100 % of the time, all of the time, we would have not had a Democrat president, House or Senate since the 1980's.

So what in the world is the problem? One pastor was on the news the other day and summed it up in one word - fear. About 30% of the Evangelicals don't want to be labeled. Like "Christian Nationals", or some such nonsense. They then practice being meek and weak, and just don't participate. What does that really mean? Donald Trump, with his slight edge right now - could lose the election.

Yesterday Donald Trump was on the stump, imploring Evangelicals to get out and vote. For America to get back on the track of normalcy and virtue, we must outvote the Democrats. Why? They have become more and more secular in every election. This past year in Minnesota, the Democrats took control of the House and Senate (along with Taxing Timmy as Gov) and turned this state into a replica of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do we really want that kind of filth on a national level? I think not! But a Harris presidency would leave us with that kind of wreckage.

As the days to the election tick off, time to act is of the essence. We are on the cusp of having some remedial fixing of what Biden has broken, or we can take this broken machine and break it further. Trump is the fixer, and Harris is the breaker. People who cherish their First Amendment rights, and their Second Amendment rights, NEED TO VOTE. Freedom to practice the religion of your choice is part of the First Amendment. I shudder to think what a secular President Harris would do with that most sacred right.

It really is amazing, is it not? Donald Trump not only has to run against the Democrats, but he also has to run against the Deep State, the remnants of the "Never Trumpers", the RINOs, the MEDIA, and the illegals. Even with the fight being that unfair, he is still holding his own. With the help of the Evangelicals, this unfair fight would end up as a rout. Think about that. This election is ours to lose.    


Friday, October 11, 2024

Blowing up the tax code

"Donald Trump learned during his first administration. Some lessons were tough, but he learned. Now he is poised to become a real change agent during his second term. My opinion? Any senior who is on Social Security and votes against Trump is a fool. Getting rid of taxes on Social Security is a real game changer."  

Ever listen to Kamala talk about taxes? The first time I heard her, I thought I had mixed up radio signals with Havana. No American could or should ever have suggested such a soaking of the American taxpayer with new taxes. Talk about an economy killer! But she is a good little Democrat, and to spend the scads of new money she needs for her new garbage, the rich in this country need to "pay their fair share".

Somebody needs to knock on the side of her hollow head and give her some cold hard facts. The top 1% of the earners in America pay 42% of all the income taxes (2023 Federal Income Tax Data). In fact, the top 1% pay more than the lower 90% - combined. So, this talk about paying your fair share is just silly talk - again. It is meant to rile up the uninformed and the undereducated. 

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has a better idea (he usually does). Let's blow up the tax code. What? How? As of late, he has been dropping some pretty large hints. Hints to make the tax code more "user friendly" to the working man and woman. For example, first came no tax on tips. Then, no tax on overtime. Then (in my opinion, the whopper) - no tax on Social Security. There have been others, but the latest one was the ability to deduct interest payments on car loans. 

In the past, the tax code has been used as a weapon by a malevolent administration. Remember Lois Lerner? She was a piece of work. She served in the IRS under the Obama Administration and targeted conservative groups, to yank away their tax-exempt status. That really was the first volley of "lawfare". She got fired, but still has a lucrative pension. What Trump wants to use the IRS for is just the opposite of what Obama/Biden/Harris/Walz wanted to use it for. To help people - not hurt people. Remember - our government is supposed to act "by the people and for the people" (Gettysburg Address).

Donald Trump learned during his first administration. Some lessons were tough, but he learned. Now he is poised to become a real change agent during his second term. My opinion? Any senior who is on Social Security and votes against Trump is a fool. Getting rid of taxes on Social Security is a real game changer.