Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dirty Old (or young) Men...


"The only difference between an old lecher and a young lecher is a few years in age..."

Please excuse my language as I begin this. When I was in 9th grade I had an enlightened shop teacher. One day, before we started a project, he went on a rant. "What scares the heck out of me is all of you young men are now capable of producing a baby. None of you are ready. You must treat women with respect and keep your ***** in your pants until you are on your honeymoon."
That is the way I was raised. Not all complied, but most did. We got this at school, we got it in church, we got it at home. It was very important to be a man in all the right ways. In other words, treat women with respect. Always, all the time.
Both my wife and I (and I am sure many others) are sick to death of the constant barrage of "men behaving poorly". This latest idiot, who thinks we must also be idiots, said he, at age 71, just started behaving poorly around women that work for him. Crap. He is the mayor of the fifth largest city in the United States. He has been in politics most of his life. If he has done it at 71, he has done it for most (or all) of his adult life. He is a serial harasser. Just like Anthony Wiener is a serial flasher. Neither will step down or step aside. Why? Because they are drunk with power. They can abuse women and get away with it. They tell us they are flawed, but really good because "they understand the down trodden lives women have had." Crap again.

If it is Clinton having cigar sex with an intern on Easter Sunday in the White House, if it is John Edwards fathering a child with another woman when his wife is dying of cancer, if it is Barney Frank running a gay whore house out of his apartment while serving in Congress, if it is Elliot Spitzer having an affair with a "madam" while Governor of New York, of if it was the other two clowns I mentioned earlier, I have had it. Even though I have highlighted only Democrats, it happens in both parties. Democrats are a tempting target however, as they are the ones who say they are the "champions" of women's issues.

We really do need to start shunning these people when they cross the line. No excuses are necessary, no good excuse is possible. No more "I have used bad judgement, and I need help." Nope. If you use bad judgement, you lose your place at the table. Done. Finished. Go find something else to do.

If I want to read about steamy sex, I will read Fifty Shades of Gray. I sure the heck don't want to read about steamy sex in the politics section of the newspaper. 

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