Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Fundraiser


"Someone was asked on the news yesterday what Obama's biggest strength was. Response? FUNDRAISING!"

One of my former bosses had a saying - "If you don't know what you are doing, at least look like you know what you are doing. That might fool some of the people, and you won't look as inept." Of course this was tongue in cheek. His expectations were that everyone was to be on top of their game at all times. However, the motto was a good joke and we laughed about it often.

I am going to give our Progressive President a wee bit of slack. I believe he reached his "Peter Principal". In fact, I believe he reached it quite early in his new career. Like many people in over their heads, BHO gravitates back to tasks he is comfortable with, something he is good at. For him, that would be fundraising and campaigning. He is not only good at them, he is very good indeed!

Plus, the nice thing about being halfway through the second term, our President no longer has to worry about optics - how he looks. At one time, he did. No longer. Now he is getting criticism from all sides. The world is on fire, the economy still sucks, wars are raging, and so on. His response (as well as his spokesperson) "Yada, yada, yada." In other words, tough toenails.

I believe the following - history will judge this man very harshly. Broken promises, unfulfilled commitments, and the worst of all - further dividing the country by color, wealth and sex. Most Presidents have been able to recognize the differences between the political parties, yet still strive to bring the country together. Most Presidents believe they are to be the leader of ALL the people. Not this one. Whether he believes it or not, he acts like he is only the leader of some of the people.

So who cares? Let's hop aboard Air Force One and fly to the Left Coast for more fundraising from the peeps. Hey, it only costs $230,000 hour to operate the big jet. A quick hop to HollyWeird and back is only 10 hours of air time, or $2.3M. Big whoop! The important thing is that he can collect some more money to ensure our Senate stays as dysfunctional as always. All this, while Rome continues to burn.

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