Saturday, August 9, 2014

It time to get it on!


"If it is war you seek, then it is war you shall receive..."

We may have one more battle to fight. Only this one is as old as Ishmael and Isaac. Some may call it a continuation of the Crusades, fought under Richard the Lionhearted. I am okay with that. Today this battle is good against evil. And evil today is very, very evil. I hear things, I see things, and I read things that are so heinous, I can barely believe them to be real.  

Enough is enough. As much as we want peace, the other side does not. They hate us, they hate our country, they hate our Christian and Jewish faiths. In fact, they want us dead. They don't want to sit and talk; they don't want a cease fire; they don't want peace. If that is indeed the lay of the land, then let us get it on.

I, like many, have reached the limit of tolerance. Every night on the news, we hear about horrible and unspeakable acts of barbaric violence unleashed upon innocent people. Many of these people live in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Their crime? They happen to worship a different God or belong to a different tribe. Executions, rape, mutilation, slaughter, beheadings, you name the barbarism, and it has most likely been perpetrated.

Call me old fashioned, I grew up watching Superman on TV. His motto was he fought for "truth, justice and the American way". We need to recapture that. In years past when the world was threatened, people all over the world looked towards America as being the Superman. Today, freedom loving people of the world are not accustomed to seeing their Superman reduced down to "super bystander". No, the world needs a hero, and it needs one now.

What to do. First, reaffirm to Israel that we are in this TOGETHER. In a joint press conference, inform Hamas that their days of terror are over. The next missile that gets fired into Israel will be met with an overwhelming response. It will truly be shock and awe. It will be so strong, it will make the last Israeli incursion into Gaza look like a cake walk. It is up to the people of Gaza to take back their government from these thugs.

Next, we have let this evil in Syria and Iraq go on long enough. Declare an all out air war on ISIS. We can give it to them all the way from carpet bombing to precision bombing with our smart to brilliant bombs. We will use every arrow in our quiver, from bombs to cruise missiles. We will tell the Saudis we need to use their air fields for staging. Since ISIS has declared war on us "to the death", so be it. It is their wish, not ours.

Finally, Iran. We all know what their game is. Call them on it. We will tell them in no uncertain terms that if they don't stop funding terror networks in the region (and the world), we will bomb them back to the stone age. We will also tell them their work on nuclear reactors is over. Period. This canard about needing nukes for energy is just so much BS, and we all know it. Israel, the United States, and our Euro allies will stand together on this issue.

It is time to get off the golf course, get in the situation room, and wear your job like an American President. Be the Superman. Get it on. We did not start this war, but we can sure finish it. I don't EVER want to see one more kid getting shot or beheaded by some nut ball. We paid for our military, now let us use it to rid the world of this evil!

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