Monday, August 11, 2014

They are coming for you...


"They are coming to take us away..."

Yesterday, on the Lord's day, I saw yet another video on the internet which turned my stomach. Some young children were lined up in a ditch and executed. By ISIS. No remorse, no sadness, just a bullet to the brain for each of them. And what was their crime? Being born on the wrong side of the street. Not being "pure" enough for the religion of peace. I wanted to puke.

A much as our President would like us to believe this group is "JV" or just a blip on the radar, others have quite a different take. In a column published over the weekend, Maureen Dowd nails it in Trouble, no matter how you spell it:

We never know what we're getting into over there, and this time we can't even agree what to call the enemy. All we know is that a barbaric force is pillaging so swiftly and brutally across the Middle East that it seems like some mutated virus from a sci-fi film.
In addition, this group which started out so radical, so extreme, Al Qaeda wanted nothing to do with them. No longer. This group has grown so big, so fast, it is now reported that many Al Qaeda fighters have been absorbed into it. And unlike the Taliban who are regional fighters, this new group of killers has their gaze set on Europe and the United States. Over the weekend, one pundit opined that this group is even more dangerous, more of a threat to the world than the Nazis were. Once again, that is quite a statement to say about a group our Commander in Chief referred to as "JV".
At first I was repulsed that people posted smuggled in videos of heinous acts committed by ISIS. Now I feel quite differently. We need to see what is coming for us. We need to understand the unbounded evil which exists today in Syria and Iraq. We need to take this new war over there as serious as a heart attack. We need to treat them (as Dowd said) like a "mutated virus from a sci-fi film".
If Russia was smart, they would also join us in getting rid of this group. Russia has its own problems with radical Islam. Russia is not immune from this type of violence. It is time to unite and take a stand. Christians are being exterminated. Sunnis are being exterminated. Kurds are being exterminated. This is ethnic cleansing live and in color, taking place right before our eyes. And we can't just turn the channel on the TV - it is coming here. And according to some experts, it might be here already.
Sorry to start the week out on such a dour note. But this really is serious. So serious, I would expect our leaders to get off of vacation and come back to work. The enemy is not on vacation - they are training and preparing. If we are not prepared for them, they will come for us - they will come for us and take us away, dead and dismembered.

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