Friday, January 16, 2015

The name which shall not be spoken!


"For the Obama Administration, the only name which is more taboo than Lord Voldemort, is Radical Islam..."

Today is my daughter's due date for our first grandchild. Like a true Minnesotan, I believe he has gotten wind of how cold it is here, and has opted to spend more time in his Mother's comfortable tummy. It may be comfortable for him, but it is certainly not for my daughter! I have been given permission to disclose the sex of my grandson. However, not his name. His name has been picked out for months now, but it is the name which shall not be uttered outside the confines of the family (or close friends). I tease my son-in-law by saying my grandson's name is more secretive than Lord Voldemort's name from the Harry Potter series.

As much as I would like to say my grandson's name in public, that is nothing compared to the lid put which has been put on the term Radical Islam by the Administration. Whenever pressed about our ever growing terror threat, Josh Earnest has more dance moves than Fred Astaire. He, along with everyone in the Justice Department, State Department and even the Defense Department, have come up with non sequiters to describe our terror threat. The avoidance of this most obvious term goes from foolish to ridiculous.

More and more people are now asking the very important question - "why?" My theory is similar to others being brought forward. The terrorists are off script. They are a nuisance. They are nothing more than hold overs from the failed Bush Administration. Putting it another way, if we just ignore them, maybe they will go away. Not using their proper name is a good start.

Here is the truth as I see it. The terror threat today is just as dangerous as it always has been. Maybe more so. We need to call a spade a spade. They are Radical Islamic terrorists. We need to stop droning the bad guys, and capture more. We need to keep Gitmo and other rendition facilities open. Hang on - We also need to resume water boarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques. I really don't care if a bed wetter or two does not like this. These terrorists deserve no quarter. They behead children. They stomp babies to death. They bury people alive. It is time to send in Jack Bauer to get some real intelligence. We need to find out what is in the works. What mayhem the bad guys are planning for us and our allies in Europe. 

Tom Ridge once said the War on Terror is tricky because "we have watches, but they have the time". This a problem we cannot just wish away. The bad guys are not going away. We need to tackle this head on. We start by telling the American people that the War on Terror is not over. We are at war with Radical Islam. Period. Say it over and over again.

Europe is starting to get the message. They are taking stronger measures to fight this threat. They are tracking citizens who have recently returned from Syria and Iraq. Tracking those who might have been radicalized in the ISIL battlefield. Good. We need more, much more of that. They enemy is no longer at the gate folks. The enemy might be inside the tent. Time to get going. Time to get serious.    

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