Thursday, June 18, 2015

Reluctant Warriors


"It really is hard to believe this is all that remains of the once powerful Iraqi Army. Saddam must be rolling over in his grave..."

Not too long ago, our newly minted Secretary of Defense (SecDef), Ash Carter, got into some trouble with our "friends" in the Iraqi government. It seemed Ash has not yet learned the art of subterfuge that most of the Administration uses. In other words, Ash told the truth, and the Iraqis did not like it.

It was right after Ramadi fell to ISIL. Ash called them out. Said the Iraqi Army did not have the stomach for battle. In fact, the once great Iraqi Army fled like school children in front of advancing ISIL troops. Those who were caught by ISIL were executed. All kinds of good equipment which had just been given to the Iraqi Army by the American taxpayer, instantly became the property of ISIL. It was a dark day in the worldwide War on Terror.

The Administration "plan" has always been to give some support to the Iraqi Army so these folks could protect their own homeland. For that I give us a grade of "classic fail". It turns out the real "JV" team is not ISIL after all - it is what remains of the Iraqi Army. This group of rag tags have no stomach for battle nor the butchery ISIL brings with them. Their natural "fight or flight" tendency has turned into nothing but flight. 

The latest kick in the teeth came this week when General Dempsey and Ash Carter were testifying on the Hill about Iraqi readiness. It turns out the term "readiness" is a misnomer. They were hoping to have a paltry group of 24,000 soldiers trained by the fall. Right now, that number looks more like 7,000. Why? Young men in Iraq don't want to fight for their homeland. They have seen too much battle already. Many their entire lives. In short, we are dealing with a bunch of reluctant warriors.

So where does that leave us? Simply put, with a big, big problem. Who will come in to save the day against the bloodthirsty ISIL? If not the Iraqi Army, who? The US of A? Not likely as long as Obama is Commander in Chief. The UN? Excuse me while I bend over laughing. NATO? Nope. No, in the eyes of ISIL, Iraq must look like low fruit on the tree. Anytime they need more ammo or equipment, all they need do is engage the Iraqi Army and steal theirs.

People of honesty know what the true answer is. There is only one force on Earth that can stop ISIL right now. Or Boko Haram. Or Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Or the old fashioned Al Qaeda itself. Or just about any bad guy that pops up. It is the United States military. Period. End of story.

So maybe the reluctant warriors are not just what remains of the Iraqi Army. Maybe the other reluctant warrior sits in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The world is burning sir. Calls keep going out for the Superman of yesterday. Just saying...  

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