Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Powers Reserved

"Somehow, somewhere, we let the monster get the best of us. We really do need to tame our Federal beast and feed the states once again with powers reserved..."

One of the discussions I don't hear as much as I once did is the whole concept of powers reserved. Or putting it another way, States Rights. Or, the Tenth Amendment to our Constitution. 

The Tenth Amendment is very long and rambling. No really, it is really not. It is short and to the point. It states:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectfully, or to the people..." 

Clear and to the point. So why is this so hard to get the genie back into the bottle? To get the federal government back into its cage? Why? 

Lets first look at one of the biggest waste of space in the entire government. How is causes so much more harm that good. What is that? The Department of Education. A waste of space, a waste of money, a source of mass confusion, and a violation of our Tenth Amendment.

If not the Department of Education, then whom to we go to for advice and counsel on education? How to educate our youngins? Very simple. It (should) all start and end with the local school board. We might have some functions the state Department of Education can help the local school boards with, but for the most part the main source of education prowess should reside in the local community. In other words, the local school board.

Today, we have a top down organization whose power has become bloated with largesse and hijacked by the NEA. Or Education Minnesota. And our state sponsored education is a mess. Kids that do graduate in four years don't know much. Many are not ready for post secondary. And the stuff they learn is often times crap. By having powers reserved to the lowest level (the local school board), if kids are not learning, the community need only look to themselves. It is theirs to fix. Today if kid are not learning, there are multitudes of reasons for it, very few of which are within local control. 

Once summer recess is over, I would love to see Congress have a vigorous debate on states rights and powers reserved. We do control both houses, so we do control the agenda. It is time to take back control. To get back to the Constitution. The framers had the decentralization of powers in mind when they constructed our Constitution. And they did it for a reason. They did it for our protection.  

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