Monday, April 8, 2019

One taxing week

"The final slap in the face was our former Governor refusing to sign tax conformity. And our current clown has zero interest in it. So, as bad as we will get hammered by the state, without tax conformity, the sting will only get sharper." 

I suppose I should get this out in the open. Then we can deal with it. I am tied in with a murder. Well, not one murder, but many. Before you judge me, here is a sobering thought. You are also tied in with multiple murders. How? Do you pay taxes in this state? You are helping to fund the termination of the most innocent of lives. Abortion. What? You don't abide with that? The state of Minnesota tells you TOUGH TOENAILS! Now pay up and shut up!

Just read an article this month that taxpayer funded abortions are at an all time high. And how about those trains which only 5% of us ride? Who is paying for them? Us. Welfare cheating? Childcare cheating? Illegal immigration? These are all the things us over taxed taxpayers are responsible for. And this week is ground zero for many of us to pay the balance of our state taxes. 

It is really nails on the chalkboard for this state's senior citizens. First we need to pay for all this crapola which we should not have to pay for. Then to tax our social security. That is a killer for most seniors. Then when the question goes to Taxing Timmy and his Blue Army on why seniors have to pay tax on social security, the answer is always the same. "Gosh, we would like to help you, but this state just can't afford it." Right. We need the money to kill babies and stuff the pockets of these invaders called illegal immigrants.

The final slap in the face was our former Governor refusing to sign tax conformity. And our current clown has zero interest in it. So, as bad as we will get hammered by the state, without tax conformity, the sting will only get sharper. 

I am not worried about the federal tax. We don't get huge refunds, but don't get hosed either. The state tax however, is always brutal. It was never good, but after I retired it became brutal. My remedy? Tax friendly states like Texas and Florida might be a bit to far from the grandies. But South Dakota is not. Tax freedom is only three hours away, and the pull of that freedom gets stronger every year. 

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