Tuesday, June 25, 2019

No birds nor bees, for the SWLRT

"Welcome to the era of the new Left. Conflicted, confused and commies. What do they want? Everything and nothing. Depends on the day. This day however, nature and all that exists in it will take a back seat to social engineering." 

I am old enough to remember when the Left was very concerned about the environment. They stopped a major project because it might have affected breeding grounds for the snail darter. An animal nobody had ever heard of. There are more examples of this nutty behavior, but I am sure most of us remember them. The Left were warriors for the birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees. Today - not so much.

One of the first examples of the Left's change of focus happened with the advent of the energy windmills. You know, those ugly things which are staining our landscape. Not only to they ruin the view in just about any direction in which they are located, but they are also prolific bird and bat killers. Birds, including protected species of birds. Raptors. You mean they should at least be as protected as the snail darter? Nope. Today the snail darter would be nothing but road kill with the new Left.

Someone penned an article to the newspaper recently, complaining about the dearth of song birds as of late. It seems since the construction crews have been taking down mature shade trees by the dozens, to make way for the SWLRT, many birds have taken a hike. I guess the backers of the SWLRT have never heard about Earth Day. Or ecology. Or "old growth" trees. Nope. Those trees, and the birds who lived in them, are being sacrificed for a boondoggle train which only 5% (at most) of the people who pay for it, will ride.

Then - while crews were grubbing some land to get ready for construction on a SWLRT transit stop, they uncovered some very rare honey bees. Holy smokes! What a find! With the shortage of honey bees today, it seems for sure they would take priority over this stupid train. Nope. Bye-bye bees. Don't let the (door?) hit you on the way out. ANYTHING, for this beloved train, which the Left thinks is almost a deity. 

Welcome to the era of the new Left. Conflicted, confused and commies. What do they want? Everything and nothing. Depends on the day. This day however, nature and all that exists in it, takes a back seat to social engineering. That is our world folks. Remember that in 2020.

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