Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Untied States of America

"Me? I am looking for a state to move to which would allow sanctuary from paying taxes. I mean, what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. Right?" 

There was a time in this country, not too very long ago, that traveling from state to state was kind of fun. To see different sights, to taste different foods, to listen to different variations of the English language. We still have that, but we also have something else. What color the state is. In other words, is it a red state like Florida or Texas? Or is it bright blue like California or New York? Today, the color of the state drives so much of the culture of that state.

Let's look at two states who are polar opposites of each other, and continue to be so. This month, California passed a law (with budget muscle behind it), that all illegal immigrants will be supplied with free healthcare. Huh? California, who carries the largest state debt in the nation (just north of $150B), is now going to spend billions more on people who should not even be here. Why? Because Gavin Newsom is an idiot. He has made the entire state a sanctuary for law breakers.

Florida on the other hand, under their new Governor (Ron DeSantis), just signed a bill making it illegal for any city in Florida to be sanctuary. Gasp! This might be right up there with Georgia outlawing abortions! Get ready Florida - you might have just landed in Hollywood's sights. Shame, shame, shame!

The illegal alien question is just one way our great republic is becoming untied. No, that is not a typo. Untied, not united. The anti-sanctuary states we have right now are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Mostly bible belt states in the deep south.

One the other side of the equation, are the states which are pro-sanctuary. They are California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. Get the picture? Mostly coastal elites. 

The polarization of our country over these two issues, sanctuary and abortion, have become the great divide. There is no common ground, nor middle ground. They are black and white, binary issues. The question then becomes, how do you govern a nation this divided? This untied? Simple answer: after watching Washington, DC dissolve over the past ten to fifteen years - you don't. We have become ungovernable. 

The good news for the commies, socialists and statists, who live in the once great state of Minnesota - Taxing Timmy said on the campaign trail, he too, would like our state to also be sanctuary. That is, only for certain law breakers.

Me? I am looking for a state to move to which would allow sanctuary from paying taxes. Breaking the law is breaking the law. I mean, what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. Right?


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