Thursday, February 27, 2020

Obeying lawful orders - AND - the Constitution

"Here is the truth of the matter. Every county in this country should be sanctuaries for gun rights. If it is in the Constitution, it is the law of the land. As for any other sanctuaries which harbor law breakers, they are indefensible. It is as simple as that."    

Much talk today about sanctuary this, or sanctuary that. Cities, counties, states becoming sanctuaries for harboring criminals or protecting Constitutional rights. How should a sheriff and other law enforcement officials react? If they don't obey the orders of the Mayor or Governor, are they doing the right thing? Maybe.

In the military, you are taught to obey all orders coming from the officers over you. That is, so long as they are lawful. I would assume that sheriffs also have a similar oath. To obey all lawful orders. Plus, there is this oath thing. To protect and defend the Constitution. All of a sudden, all this confusion as to which sanctuary city or state is acceptable, and which are not. 

How about sheriffs which refuse to enforce the harboring of illegal aliens. Are they in the side of the angels? To ask a law enforcement official not to enforce the law is NOT a lawful order. In other words, any law enforcement official worth his or her salt would tell a Mayor, Governor , who whomever, to pound sand.

What about 2A sanctuaries? Totally lawful. Until the Constitution is legally amended, the right to bear arms is a right. And no law some pointy headed Mayor or Governor can change that. Sheriffs which come down on the side of 2A sanctuaries, are 100% right. Those who oppose 2A sanctuaries, need to immediately resign.

Here is the truth of the matter. Every county in this country should be sanctuaries for gun rights. If it is in the Constitution, it is the law of the land. As for any other sanctuaries which harbor law breakers, they are indefensible. It is as simple as that.    

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Amateur night - down south

"So to our Yankee neighbors who are still up in the snow belt, I will wish to you a Happy Mardi Gras! I know, I know - not your holiday. Your holiday (especially in St. Paul), is St. Patrick's Day. By the way - St. Patrick's day is yet another day to get stupid. How do I know? Been there - done that."  

There are many who believe Alabama, not New Orleans, is the birth place of Mardi Gras. It is truly a time when not only girls go wild, but also boys (and in Minnesota speak, everything in-between). In other words, it is New Years Eve in the springtime. Amateur night. A night which is suppose to be for eating maybe too much, maybe having a drink or two before the Hold Day of Ash Wednesday, has turned into a night of debauchery in many parts of the south. 

Well said Bird! You old man! You kill joy! Dr. Buzzkill! Actually, it is well said. And yes, I like to have fun as much as the next guy. But - we must remember just how Holy the day after Mardi Gras is. A friend of ours once said that going to Ash Wednesday service is like getting your teeth cleaned. How so? You lay yourself bare in front of God and humble yourself. You confess your sins. You ready your heart for the season of the Passion. That should be the focus this week. Not how many shots of Jagermeister can be chugged in ten minutes on Fat Tuesday.

But, but - what about the floats, the parades? The colors, the music, the fanfare. What is wrong with that? Nothing. It is part of the culture down here. As long as it is in good taste, and nobody gets out of control, go for it. Remember though - Fat Tuesday in Mardi Gras exists solely because of Ash Wednesday following it up.

We are staying right on the Alabama border. I could literally spit out the window and almost hit Alabama. We have been exploring different towns in southern Alabama this past week. They streets are all decked out in Mardi Gras color. Even though the temps have been unseasonably cool, the warmth of how these streets are decorated is fun to watch and experience.

So to our Yankee neighbors who are still up in the snow belt, I will wish to you a Happy Mardi Gras! I know, I know - not your holiday. Your holiday (especially in St. Paul), is St. Patrick's Day. By the way - St. Patrick's day is yet another day to get stupid. How do I know? Been there - done that.  


Monday, February 24, 2020

The virus from hell? Or a nothing burger...

"Could this just turn into a big nothing burger? Where the CDC cried wolf? Maybe. Or maybe not. But until we know, keep an eye or ear on the news. And keep practicing good hygiene. Remember - better to be safe than sorry." 

The corona virus may travel very fast, but the truth about its origin is being released in a drip, drip, drip fashion. Seems like one of the world's least transparent governments (that be China), might have really blown the mission of this virus. Like, as with SARS, they thought by just ignoring it, it might just go away. Some reports are now saying the Chinese knew about this virus for almost a month, before blowing the whistle. And during that month, many people traveled unimpeded, to and from Wuhan. Like, traveled all over the world.

Whoa! Is this true? Is the other rumor also true, that this virus might have come out of a Chinese military lab located in Wuhan? Now, just like in the movie Contagion, this virus is on the loose. So what? Here is what. The stock market, world wide, could tank. It could tank because companies cannot get product, due to its Chinese supply chain being broken. World wide air travel could come to a crawl. Yes, it could get that bad. Isolation, containment areas, travel embargoes, and so forth.

Don't be alarmed if you start seeing masks on more and more people. Not just overseas, but also here. Why? This virus is very deadly. Not 100% deadly - far from it. The current projection is a 2% fatality factor. So if you catch it, your chances of dying are one out of fifty. The flu on the other hand, has a fatality factor much lower. Like, one out of a thousand cases being fatal. And much of that depends on age, health, and so forth.

This will be a week to watch. If this thing goes from epidemic to pandemic, our world will change for a while. Maybe a long while. In the meantime, we can all practice common sense things to do on a regular basis. Like - frequent hand washing. Coughing or sneezing into your sleeve. No spitting on the street or sidewalk. If you shake hands a lot, carry some hand sanitizer in your pocket.

Could this just turn into a big nothing burger? Where the CDC cried wolf? Maybe. Or maybe not. But until we know, keep an eye or ear on the news. And keep practicing good hygiene. Remember - better to be safe than sorry. 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Finally! Good news for Amy!

"Okay - back to Amy. Will she stick around after Super Tuesday? My guess is no. A VP? Nope. Right sex, but wrong color. 

Bird! What is the matter with you? Too much Florida sunshine? Did you not see the results from Nevada? Amy was hardly even an asterisk with about 2% of the vote. To that bit of news, I say so what? There is bigger news to report. Our own Hot dish Amy, the woman who in her opinion has "never lost a race in Minnesota", has been picked by the very left leaning Star Tribune to win Minnesota on Super Tuesday.

I hope she enjoys that victory on Super Tuesday. It is likely to be her only one. Why? As most all of us know by now, the wayward Democrats in this country are feeling "the Bern". How strong is the Bernie express right now? No real competition. All the zillions that Bloomberg is spreading around the country will mean NOTHING, if he does wake up from his stupor. The long awaited Bloomberg/Sanders grudge match, might turn into nothing more than a national steamrolling by Bernie.

What is the problem with Amy? Why so unpopular outside of the socialist state of Minnesota? B-O-R-I-N-G for starters. Then there is her name. Same problem Mayor Pete has. Hard to pronounce last names. Finally, it is where she is from. Fly over country. Minny-no-place. Many on the two coasts think that this state has little to offer other than Mike's pillows and Fargo.

Okay - enough about Amy. Let's discuss Bernie for a minute. Donald Trump is licking his chops at the idea of facing off against Bernie. Absolute capitalism against absolute communism. These will be debates which will go down in political history. I know - some would like Mini-Mike going up against the President. After seeing how Bloomberg debated last week, this would be like watching a slaughter. At least Bernie will offer some grist into the debate.

Okay - back to Amy. Will she stick around after Super Tuesday? My guess is no. A VP? Nope. Right sex, but wrong color. The Democrats need to show how woke they are by running a Jewish, atheist commie with a black, socialist female as a running mate. Stacy Abrams? That is a name which keeps popping up. Lord help us.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Moderates vs the Commie(s)

"Voting starts at 10 am this morning in Vegas. No surprises here. Bloomie will do well, because money always talks. But not as well as Bernie. The others? Who cares? On the Republican side, the President will steamroll with record numbers. It should be a fun day."  

Okay boys and girls, today is the long anticipated Nevada caucus. All eyes will be on Sin City. And people are very nervous. Oh, not the people on the Red Team - but the Blue Team is a mess. By far and away, the best "tag line" for the Democrats today, is the moderates vs. the Commie(s). Why is Commie maybe a plural? Depends if you want to put Warren in the camp also. Okay - maybe she is not a Commie. Maybe just a socialist. Or both.

But the question which is racing through my mind, is the same question that many others are having. Who are the moderates? If you look at the voting records of Biden and Amy, those records are anything but moderate. Then what are they? They are a milder flavor of socialist. Yes, even Amy. In fact, I will go one further. NOBODY who supports the killing of the unborn, going up to the point of birth, is much, much too radical to be a moderate.

Maybe today's contest in Nevada (for the Democrats) should have been posted as "The Socialists vs. the Commie(s)". That would have been more accurate. What about Mayor Pete? Am I going to lump him in with Amy and Sleepy Joe? Yep! Some think when Pete gets bounced out of the race, and looks for a different job, he might try to start his own sect of Christianity. Like - one which does not need to follow the Bible. Every time he quotes scripture, it sure leaves many Christians scratching their collective heads. Sorry - Pete Butt is going to be a flash in the pan.

Bernie on the other hand, has been much more honest about his faith. Like - he has none. He has said he is Jewish by birth, but that is it. He is an atheist. So if elected to be POTUS 46, he will have three firsts - first Jew, first socialist, first atheist. Bernie would be the 46th President, as well as our last. Our country could not survive with a moron like him at the helm.

Donald Trump could not have scripted this election better. Morons on the Democrat side, and lightweights on the Republican side trying to unset his nomination. Right now, this November election looks to be a record breaker. Better than 1984. But don't worry folks - as much as we would love to see Minnesota turn red this year, we still have enough morons and immigrants living here to keep this loony state blue.

Voting starts at 10 am this morning in Vegas. No surprises here. Bloomie will do well, because money always talks. But not as well as Bernie. The others? Who cares? On the Republican side, the President will steamroll with record numbers. It should be a fun day.  

Friday, February 21, 2020

Time for heads to roll...

"As a citizen, as a patriot, I FULLY SUPPORT our President and AG going into these cities and saving them. Like now. I want to see these Mayors and law enforcement leaders who support non-cooperation with ICE, do the perp walk. Send in the feds - now."

I am really confused on this issue. Sanctuary cities. How in the world, is it okay, for some Lefty elected official, telling law enforcement not to enforce the law? I am not a lawyer, but is that not obstruction of justice? Is that not what they tried to get our President on (obstruction of Congress)? I think it is time for the AG to direct his federal cops to go into these cities and knock some heads. In other words, arrest these Mayors - NOW!

First off, why is this a fight these Blue Mayors choose to fight? Why? These cities have a raft of OTHER problems which are putting their citizens at risk. To allow illegal criminals to live freely in their cities is nothing less than stupid. But nobody said they were smart. Don't believe me? Check out Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago. Lightfoot acts lightheaded most of the time. A real loon.

In many of our Blue cities, we have vagrants pooping on the streets, drug addicts shooting up in broad daylight, and there is panhandling on every street. In Chicago, even though the year is young, there have been 53 citizens shot and killed already. And what is Lori Lightfoot worried about? Are the police being too heavy handed? Will ICE come into the city to do their jobs? This woman is a DISGRACE! But she is not the only one. She is almost tame compared to Eric Garcetti, the Mayor of Los Angeles. His city is nothing less than a war zone, and all he cares about is keeping ICE out of LA. 

Most of our large cities are Blue. Why? Search me. They are islands of idiots, located in fruited plains of patriots. Even the once famous City of Lakes is on the skids. And the Mayor of that city, Jacob Frey, is another example of a clueless liberal. How so? Crime is up in the Somali held Cedar Riverside neighborhood by 75% over last year! What is Frey concerned about? ICE. Not the kind you slip on, either. 

As a citizen, as a patriot, I FULLY SUPPORT our President and AG going into these cities and saving them. Like now. I want to see these Mayors and law enforcement leaders who support non-cooperation with ICE, do the perp walk. Send in the feds - now. Our big cities are in huge do-do. Most of the patriots I know, won't even venture into Minneapolis. It is a ruined city.

Time for heads to roll. Time to start obeying the law. Time to get some real leaders in our cities and states. Hint: real leaders are not Tim Walz, Jacob Frey and Melvin Carter. Time to put the adults back in charge. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The mess in Vegas

"And Pete - we all know that you don't care for women. But please - be nice to our Amy. She was so upset last night, she was shaking like somebody had plugged her in. Now that - is being a bully!"  

In Drudge this morning, there is a poll asking who won the debate last night. All six candidates were listed. However, there were two choices missing. One of course, was the President. He would have been my choice for who won. The other would have been "none of the above". That would have been my second choice. Bottom line?  None of the six won. They all lost.

The bad news is the Democrats. They have nothing. No game. Not one candidate we have seen is ready for prime time. Not even close. The good news for the rest of us, was the entertainment. It was a riveting two hours that I watched it. Hate, vitriol, barbs, accusations, snark - it had it all. Even when Sleepy Joe was giving his concluding (?) remarks, a bunch of reprobates in the crowd tried to shout him down - about how he and Obama handled deportation. 

Even Amy and Pete mixed it up. Amy tried to make Pete look like a bully - a woman basher. Pete on the other hand, told Amy she was a failure as a Senator because she forgot the President of Mexico's name. Game on! It was a battle royal! There were fights going on all over the place! The only thing that would have made it better, is if a couple more of these morons had qualified to be on stage. 

If I were a Democrat, I would probably be walking around with a bag over my head this morning. Seriously! To support any one of the six candidates (?) who were on stage would be a bridge too far. Way, way too far. For anyone who has been on the fence about supporting the President for re-election, last night should have made that choice a whole lot easier.

How bad was it really? The thought I had once it was over, is simply this - let's cut straight to the inauguration and skip the election. Don't need it. It will save the country tons of time and money. Each one of these Democrats make Fritz Mondale look like a strong candidate - and he got smoked by Ronald Reagan. Only the morons in Minnesota and WDC voted for Mondale.

And Pete - we all know that you don't care for women. But please - be nice to our Amy. She was so upset last night, she was shaking like somebody had plugged her in. Now that - is being a bully!  

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wounding the King...

"Trying to wound or kill this King has been nothing but a fool's errand. If the Democrats want to hop on the Trump Express in 2020, they will be welcomed. If they try to get in the way like they have during the past three years, they will be run over."  

There is an old saying - "If you want to kill the King, you better not just wound him." Now flash forward to today. Replace the word "kill" with "impeach". Only this impeachment did not work well for the Democrats. Not only did it not kill Donald Trump's Presidency, they barely laid a finger on him. In fact, out of the House and Senate combined, only one turncoat Republican voted to impeach. Enough said about that person.

Unlike the Shakespeare play King Lear, where King Lear has a bloodied arm after an assassination attempt, President Trump came out of this witch hunt/impeachment fiasco without a scratch. On the contrary, he came out stronger. His approval numbers are up, and he is fired up to fight for his re-election. What are clueless Democrats like Schiff and Nadler doing about it? Planning more investigations. Trying once again, to kill or mortally wound our King. This will not work well for them the second time around either.

I have addressed this before. Hate is an interesting emotion. Many say it is a backwards emotion. Whereas the hater gets hurt more than the hated. Hatred can become so strong, it can blind. That is exactly what has happened to the Democrats. They are so blinded by their hatred of this President, they have given up doing the people's business. From Pelosi on down, the first and only priority is to take this President down. Overturn the 2016 election, and to ensure he is not successful in the 2020 election. That takes up 100% of their vision.

What the Democrats do not understand, and I hope this does not tip them off, is every time they go after the President, it makes him stronger, and them weaker. On the other hand, if they wanted to have their numbers skyrocket, all they need to do is to work with this President. That way, they would get partial credit for the wonderful things which are happening. To work against this President, is not now, nor will ever be, a winning play.

As good as this first term has been for the country, and it has been very good, the next four years will be even better. If the Democrats choose to be anchors again, the President knows how to work around them. He would rather work with them, but he will not allow them to get in the way. 

Trying to wound or kill this King has been nothing but a fool's errand. If the Democrats want to hop on the Trump Express in 2020, they will be welcomed. If they try to get in the way like they have in the past three years, they will be run over.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Death, death, and more death!

"The election in 2020 will be a bellwether election for America. It will not only define us if we will be socialist or capitalist, it will also define us to be either secular or God honoring."

How about them Democrats? At what point in time did they decide they would be the PARTY OF DEATH? The answer to that question is unknown, but the Dems certainly are death centric right now. If not supporting fourth term abortions, then it would be killing our old folks by denying them health care, or some punks shouting at the top of their lungs - "Trump supporters should have their throats cut".

In my lifetime, the differences between the two parties have never been more stark. Besides giving us Antifa, I have yet to hear ONE Democrat Presidential candidate talk about how evil abortion is. On the contrary, each Democrat tries to "out abortion" each other's position. Right now, the goal post is set at fourth term abortions. Soon, abortion will be replaced by infanticide, or the extermination of young people who don't quite cut it with their health. You know, get rid of them for the good of the collective. Hello, Nazi Germany!

Bloomberg is the latest clown to clarify his views on healthcare and death. If you are 65 and under, you deserve health care. But it you are old and get sick, you need to take one for the team. Our miracles of medicine will soon be replace by palliative care and hospices. Bloomberg et al, are the ones we were warned about when ObamaCare was signed into law. Healthcare rationing, leading to death camps.

I guess the Party of Death is showing the world what happens when God is taken out of the equation. The Republicans, for the majority, recognize, worship and love God. They listen to, and read His teachings. They are the party of life. The Republicans HATE abortion, both for what it does to one of God's unborn, but also what it does to the woman who has one. The collateral damage from abortion is huge. And yet, during almost every debate, this issue comes up. The Democrats talk about this form of murder like it is going to the dentist and getting a cavity fixed. Sick and wrong.

The election in 2020 will be a bellwether election for America. It will not only define us if we will be socialist or capitalist, it will also define us to be either secular or God honoring. We need to be prepared for many on the losing side to maybe leave the country. And the ones who stay, might become very disruptive. 

As much as I have tried to purge my heart of hate, I can honestly say this - I HATE abortion. It is a tool of Satan. It ruins families. It divides our great country. It kills God's unborn. Death, death and more death, needs to be replaced with life. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Our Founders could figure this out. The Democrats should also.    

Monday, February 17, 2020

Raising the Barr?

"Raise the Barr? Don't need to. He is doing just fine, thank you. I am fine with Stone getting a lighter sentence for what he did. Heck, in NYC right now, criminals get released after being caught with zero jail time. Of course, NYC is run by the Democrats. Crazy world, huh?" 

Now what? The Democrats want to deep six the AG? Really? A guy who had stellar marks when the President nominated him? Did AG Barr really so something so egregious, so bad, that it should result in his resignation? Or as Pocahontas said, maybe even his impeachment? What is with these Democrats? Have they no hobbies other than wasting taxpayer money?

Facts first please. Roger Stone had one heck of a sentence handed to him, considering this was his first offense. And, if we want to be fair, Democrats who have done the same or worse have received light or no sentences. We have an entire gaggle of guilty Democrats walking around free right now, who have not even had their hands slapped.

Some might have heard that 1,000 former DOJ members have signed a letter asking Barr to resign. Ha! These are all partisan hacks. Currently, there are 10,000 folks working for the DOJ. One can only imagine how many there have been in the past, working for Obama. In any event, AG Barr is not going anywhere - that is, unless he gets tired of the tweets that come out of POTUS.

If there is an itch go after an AG, how about we take care of some unfinished business first. Like Holder, for the Fast and Furious Program. That resulted in the death of Brian Terry. His family, as well as many of the patriots, are still waiting for justice on that one. Or when Lynch met with Clinton on the tarmac when his wife was the center of a DOJ probe? Obstruction maybe? Justice has never visited either Holder or Lynch, and probably never will. Why? Both are Democrats as well as being members of a protected class.

Bill Barr is a good AG and as honest as the day is long. Who would be acceptable in that position, as the AG to this President? Nobody. None, living or dead, could fill that position. Yesterday, one pundit said the Democrats have fouled the water so much, that every time they squeak about the President or his staff, the President's poll ratings go up. Heck, he is up to 49% right now - his highest since taking office.

Raise the Barr? Don't need to. He is doing just fine, thank you. I am fine with Stone getting a lighter sentence for what he did. Heck, in NYC right now, criminals get released after being caught with zero jail time. Of course, NYC is run by the Democrats. Crazy world, huh? 


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Our new America...

"Enjoy this moment folks. Live in the moment. We are Americans. The world is watching. This is what freedom and liberty looks like. They need to see what it looks like."     

Today, our President went to the Daytona 500. He is not only a fan, he was also the Grand Marshall. He came in on Air Force One, flying at a low altitude, so the people could see their President was arriving. Once there, he had the "Beast" (his armored car), do a lap around the track before the race started. The crowd went wild. This was their President, and these were his people. Watching this on TV, I got that familiar lump in my throat. This is how America is supposed to be. And our current President fully understands that.

I feel bad for those who at one time, were called the loyal opposition. All they can do now is stand outside the lines and throw spitballs at the President. Meanwhile, the rest of the country is really "digging" this new America. The country they love, America, is back. America, the shining city on the hill, can once again be seen for what it is. We are living life in the manner it was intended to be lived. Not in regret or apology, but joy. 

The best part, as our President has told us, is simply this - the best is yet to come. That is TRUTH. Meanwhile, the bed wetters on the Left keep telling us how bad things are. Guess what Earthlings - things are not bad right now. In fact, they are pretty darn good. And yes, as good as things are right now, they are going to get even better every year as we advance in this decade.

It has been said many times, the US Marines are at their best when they are allowed to be just Marines. To do what they have been trained to do. The same goes for Americans. We can do great things, if not shackled down. We know that, and our President also knows that. Obama shackled us, and for eight years we were less than ordinary. Reagan and Trump have taken the shackles off, and this country has done, and is doing, great and wonderful things.

In case you missed it, here was the point of today's Presidential visit to Daytona. HAVE FUN and ENJOY being an American! We have worked hard for what we have. Our veterans, in days gone by, have sacrificed much, sometimes everything, to make sure we have the country we now have. And yes, God has blessed us. Blessed us beyond measure.

Enjoy this moment folks. Live in the moment. We are Americans. The world is watching. This is what freedom and liberty looks like. They need to see what it looks like.     

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ye old gas tax issue - again...

"Taxing Timmy will ride this loser into the sunset. He is acting like a 'dog faced pony soldier' (thanks for that one, Joe). Meanwhile, the only ones to suffer (again) will be the taxpayer." 

Good old Taxing Timmy. That good old carpetbagger from Nebraska is licking his chops once again. Gas tax. This time around, he wants an additional 15 cents a gallon. Does he have rocks in his socks? When we left Minnesota and traveled south, we left the high taxes of Minnesota behind. In each state, the price of gasoline (because of taxes) dropped more and more every state. Until that is, we got to Florida. Then the price of gas went up again - but not as high as Minnesota's.

Did I mention that when we went to Alabama earlier this week I needed to fill up? For $1.99/gallon. "Oh, sure bird! But I bet the roads looked like crap!". No - actually, they looked fine. As did the roads in Missouri ($2.08/gallon) and Florida ($2.20/gallon). "But the southern states do not have the wear and tear of winter!". True. But they do have some pretty tough heat in the summer which can cause the roads to buckle.

So what is it? Come on Timmy, fess up! We all know the real answer. Choo-choo trains. Those crime magnets, which cost the taxpayers a mint. If our taxes went strictly for roads, Minnesota would be in great shape. But the morons in Minnesota decided in 2018 to vote for a progressive statist, instead of a true tax reformer. So now Minnesota is stuck with this lemon. And the exodus of seniors who are leaving Minnesota continues to go up. Why? To paraphrase James Carville - "It's the taxes, stupid!".

Here is the irony of any additional gas taxes. With Ford and GM (as well as others) going towards a majority fleet of hybrids and EVs, every year the amount of gas tax collected will go down. It is as simple as that. But Walz is simple. He does not understand much. Whether we like it or not, every state will be going towards a usage tax - not a gas tax. That is what he should be proposing. A usage tax for roads only. Phasing it in over the next two to three years. That is what smart government would do. Too bad we did not elect the guy who would have given us smart and efficient government.

Taxing Timmy will ride this loser into the sunset. He is acting like a "dog faced pony soldier" (thanks for that one, Joe). Meanwhile, the only ones to suffer (again) will be the taxpayer. But who cares about them? Remember, money grows on trees in St. Paul - or so we have been told by the DFL.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What should matter this session...

"Enough cronyism. Enough BS. This session is shaping up to be just like the rest. Waste of time and money. Minnesota is sinking down a rat hole, and nobody seems to have the guts to stop it."

The session has barely started, and already the bickering has begun. Not between the Red and Blue teams. Oh no - between Republicans. I can already see the handwriting on the wall. NOTHING important will get done this session. That is, except for certain stalwarts protecting us from gun confiscation, 4th term abortions, and more run away taxes. Do you know what that means we are doing? Playing defense. Again. And I am tired of it. Even when we had control of the House, the cost and size of government went up. We are part of the problem. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Let me say this as clearly as I am able. And this does not just come from me - I have heard this over, and over, and over again from other citizens and patriots. IT IS TIME TO GO ON OFFENSE! How so? Let me help.

Abortion - This should have never been ratified by the Supreme Court. It should be a states rights issue. We need to fight that issue in court. And Minnesota, home of the Lutheran stronghold, should be leading the fight to have ALL abortion on demand ILLEGAL. These are unborn babies, not chunks of tissue or tumors. Time to end it. NOW!

Sanctuary Cities - I don't know whose nutty idea this was in the first place, but our legislature should make sanctuary anything, be illegal in MN. We should be working hand in hand with ICE and the Border Patrol in getting illegals OUT OF MN! For normal people, this should be a no-brainer. 

Light Rail - Crime traps. Period. This experiment has failed badly. They are expensive and dangerous. PLUS - much needed transportation dollars are misspent funding these things. Get rid of them. All of them. That includes the North Star.

Education - Our system is failing kids of color in the metro area. Fact. But we don't care. We keep funding (and over funding), a broken education system. We need school choice, and we need it now. We need to stop failing kids. They are our future. Education Minnesota needs to die a quick death.

Social Security - According to data gathered by the American Experiment and other organizations, Minnesota is losing seniors at an increasing rate. Why? Not a senior friendly place to live anymore. Not a bit. And the taxing of Social Security is the number one villain. Other states have fixed this issue (easy to fix), but for some reason, which escapes all who are normal, both parties keep saying, "we can't afford it". Translation - need more money for welfare and refugee resettlement. This is bulls**t!

Enough cronyism. Enough BS. This session is shaping up to be just like the rest. Waste of time and money. Minnesota is sinking down the rat hole, and nobody seems to have the guts to stop it. Minnesota - the once great place to live, is becoming an cold and expensive POS.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"In the land of the blind, even a one eyed man can be king..."

"After today, when many more on the Clown Car start to exit the race, I will miss some of them. Why? Humor. Watching these folks either on the debate stage or being interviewed, has been a scream." 

This is such an old saying, and yet it says so much. And - it so applies to today's Democrats. Especially the ones vying to be the Democrat Presidential nominee. Who then, is the one eyed man or one eyed women, who could be the king or queen in this land of the blind? How about Mayor Pete, or our own "Hot Dish" Amy. If not for "Mini Mike" flooding the airwaves with millions of dollars of ads, I think the race would currently be down to Pete, Bernie, and Amy.

After today, when many more in the Clown Car start to exit the race, I will miss some of them. Why? Humor. Watching these folks either on the debate stage or being interviewed, has been a scream. I don't know which country their programs would have worked in, but it certainly is not America. They are SO radical, leftists like Pete and Amy look "moderate". News flash - neither of them are even close to being moderate.

But there is a problem for Pete and Amy which looms large on the horizon. It is bigger and badder than "Mini Mike's" billions. It is our current President. There is nothing harder to compete against, than a person who keeps his or her promises. And Donald Trump is very good at keeping promises. The proof of that is how things are going right now in the country. To say our economy is red hot right now, is an understatement. To say it could even be hotter with a friendly House and Senate, is nothing but truth.

By the way, there is a problem with Mayor Pete which will soon become more and more evident. His Christian faith. It is perplexing, at best. This has nothing to do with his sexual preference, although, in a general election, it will be questioned. Why? How certain foreign leaders, who are not as "woke" as some Americans, might feel about it. However, his view on abortion is really a whopper. It is the same as Amy's, but she never mentions if she is in the faith or not. But Pete does. Guess what Pete? You can't have it both ways. Hard to be a real Christian and promote the killing of God's unborn at the same time.

I posted a while ago that Biden was a "dead man walking". I stand by it. He will be gone soon, and good riddance. But here is my newest thought. Bernie is also a "dead man walking". I know - I know. He is a leader right now in many states. But when push comes to shove, voters, even Democrat voters, will reject an aging socialist. Bernie would ruin the country faster than the rest of the Clown Car. Republicans know this. And soon the Democrats will also come to that realization.

Good luck New Hampshire, and have fun today. For a change, you are in the spotlight of the country. After today, you can go back to being "Sleepy Hollow". The spotlight will be Super Tuesday. How is it going to turn out? Stay tuned. The one eyed man and one eyed woman might be making their move. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Workers of the world untied! (or united!)

"What does all this mean? Well, first the good news. As the saying goes - there are more of us, than there are of them. They are just louder."

I guess the Oscars were on last night. I of course, did not watch it. Why? Two reasons. First, I did not care - not even a wit. Second, I did not feel like getting chastised by snowflakes like Brad Pitt. But - I did hear on the news that some gal who won an Oscar told the audience it was time for "workers of the world to unite". Huh? What year is this, anyhow? But leave it to Hollywood, to come up with something new and unusual every year. Not only new and unusual, but also bat shit crazy.

What have we learned about the Loony Left since the 2016 election? Lots of stuff, none of it good. You see, I have trouble drawing any degree of separation between Democrats, progressives, socialists, the media, and Hollywood. They are all united and untied at the same time. Yes, they are all crazy also. What is good is now bad. What has been immoral is now fine. It is open season on cops, yet terrorists should be coddled (it is after all, our fault they hate us). Black is white, up is down, and so forth.

By the way - back to Hollywood just for a minute. Have you been to a movie theater lately? If they are still in business, they are mostly empty. They have spent copious amounts of money to change the seats, change the lighting, have deals, and some even serve drinks. Why? To attract more and more of an increasingly disinterested crowd. But they are missing the bulls eye. The crowds are shrinking due to the product being offered. It is a gross, violent product, brought to us by Commies who are condescending and arrogant.

Whoops! I almost forgot! Guess who the producers of this film were who led to that famous Commie line? The Obama duo. Our former President who thought it was okay for a film he helped produce, to tell the workers of the world to unite. Is there not one normal Democrat left? Are they all nut balls? I thought it might have been only the Clown Car running for President. But no - it is all of them. They have caught this disease called liberalism, which is more infectious to the gullible, than the Corona virus is to the rest of us. 

I know, I know. This disease called liberalism all started with a cancer in our education system. Through a corrupt education system, we have infected the children of the 60's, who in turn infected their children of the 90's, and now their grandies of the 2010's. It has led to generational decay of normalcy and morality. A disdain for our Constitution, the Holy Bible, and everything else which is good and decent.

What does all this mean? Well, first the good news. As the saying goes - there are more of us, than there are of them. They are just louder. It means Trump will win re-election in a landslide. And many other Republicans will be swept into office also. Why? Most of us do not want to live in a dystopian world.    

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Once upon a time in February...

"But are they good and getting better? If one were honest, the answer would be "YES". If the person were dishonest, the answer would be "Orange Man bad"! And that is the tale of that tune."

The Bird is a bit tardy these days, as he still on assignment. The assignment of "looking for the real America" is going quite well, thank you. We just returned from a mini vacation within our longer vacation, to visit a relative and some very good friends. The entire time, I was looking at the lay of the land - so to speak. Like, how to people come down on the side of the impeachment acquittal. I could find nothing. All I could find was happy Americans enjoying life.

And why should they not be? The economy is still going gangbusters, the "satisfaction factor" is off the charts good. How good? According to Pew, 90% of all Americans are satisfied with their lives right now.

Oh come on Bird! Was is it? Early cocktail hour? Did you not see the debate last night? We are all going to hell in a hand basket! How in the world can anyone, save billionaires like Mike Bloomberg or Tom Steyer, be satisfied?

First off, I did not see the debate. I did listen to parts of if on the long drive up from central Florida up to the panhandle this morning. I am sorry. Ms. Nancy may think our President is "forever impeached", but he is still alive and kicking. There is not ONE person in the Clown Car, worthy of giving our President even a boring spin around the block.

Wait a minute! What about Joe Biden? The front runner? Gone. Dead man walking. Elizabeth Warren? With her credentials? Not dead yet, but starting to circle the drain. Amy? Still here, but barely. Pete and Bernie? The two current leaders? And the rest of the Clown Car? Maybe it is time to look for something else to do. 

What about Deval Patrick? The BFF of Barack Obama and the the past Governor of MA? Who? Never heard of him. Then Tom Steyer? A former hedge fund manager? He has been drawing about zero percent in the polling. Okay then - we have Mike Bloomberg. He is a guy much richer than our President was before entering office. But he has no game. Nada. He is short and not too the point. Spend a lot - get very little.

So where are we? As I continue to look for all the dissatisfied Americans that the Clown Car has telling us about, all I have found is happy and content Americans. In February, this cold and desolate month in the north land, I continue to scrounge about in the south for the misery thar Democrats have been telling us about. Are things perfect? Not a bit. But are they good and getting better? If one were honest, the answer would be "YES". If the person were dishonest, the answer would be "Orange Man bad"! And that is the tale of that tune.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Democrats - screwing in (or up) a light bulb

"Keep it classy Democrats. Seriously - the Republicans should send you some money for all the help you are giving the Red Team. How? Just by being you. JFK must be spinning in his grave."   

What a year it has been so far for the Democrats. They have put themselves on display for all to see. And what we are seeing ain't very pretty. I thought the past year or so, since Ms. Nancy has been swinging the gavel, was bad - but this year so far has been one for the books. How so?

Impeachment - Oh, what a cluster this has been! Well, to be fair, it is not easy to convict an innocent man. But - Adam Schiff and his minions are bound and determined to do so. Meanwhile, the House Democrats have put the country through hell. Even though the country his dangerously divided, Schiff has decided to divide it to a terminal stage. And for what purpose? Hate. Pure and simple hate for this man.

On Wednesday afternoon, the President will be acquitted. Some who will vote for acquittal thought that maybe censure would have been more appropriate. But that option was never on the menu. Why not? It would not remove the President. The ONLY thing the Democrats want is removal. Nothing less. So, Schiff and his bunch have already declared the beat will go on once the acquittal is announced. More investigations. Your tax dollars at work folks.

Iowa Caucus - This one is hot off the press, and it is a hot mess. The Democrats decided to be more cleaver than half by showing how "smart" they are (right Mazie Hirono?). They decided to use an app which was never vetted by DHS, nor anyone else. The result? No results. Nobody knows who won or lost. So every candidate figures since they did not "lose", they all won! What a country! Everybody wins, just like getting a participation trophy! Congrats to all in the Clown Car!

Sanders v. Clinton - I guess some things never get better with age. This feud from 2016 is still going on. And if I were Bernie, I would still be pissed at Crooked Hilary. She CHEATED (thanks for that term Adam Schiff) Bernie out of the nomination. Now the rumor mill is going wild. Many of the Democrats are out to "deep six" Bernie this time around. Why? Many of them don't think Bernie can win against the President. Here is a news flash Democrats - NOBODY can beat this President. Sorry...

Keep it classy Democrats. Seriously - the Republicans should send you some money for all the help you are giving the Red Team. How? Just by being you. JFK must be spinning in his grave.   

Monday, February 3, 2020

Minnesota Ice

"How can Minnesotans become more warm and friendly like Floridians?  Warm the place up. Maybe that warmth can also warm up some icy hearts." 

"Southern Hospitality". Fact or fiction. In my book, it is a cold hard fact. I have seen it, witnessed it, lived it, for years. That is one fact. The other possible fact which many of us have heard from some transplants to Minnesota, is there is no such thing as "Minnesota Nice". As a matter of fact, many call the way we greet transplants as "Minnesota Ice" instead. And this has nothing to do with immigrants or refugees. This is how many of us "clannish" Minnesotans greet ANYONE, who dares relocate to the Cold, Bold North.

The first year we came down to the Pensacola area, I told my wife of many of the memories I have while stationed here (twice). Sometimes memories get somewhat foggy or inaccurate with age, so I was interested to see how "Southern Hospitality" has aged with time. To my delight, it had not changed one bit. And it is not just in Pensacola. It seems like anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon Line, folks just get friendlier.

Now is this the case all of the time? Nope - just most of the time. An example? I get called "sir" constantly by perfect strangers - for no particular reason. That does happen back in Minnesota (rarely), but down here, it is more common than uncommon. And it is not just the verbal way I am treated - it is also the non-verbal way as well. 

Locals are constantly asking where we are from (I guess we don't talk like we are from here). It is not just a throw away question like "how are you today?" - it is question whose answer the locals are really interested in. Truthfully, once in a while you might bump into someone who is rude, but chances are that person is someone who has migrated from the northern climates and not assimilated yet.

In any event, this week we are doing a deeper dive into Florida. We are off to visit a relative and some good friends from Minnesota. I look forward to meeting and greeting many more locals in different parts of the state.

How can Minnesotans become more warm and friendly like Floridians?  Warm the place up. Maybe that warmth can also warm up some icy hearts. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Super day - Super week also?

"That is the week ahead as I see it. It should be one for the books. Whatever happens, remember this - that fuzzy little rodent has promised us less of winter, and more of spring." 

The Bird is on assignment for a while, but when something tickles my giblets, I will report on it. Today, the sun is up, the sky is blue, and maybe the best Super Bowl in many a year is only hours away. One good thing about this year's Super Bowl? Usually, it is THE news cycle the week between the Pro Bowl and Super Sunday. This year, it was barely a footnote due to everything else going on. On a normal year, I would be sick of the "super hype" by now. Not this year.

Besides the big game, more good news about today. Regardless of where you live, and what your weather is right now, Punxsutawney Phil has proclaimed this morning, AN EARLY SPRING FOR ALL!! And what a day for this to happen on! It is a palindrome date. 02, 02, 2020 is the type of date which only comes along once every blue moon (or longer). 

On Monday, the Clown Car will cough up a winner. Right now it looks like it might be Bernie. Come on Bird! You are kidding, right? Nope. Bernie could be the reddest (as in Communist) Socialist which ever crawled up out of our rich American soil. What about "normal", old fashioned Democrats? How do they feel about Sanders or Warren being POTUS? Many have said they will either not vote, or vote for Trump. More reasons why I am a huge Bernie supporter right now. Yes, I can feel the "Burn" (or Bern).

On Tuesday, the SOTU address. I think it is going to be a whopper. The President has lots to talk about, just about all of it, good for the normal American. The Democrats of course, will probably stand with their backs to the President during the speech. That is okay. Like I said, normal Americans will love this speech. I unfortunately, will not be able to watch it. We will be visiting my wife's brother. A hard core Bernie guy, he would rather watch Romper Room than see the President give any kind of speech - much less the State of the Union.

Then on Wednesday, this long and needless Senate trial will be over. The caterwauling will continue for months to come by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, and the rest of the crybabies. The President will be acquitted. Then - can we get back to building this nation? Making America greater again? Not with the Democrats. Now it is scorched Earth baby! It will be like General Sherman all over again. Whereas normal Americans believe "America - love it or leave it", the Democrats motto is "America - win it or ruin it".

That is the week ahead as I see it. It should be one for the books. Whatever happens, remember this - that fuzzy little rodent has promised us less of winter and more of spring. In anybody's book (except for one Badger fan I know of), that is a good thing!