Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What should matter this session...

"Enough cronyism. Enough BS. This session is shaping up to be just like the rest. Waste of time and money. Minnesota is sinking down a rat hole, and nobody seems to have the guts to stop it."

The session has barely started, and already the bickering has begun. Not between the Red and Blue teams. Oh no - between Republicans. I can already see the handwriting on the wall. NOTHING important will get done this session. That is, except for certain stalwarts protecting us from gun confiscation, 4th term abortions, and more run away taxes. Do you know what that means we are doing? Playing defense. Again. And I am tired of it. Even when we had control of the House, the cost and size of government went up. We are part of the problem. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Let me say this as clearly as I am able. And this does not just come from me - I have heard this over, and over, and over again from other citizens and patriots. IT IS TIME TO GO ON OFFENSE! How so? Let me help.

Abortion - This should have never been ratified by the Supreme Court. It should be a states rights issue. We need to fight that issue in court. And Minnesota, home of the Lutheran stronghold, should be leading the fight to have ALL abortion on demand ILLEGAL. These are unborn babies, not chunks of tissue or tumors. Time to end it. NOW!

Sanctuary Cities - I don't know whose nutty idea this was in the first place, but our legislature should make sanctuary anything, be illegal in MN. We should be working hand in hand with ICE and the Border Patrol in getting illegals OUT OF MN! For normal people, this should be a no-brainer. 

Light Rail - Crime traps. Period. This experiment has failed badly. They are expensive and dangerous. PLUS - much needed transportation dollars are misspent funding these things. Get rid of them. All of them. That includes the North Star.

Education - Our system is failing kids of color in the metro area. Fact. But we don't care. We keep funding (and over funding), a broken education system. We need school choice, and we need it now. We need to stop failing kids. They are our future. Education Minnesota needs to die a quick death.

Social Security - According to data gathered by the American Experiment and other organizations, Minnesota is losing seniors at an increasing rate. Why? Not a senior friendly place to live anymore. Not a bit. And the taxing of Social Security is the number one villain. Other states have fixed this issue (easy to fix), but for some reason, which escapes all who are normal, both parties keep saying, "we can't afford it". Translation - need more money for welfare and refugee resettlement. This is bulls**t!

Enough cronyism. Enough BS. This session is shaping up to be just like the rest. Waste of time and money. Minnesota is sinking down the rat hole, and nobody seems to have the guts to stop it. Minnesota - the once great place to live, is becoming an cold and expensive POS.  

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