Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Death, death, and more death!

"The election in 2020 will be a bellwether election for America. It will not only define us if we will be socialist or capitalist, it will also define us to be either secular or God honoring."

How about them Democrats? At what point in time did they decide they would be the PARTY OF DEATH? The answer to that question is unknown, but the Dems certainly are death centric right now. If not supporting fourth term abortions, then it would be killing our old folks by denying them health care, or some punks shouting at the top of their lungs - "Trump supporters should have their throats cut".

In my lifetime, the differences between the two parties have never been more stark. Besides giving us Antifa, I have yet to hear ONE Democrat Presidential candidate talk about how evil abortion is. On the contrary, each Democrat tries to "out abortion" each other's position. Right now, the goal post is set at fourth term abortions. Soon, abortion will be replaced by infanticide, or the extermination of young people who don't quite cut it with their health. You know, get rid of them for the good of the collective. Hello, Nazi Germany!

Bloomberg is the latest clown to clarify his views on healthcare and death. If you are 65 and under, you deserve health care. But it you are old and get sick, you need to take one for the team. Our miracles of medicine will soon be replace by palliative care and hospices. Bloomberg et al, are the ones we were warned about when ObamaCare was signed into law. Healthcare rationing, leading to death camps.

I guess the Party of Death is showing the world what happens when God is taken out of the equation. The Republicans, for the majority, recognize, worship and love God. They listen to, and read His teachings. They are the party of life. The Republicans HATE abortion, both for what it does to one of God's unborn, but also what it does to the woman who has one. The collateral damage from abortion is huge. And yet, during almost every debate, this issue comes up. The Democrats talk about this form of murder like it is going to the dentist and getting a cavity fixed. Sick and wrong.

The election in 2020 will be a bellwether election for America. It will not only define us if we will be socialist or capitalist, it will also define us to be either secular or God honoring. We need to be prepared for many on the losing side to maybe leave the country. And the ones who stay, might become very disruptive. 

As much as I have tried to purge my heart of hate, I can honestly say this - I HATE abortion. It is a tool of Satan. It ruins families. It divides our great country. It kills God's unborn. Death, death and more death, needs to be replaced with life. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Our Founders could figure this out. The Democrats should also.    

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