Sunday, March 29, 2020

Joe who???

"Time to go, Joe. Well, not really. Your time to go was years ago. Like at the end of the Obama Administration. You have sucked off the government teat now for four long decades." 

In an alternate universe, I might actually be tempted to feel sorry for him. After all, just like in 2016 it was Hillary's turn, this year it is Joe's turn. One big problem however - many blue voters are now saying, "Joe who?". Yes, it is getting that bad for good old Uncle Joe.

Hey! What is there not to like with Joe? Well first off, all he does is yell. At who? About what? Everyone and everything. Joe likes to picture himself as a scrapper - a fighter. Like most Democrats, he is always saying he is "fighting" for something or someone (note most Republicans seldom use that word). In real life however, Joe is a bumbling old fool. Has trouble putting a cohesive thought together. He is a man who makes stuff up, as he has not done much in his life - only politics. He is a Walter Middy. And - a man who does not understand where the borders are with the opposite sex - no matter the age.

And Uncle Joe is also corrupt. Maybe the most corrupt VP ever. Worse than Spiro Agnew. Those in the know, understand that. If he were a Republican, he would have been tossed out with the garbage long ago. Joe has enriched his son, his brother and himself at the public expense. What does all this have to do with him becoming a good President? Not a dang thing. It does however should stand as a sound disqualifier for him never getting close to the front door of the White House - ever again.

To make matters even worse for Uncle Joe, is this virus thing. It has sucked all the oxygen out of his political theater. First it was those DNC sham impeachment hearings which took up all the ink in the press rooms. Now it is this pandemic. And - because Joe is unemployed (not a Mayor, Governor, nor Senator) he gets zero press time. Who is getting it? The rebirth of Mario - Governor Andrew. The Governor or New York, is using this crisis to tattoo his name and face on every DNC delegate prior to the Milwaukee convention.

What can Joe do to help himself out? Leave - and quickly. The longer he stays in the smidge of political daylight remaining to him, and he continues being a gaf machine, the bigger laughing stock he is with the public. Compared to Donald Trump, he is worse than a shrinking violet. In a Presidential debate, Trump would have him tied up in so many knots, Joe would need to see a Chiropractor when it was over.

Time to go, Joe. Well, not really. Your time to go was years ago. Like at the end of the Obama Administration. You have sucked off the government teat now for four long decades. You really have contributed nothing to this country. Employed nobody, made no product, did not even serve in the military. Just yelled and make unkept promises. Bye Joe - it was almost nice to have not known you. 

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