Monday, December 26, 2022

Mr. Putin's war and folly

"All Russia has left, is more war crimes. Unless a miracle (or a tactical nuke) happens, Ukraine will win the day, and win the war."

Make not doubt about it, this war in Ukraine which has been going on now for close to a year, is all Putin. He is the one who thinks of himself as a one man crusade, to build back a "Soviet" style Russia. In his mind, ever since the fall of the Soviet Union (without a shot being fired), Mother Russia has not been the same. Russia, the masters of everyone's destiny, has become just a "gas station with nukes". It was going to be up to Vladimir Putin, before his cancer ended him, to fix this mistake.

In 2014, Putin decided it was time to take Crimea. It was part of Ukraine, but so what? Russia needed it start Putin's infamous "land bridge", so he was going to take it. And he did. But - there was an unintended consequence. It woke up the nationalistic spirit in Ukraine. They armed, they trained. Why? They knew that Putin was not done with them. It was only a matter of time. 

Russia's military has not done much since slugging it out in Afghanistan. And that did not turn out well for the once famous Russian Army. Speaking of which, this same "once famous Russian Army", was going to dispense with the Ukraine government in 3 days or so. But here we are, 300 days into this war, and Ukraine now has Russia on the ropes. How much so? Russia has now lost just over 100,000 troops, and bunches of it's tanks and arty. Conscripts are filling the holes for the fallen regulars, and they are being mowed down like hay. Sometimes over 500 day, KIA.

All Russia has left, is more war crimes. Unless a miracle (or a tactical nuke) happens, Ukraine will win the day, and win the war. Russia might decide on the way out, to destroy as much civilian infrastructure and lives as possible, and that would surprise nobody. Russia is deep, deep in the weeds, and Putin has nowhere to hide. His cancer, or a disgruntled party faithful, will probably end his rule, sooner, rather than later.

How is history going to record this unlawful and immoral war? Poorly, for both Russia and Putin. For some on the West, the biggest fear is that Putin will launch a "Hail Mary" by starting a full scale nuclear war. That would be the E o E (End of Everything), but why should he care? He is out the way out anyways. Might as well show the West what Putin's idea of perestroika is, and it is not that watered down crap that Gorbachev came up with.

How will this end? Where will it end? When will this end? All good questions. All I know is this. At the end of the day, Putin is not in charge of the world. That would be God. God always has been, is now, and always will be, in charge of the world. Sorry Putin. You are just a little man with very evil ideas and methods. Now just go away.  

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