Sunday, December 18, 2022

The mouse who squeaked

"As we go into the new year, this is the number one blot on humanity. It is a self inflicted wound by Russia. He is the god of war. He is the four horsemen, all rolled up into one little man." 

Anybody else getting tired of being threatened (every week) by this runt from Russia? I mean, come on man! Now that you have showed the world that your Army is a nothing burger, and can't even beat a corrupt country like Ukraine, you want to play with your nukes? Seriously? I know, I know - you have (supposedly), hypersonic missiles which can deliver a huge city killing nuke in a New York minute. Well, guess what Vladimir - so do we. You have thousands and we have thousands of city killing nukes. And it only takes one to turn Moscow into a sheet of glass.

What Putin is doing to Ukraine, is nothing more than a war crime. It is a crime against humanity. He is launching just about everything he has left (without a nuke so far) at Ukraine to either kill the civilian population outright, starve them, or have them freeze to death. What is NATO (including us) doing? Nothing except giving Ukraine some weapons to defend themselves with. Nothing offensive - just defensive.

But that is not good enough for Putin. He recently said if we give Ukraine the Patriot missile system, that would be a "provocative move" by the West. And there would be serious consequences. So, to help an innocent people protect themselves against a bombardment of death, we are the bad guys? Is he nuts? He has turned his country in to a rogue nation, and its leadership into war criminals. He has run out of his "good stuff", and is now using 40 year old ammo to continue this foolish and immoral war.

This is going to be a very cold winter. Some experts are saying maybe the coldest in five years. Right now, the power grid has been so damaged in Ukraine, that every night between 20 to 40% of the country is without power. Not so in Russia. They have plenty of power to make it through this brutal winter. But Ukraine? Putin wants them to suffer. They deserve it. Why? They are beating his Army - badly.

As we go into the new year, this is the number one blot on humanity. It is a self inflicted wound by Russia. He is the god of war. He is the four horsemen, all rolled up into one little man. Somebody should tell Putin that most of us hate bullies. We always have. And Putin is nothing more than a bully.

I guess Putin missed that Sunday School lesson on "Blessed be the peacemakers". That is - if he ever went to Sunday School.  

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