"One Minnesota? We are anything but. The annexation of greater Minnesota by South Dakota, cannot come soon enough."
Mark your calendars. Today, the most egregious abortion rights law in the nation will be signed into law in Minnesota. Signed into law? By whom? By Mr. "One Minnesota". The man who promised the minions that if we re-elected him, he would be the Governor of all the people of Minnesota. Why? Because we are better when we are "one".
But wait - can we please square that circle? How can Walz govern as "One Minnesota", when half the state looks at this abortion law as tantamount to infanticide? Seems to me, when Walz signs this pile of goo, his new name should be "Half Minnesota" instead of "One Minnesota".
In the past week or so, Walz has received dozens of emails or letters, asking him, no, begging him, to veto this bill which passed the House and Senate. He is being asked to send it back, to have some of the curbs and speed bumps proposed by Republicans included. To make this bill just a bit more acceptable to more Minnesotans, rather than just the DFL special interests. But Walz won't. He has no interest in being the "One Minnesota" guy that campaigned as. No, Taxing Timmy wants to continue to be the one man wrecking ball he is so good at.
Besides abortion, Walz will also put a shive in the back of seniors, by not exempting ALL seniors from Social Security tax. With the state surplus being just south of $20B, Walz said the state "can't afford" to eliminate this tax for all seniors. Besides - it would not be "fair". Huh? What does that mean, Timmy?
Before it is all said and done, Tim Walz will turn Minnesota into a sanctuary state. We will be the abortion capital of the nation, with illegals voting in all our state elections. We will be one of the first states to suffer brown outs and black outs due to the fairytale climate change legislation he will sign into law. Minnesota will go from the "Minnesota Miracle" that Wendel Anderson made famous, to the "Minnesota Mess" that Tim Walz created.
The sad part is, many of the blue pill folks in Minnesota think everything is going on just fine right now. That is, for those who have no backbone, nor a moral compass. As one of my friends on the left has told me, "I love paying high taxes, so we can live in a high quality state." Well here is your "high quality" state. We are nothing but a cold Omaha, with penchant for high taxes, and ice cold hearts for the unborn.
"One Minnesota"? We are anything but. The annexation of greater Minnesota by South Dakota, cannot come soon enough.