Thursday, January 26, 2023

Lights out, Minnesota!

"So, instead of legislators, we get morons. Not little morons, giant morons. And Walz is the leader of the pack."   


In the blizzard of new spending and socialist nonsense which is happening right now in St. Paul, have you heard about the Carbon Free 2040 bill? It is the bill, that in seventeen short years, will mandate that Minnesota be 100% carbon free. How is that going to work? It won't. But who cares about the facts? Who cares about the science? Rather than elect an "extreme" guy like Scott Jensen, we instead elect knuckleheads, who don't know a dit from a DUH. But I digress. In just a few short years, as we are sitting around stoned out of our heads by the "new" Mary Jane law, and killing our youngins due to the infanticide bill, we can also be freezing to death at the same time.

Did you know the language in this 2040 bill is so cocked up, that the state of North Dakota has threatened to sue if the language is not changed? Why? Because of our grid. We get our electricity from all over, including North Dakota. And much of that energy from outstate will NOT be carbon free by 2040. So North Dakota wants the language to say that only the energy which is produced in Minnesota will be carbon free. Guess what? That is not enough energy to do the trick. By 2040, we will have brown outs, black outs, and worse.

But who cares? Not Taxing Timmy. He will be retired and living back in Nebraska, where they will NOT have such a dumb ass law. Meanwhile, the morons who voted for Walz and the socialists, will reap what they have sown. So will their kids. And their grandkids.

Do I think our state will eventually be carbon free? Nope. Not unless you ban campfires and cook outs. But (and here is the thing the socialists never tell you), every year we get cleaner. Even the dreaded gas stoves are cleaner. And the coal burning power plants are cleaner, due to much improved scrubbers. Internal combustion cars are getting cleaner. And guess what? Electricity, and lots of it, will be needed to power all these batteries and capacitors. There is NO CHANCE, that 100% of that electricity will be carbon free.

We really wanted to send legislators to St. Paul to craft common sense laws. Laws which will fit (what does Walz say?), one Minnesota. Instead we get some ditzo from Coon Rapids trying to get a bill signed which will turn our kids into potheads. We get an infanticide bill, to kill more of our babies. And now we will also get a "lights out" bill. So, instead of legislators, we get morons. Not little morons, giant morons. And Walz is the leader of the pack.   


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