Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Life - so they say...

"That was his legacy for me. He was my guidepost on how I wanted to be when I became a grandpa. Be the same kind of example for my grandson, that my grandpa was for me."

Life. The journey we are all on. Every now and again, whether it be in a time of light musing, or a time of deep thinking, the age old question seems to pop up. What is the purpose of life? What is my purpose? How do I fit in? Why am I here? If you have never had those questions, maybe it is time. In fact, a man I recently met, told myself and others that as he has aged, he is more and more concerned about his legacy. How will he be remembered once he is gone.

I remember seeing a movie about Pearl Harbor years ago. In one scene, an American pilot volunteered to fly with the RAF to protect England. Since American had not entered the war, the British commander asked the young pilot, "Why are you Americans in such a hurry to die." The pilots response was simply this, "I am not afraid to die sir, I only want to matter." BINGO! Is that not what we all want? Really? To matter? To do the right thing?

Things that matter. Legacy. Life itself. Many of us in the faith, believe what matters is spreading the Good News. Not just my opinion - that comes straight out of God's Word (Matthew 28). As important as it is to be an ambassador for Christ to the world, the first place one should leave his or her mark is - on family. Kids. Grandkids. Nieces. Nephews. Teaching by example - grace, forgiveness, embracing good, eschewing evil.

One of my grandfathers was a great influence to me. Not that my parents were not - they were also very good. But the faith walk my grandfather was on was straight, narrow and strong. He was never "preachy", but the way he lived, the way he loved, had a tremendous impact on me. That was his legacy for me. He was my guidepost on how I wanted to be when I became a grandpa. Be the same kind of example for my grandson, that my grandpa was for me.

Life - so they say. Words from a song from yesteryear. Everyday when my feet hit the floor, I think about doing the right thing. The things I did yesterday which fell short, I try to learn from, and then move on for a better day. To make better choices. Do better things. Live fuller. Love deeper. I think, no I understand, that is what this is all about...



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