Sunday, August 27, 2023

When is enough, enough?

"The days of wine and roses are now over. The days of troubles might just be starting. The candidates running for office in 2024 might be telling us that our best days are in our future. But few believe that. Most believe just the opposite."

Somebody asked me not too long ago, have I ever in my life seen this world in such a mess? I had to think for a minute. I have lived through the social unrest of Viet Nam, the terror attacks of 2011, and the many (mostly unreported) near misses from the Cold War. But this "hate your neighbor" attitude that our country has somehow developed, is beyond sobering. It is downright scary.

The question begs to be asked, when is enough going to be enough? Half of the country continues to hate on Donald Trump, and the other had a growing hatred of Joe Biden. The vile hatred towards each is jaw dropping. How then, when a winner is picked in November of 2024, can this nation settle down and get on like it used to? As Rodney King said during his period of unrest, "Can't we all just get along?" Right now, when I peek over the horizon to see that November date, I can't see anything but turmoil - or worse.

The Bible talks about the massive troubles and horrific events that will preclude our final days in this world. To me, seeing our great Republic start to sink into the morass of a banana republic, could be one of the warning signs. I mean, this is the United States of America - the place the world once looked to for peace and stability. Right now, this nation cannot even tell the difference between a man and a woman. And good and evil have become blurred instead of recognized. 

And the rest of the world is indeed in a whirlpool of troubles. Our world is girding for war, in just about every part of every country you could imagine. Wars and rumors of wars. Hypersonic missiles, which cannot be defended against, are the latest venture the warmakers are going after.

Our economy is now so uneven, that the takers have far outnumbered the makers. If this trend continues, soon "first world" nations will become a thing of the past. Equity is replacing equality, and that is not good for anyone. Lawlessness is now the lay of the land. Every day in the news, there are stories of evil becoming personified in just about every state. Carjacking and car thefts are so common now, the new socialist mayor of Chicago is suing the Kia car company for allowing their cars to be so easy to steal. Huh? Not the criminals, but the cars are now the villains. Everything seems to be upside down or backwards. 

The days of wine and roses are now over. The days of troubles might just be starting. The candidates running for office in 2024 are telling us that our best days are in our future. But few believe that. Most believe just the opposite. Our brotherhood of man is being replaced by every man for himself.

If you are a believer, a praying person, pray for our country. Pray for our world. As the Bible tells is in Matthew, "Keep alert and pray". 

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