Saturday, September 23, 2023

New from "Club Blue"

"One would think he would have learned, but not Bob. He did it again with some Egyptians. He took money, gold and luxury cars in exchange for favors. Wow! Is he related to Hunter?" 

What in the world is going on with the Democrats as of late? I have a few developments to point out. Sorry if some of this might sound a bit negative - I am only reporting the news as I have seen it or read it. Those reading this who are Yellow Dog Democrats or RINOs, might want to take some of this on board.

Baltimore - The school scores for 2023 are now available in the once fine city of Baltimore. This is a city who has a Democrat Mayor, in a Democrat State, situated in a country with a Democrat President. The head of the Baltimore School District is a Democrat making $400,000/year, and has 10 directors reporting to him, each making $200,000/year. The school system is awash with money and spends copious amounts of time of CRT and sexual issues with the students.

Oh - I almost forgot. How are the test scores in Baltimore? Out of 40 schools tested, NOT ONE student tested at grade level. But they have learned that "white man bad" and the difference between vaginal sex and anal sex.

Bob Menendez and his Wife - Oh, ouch! This one is going to leave a mark! If this story sounds familiar to you, it should as it was played out almost the same way a few years back. It seems that the good Senator from New Jersey (and his wife), got caught with "his hands in the till". Almost the same charge as few years back. However then, good old Bob got a hung jury and skated. One would think he would have learned, but not Bob. He did it again with some Egyptians. He took money, gold and luxury cars in exchange for favors. Wow! Is he related to Hunter? Just asking. Anyhow, Bob and his wife have a 30+ page indictment against them, and Bob WILL NOT skate on this one. Bye, bye Bob. You will look good in orange.

Dallas - GASP! You have got to be kidding me! The mayor of this very large blue city breaking ranks with Club Blue? Eric Johnson, who was recently elected to a four-year term as mayor of Dallas, has had it with the Democrat Party. His major issues with the Dems? Homelessness and urban crime. His words - "Republicans need major cities, and major cities need Republicans". With those words, he switched from blue to red. The Democrat Party is furious with him right now. How in the world could a black Democrat be a turn coat and become a Republican? Joe Biden himself said, if you are black, you need to vote Democrat. Oh well... 

Joe Biden - As his country implodes, with illegals running amok, what is old Joe doing? He is going to march on the picket lines with the UAW. You know, Union Joe. But here is the irony. If not for the Biden inflation, the union might not be this desperate for a big settlement. What the union should be doing is picketing our government as well as the Big Three auto companies. Just saying...    

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