Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The hard bigotry of no expectations

"This issue needs to be front and center in the next election. As an American, I am ashamed of what has happened to our cities."

No, no, no Bird! You got it all wrong! It is supposed to read, "The soft bigotry of low expectations." Like in the way we allow (through social promotions) minority kids to progress in school, even when they have not learned the subject which is taught. I understand. But I am taking that fine expression further on down the road. How so? Keep reading.

Every morning on the news, there is at least one story about some heinous crime that feral youth have committed. This morning, there was a story about a beat down and robbery of a middle-aged lady by a bunch of young toughs. Why? They were robbing her store and decided to beat the owner up - just for the hell of it.  These were kids, of high school age (or younger). Hello, parents? Where are thou?

Then there was a story about a retired cop who was out for a bike ride. A couple of feral youth decided it would be cool to drive their car up behind the bike and hit that man. They did, and it killed him. As they were driving away, you could hear both of these morons laughing. One has been caught and charged with murder (17 years old), and the other is being sought.

There were more this morning, but that is all I will showcase. I think most get the idea. Somebody on the news brought up a very good point. We are losing our youth. They have gone from feral to total predators. They are fearless and reckless. Most will end up either in juvenal court, or they will be charged as adults and end up doing some very hard time. But where are the parents? The structure in their young lives? The church? Anything? Nope. They are set free on society with no, none, zero norms. No sense of right or wrong.

The parents won't raise them, and when caught, the Soros backed DAs will not charge them. They will become repeat offenders, and their treachery will go from bad to worse. Their future? Die young or end up behind bars. Some life that is. Oh, and on the way to hell, many will probably become a baby daddy to some young girl. And then you have wash, spin, repeat. 

What is life like today in our cities? Bad and dangerous. But it is not just in our cities anymore. This infestation of brutal crime is leaching out into the suburbs. Last month a mother and son were followed home to an affluent suburb by some toughs. They roughed her and her son up and stole her car. In broad daylight. In a nice suburb. 

This issue needs to be front and center in the next election. As an American, I am ashamed of what has happened to our cities. People visiting here from other countries are warned not to go out after dark in our cities. Not safe. And when will our cities once again become safe? When we the people take them back. And we do that in the voting booth.     



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