Saturday, November 18, 2023

The death of Minneapolis?

"Will Minneapolis ever come back? Doubtful. Many other cities might not come back either. But Minneapolis has the tainted reputation of being at 'ground zero' of our nationwide insurrection. Gone are the days of Mary Tyler Moore."

There is a new movie out on Rumble called "The Fall of Minneapolis". It is produced by Alpha News and (I have not seen it as yet) is purportedly an expose on how hosed up the City of Lakes has become since the death of George Floyd. There are so many aspects as to what has happened to Minneapolis, I hardly know where to begin. And like I said, I have not yet seen "The Fall of Minneapolis". So, let's start...

I would be remiss if I did not address the Derek Chauvin issue first. I remember clearly right after the Floyd incident, seeing on the news, an autopsy report which showed a rather large number of different drugs in Floyd's system. So much so, the autopsy said this could have been the cause of Floyd's death. Then the report disappeared. And we were back to Chauvin choking Floyd to death with his knee on his neck. That was enough to get Chauvin convicted and sentenced to many years in prison. Now it seems this autopsy report has surfaced again, and rumor has it, Chauvin's lawyers are going to ask for a mistrial. Have to stay tuned on this one.

The war which resulted in Minneapolis right after Floyd died was unprecedented. It was a chance for many different flavors of dissidents and criminals to go to war against the city police. This was a true insurrection. Forget J6 - if you want to see a true insurrection, just look to Minneapolis right after May 25, 2020. Over 1,000 businesses were destroyed. A police station was under attack and ended up being destroyed. Cops were fleeing for their lives. After three days, the city was unrecognizable. Anarchy was the name of the day.

Couple the Floyd incident with the Wuhan flu (better known as Covid-19), and you have a once proud city, looking like a ghost town. People avoided downtown like the plague (because there was one). Crime was rampant, and to drive your car downtown at night, was just asking to have some thugs take it from you. Office people were working from home, and all of a sudden, the way we did work started to change. It turns out, much of that change still exists today.

The advocates of downtown Minneapolis are trying their level best to put some lipstick on this pig. Sorry - many of us are way too smart to fall for this charade. Downtown Minneapolis is still too toxic to work there, live there, or even visit there. The mayor and the clown car called the Minneapolis City Council are still living in la-la land. As such, they continue to worship at the feet of socialist DAs, and they handcuff the brave souls who still dare to don the Minneapolis Police uniform. The net result? Minneapolis is dying a slow death.

The same twisted thinking of this mob mentality has many city youth believing Israel is responsible for the current Israeli/Hamas war. Huh? Yes - this group of mind numbed robots, also still believe what happened in Minneapolis right after the death of Floyd was justified. Many are products of our brainwashing system, called government schools. And here is the result of their indoctrinated thinking - up is down and black is white.

Will Minneapolis ever come back? Doubtful. Many other cities might not come back either. But Minneapolis has the tainted reputation of being "ground zero" of our nationwide insurrection. Gone are the days of Mary Tyler Moore. Now we are in the days of crime being king and cops being unwanted. Good-bye Minneapolis. It was great knowing you - that is, about fifty years ago.  


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