Friday, February 8, 2019

AOC and her Fountain of Babble

"Both however, are capable of talking nonsense and babble for hours at a time. When either of them talk, I am reminded of that famous line from Macbeth: "'Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.'" 

This is like a dream. Not a nightmare. Not a sweet dream. Just a crazy dream. One where nothing makes sense. We have all had them. You wake up in the morning, shaking your head, wondering what that was all about. Welcome to the world of our twenty-nine year old fruitcake from New York. Who somehow has figured out the way to take all the oxygen out of the air, only by pontificating absolute nonsense.

I have been told by freshmen in the Minnesota House, your status that first term is lower than gum on the bottom of a shoe. I assume it would be the same for a freshman in the United States Congress. Nope. Not for AOC. And to a much lesser extent, our own Barbie Doll. Both however, are capable of talking nonsense and babble for hours at a time. When either of them talk, I am reminded of that famous line from Macbeth: "Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." 

In the old days, when I would be spoofing my mother-in-law, she would tell me I was so full of crap, my eyes were brown. All in good fun. However, what is not in good fun is what I call the "Brown New Deal". Why brown and not green? For the same reason my mother-in-law commented on the color of my eyes. There is nothing green here - this "New Deal" is so full of crap, it is brown.

Of course, this nutty idea will go absolutely nowhere. It would be somewhat amusing if so many idiots on the other side did not take this seriously. I mean, if you did take it seriously, you should know this plan is not only impracticable - it is out and out impossible.

Get rid of all fossil fuels in ten years? According to the local Left leaning newspaper, if we did not have the energy reserves we have in this state (that be fossil fuels), people would have froze during the last polar vortex. But who cares? For the Party of Death, they would just be collateral damage in the battle for the common good.

Actually, when AOC went over her "plan" point by point, it was not a mixed bag. I could not say there were some was good, some so-so, and some just plain bad ideas. Nope - the entire plan was beyond bad. It was just nutty. Any Democrat worth his or her salt should have been the first in line to tell her to shut the hell up. She is embarrassing the party. Instead, many of the new social democrats look like zombies, eating up every word she says.

Welcome to the new world of Alice in Wonderland folks. Seems we have fallen down the rabbit hole and nothing looks as it should. The fact that AOC even exists right now is stranger than the Cheshire Cat smiling in the dark. My view? She is very good for Donald Trump's chances in 2020. Every time she opens her mouth, our President looks more and more like the adult in the room. It really is as simple as that.   

1 comment:

  1. If you have never seen the movie "Idiocracy," you should. And you should be afraid that we are headed that direction.
