Sunday, December 31, 2023

Goodbye, farewell, now get lost

"Yes, I mean it. 2023 - goodbye, farewell, and now get lost. And please don't let the door hit you on your numbers as you exit!"  

Really Bird? Has it been that bad in 2023? Actually - yes. Here are some somber facts of things which happened this year:

  • The dead and wounded keep piling up in Ukraine. So far, the causality count is 320,000 Russians and 500,000 Ukrainians. And there is no end in sight.
  • The October 7th attack in Israel was beyond butchery. Besides the over 1,200 Israelis either slaughtered or taken captive, 33 Americans were killed. Biden's response? Still waiting.
  • It is estimated we lost just over one million innocent unborn Americans to abortion in 2023.
  • The country is ablaze with constant pro-Palestine demonstrations. Antisemitism is off the charts. Why? Who knows. It was the Israelis who suffered under the October 7th attack. 
  • Ivy League schools have shown just how corrupt they are in their thinking. Harvard in particular, was shown to be bias and insufferable. The damage to their reputation was terminal. 
  • Our president turned 81 this year. He spends 40% of this time on vacation, and much of the remaining 60% half asleep. Meanwhile, the world burns.
  • Inflation, especially food and fuel are still higher than when Biden took office. Many people are living paycheck to paycheck. 
  • More than 3.2 million illegals have crossed into our country this year. That is more than the four years that Trump was president. Where are they all going to go? What will they do? Great questions, with no answers.
  • Donald Trump, who is our last president and will probably be our next president, has more legal troubles right now than all the other candidates put together - by a long shot. 
  • Hunter Biden. Enough said.

Any good news in here? Well, we have not yet been nuked by Putin. But stay tuned on that one. And an asteroid has not hit Earth - yet. 2024 will be a wild year for technology, but a tough year for humanity. EVs are no longer looked upon as the "golden fleece", as they have big problems in cost and marketing.

Even though Christians have been told by God to love one another, the hated for each other in our country is palpable. Part of the problem is we are short on Christians and getting shorter all the time. Many think, we actually are on the edge of a civil war. 

Do I have any prognostications for 2024? Only one. 2024 will look a lot like 2023. War will continue in Ukraine and Israel. Our economy will still strand many folks who are living on the edge. Inflation will continue to be the major culprit. And the millions of illegals who have set up shop in America? Good luck to them. Most of the manual and untrained jobs (the only thing they can do), will be gone in six years. Many will soon find out (as the expression goes), that "Hawaii is not like the brochure."

Yes, I mean it. 2023 - goodbye, farewell, and now get lost. And please don't let the door hit you on your numbers as you exit!  

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Requiem for 2023

"Did I mention we will have the election of the century also this coming year? No? I bad. It will probably be a rematch of the old guys. But much can change between now and November. Many (including myself), think that it will take some EST like only Trump can deliver to right the ship of state." 

Goodbye 2023. It has been nice knowing you. Has it been a good year? It has been for the stock market. Been a terrible year for Joe Biden. An even worse year for the folks along the southern border. How about the front runner for the GOP? Donald Trump? How has his year gone? Frustrating for sure, with the Deep State throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him. But even with the "legal" system nipping at his heels, his poll numbers have not suffered. If fact, they have gone up.

Is there uncertainty that 2023 is leaving us? Absolutely. In fact, in this morning's news, was word that the head of the Dutch forces is telling his troops to prepare for war with Russia. Say what? Where did that come from? Another news story said the United States is heading directly into a war with Iran. Now that - I can believe. Even with Biden as president, we might not have much choice. Bottom line? The world still sits on the precipice of a much larger global war. That is what we are bringing into 2024 with us.

Some of the techno tidbits I have covered in the past few weeks. Computers will become faster and more powerful, 5G will start to morph into the development of 6G, our first 6th generation fighters will become more mainstream, and AI will start to take over everything. Many techno experts are saying that 2024 is the first year that our "change curve" goes from steep to almost vertical. Changes will come so fast and furious; it will be almost dizzying. If you hate change, 2024 is going to be a tough ride for you.

EV development is going to slow down until the entire charging picture and cost issues can get solved. The hydrogen fuel cell programs, however, are going full speed ahead. Does that mean the internal combustion engine will go bye-bye in 2024? Not a bit. Toyota, Honda, Hyundai and BMW are all now focusing on hydrogen going forward instead of the EV. Volkswagen, however, will not. They will stick with the EV technology. But in the meantime, many Americans still want the good old gas burners to drive around. Is the end in sight for the ICE? Yes, eventually, but not in 2024.

Did I mention we will have the election of the century also this coming year? No? I bad. It will probably be a rematch of the old guys. But much can change between now and November. Many (including myself), think that it will take some EST like only Trump can deliver to right the ship of state. To continue to purge the country of this Deep State cancer. To get the real economy working again. To really secure our borders.

However, should Biden win in November, look for many folks to be running to the exits. America as we know it or knew it, will be bye-bye.      

Friday, December 29, 2023

Confessions of a "Maniac"

"Am I disappointed in Maine, that they would do something as stupid as trying to keep Trump off their ballot? Sure am. But southern Maine was become loaded with many of the goofballs who live in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Boston, and Rhode Island."

A "maniac". Yes, I was one at a time. A "maniac" was a slur for someone living up in Maine. The native Maine folks hated it however - they preferred to be called "Mainers". Oh, well. Why was I living in northern Maine? The Navy. After roasting me for a year and a half in Okinawa, they decided to freeze me for another year and a half in northern Maine. But truthfully? I loved it up there. It was like northern Minnesota, only with mountains.

Why am I writing about my time in Maine? I mean, that was back in the early 70's. After what happened yesterday, I wanted to throw my two cents in about the culture up in Maine. You see, Maine is a lot like Minnesota (politically). Southern Maine, down by Portland and Lewiston (even Bangor these days), are very, very blue. Kind of like the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Up in the northern and coastal part of the state was very different. Rugged individuals, who had some very conservative leanings.

Yesterday's decision by Maine to throw Donald Trump off the state ballot (because of "insurrection") had southern Maine painted all over it. Why in the world would Maine do this, as after Colorado did it, the legal experts all agreed SCOTUS would overturn this decision in a heartbeat. My opinion? Just to make a splash. Like, "Hello? We are up here also. And we count." How did Shakespeare word it? "Sound and fury, signifying nothing." That is Maine, and their decision to deep six Donald Trump.

The house in the pic was the house another sailor and I rented while living up there. It was located on fourteen acres of woodland, out in the Maine hinterland. My roommate and I had opposite watch schedules, so much of the time I spent at the house was just me. We had neighbors (lobstermen and lumberjacks) but they were a distance away from our house. When I did run into one of my neighbors, I liked them, and they liked the fact we were in the Navy. They were good, honest hard-working folk. Other than our distant neighbors, what did we have for company while living out there? Lots and lots of deer and black bear (with an occasional moose).

Am I disappointed in Maine, that they would do something as stupid as trying to keep Trump off their ballot? Sure am. But southern Maine was become loaded with many of the goofballs who live in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Boston, and Rhode Island. Many are just inches away from being Commies.

Bottom line? Maine is just as bifurcated as the rest of the country is right now. We remain two countries living within the same borders. We have a bad marriage with each other and are moving closer and closer to divorce. What will a divorce look like? I am afraid to ask.    


Thursday, December 28, 2023

The real reset is coming

"Failure to adapt will mean failure to launch. The world which is coming is different than any we have ever seen nor imagined."  

John and Mary decided to return a couple gifts and then maybe have a bite out. The line at the store for returns was very long, and not moving very fast. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, one of the store managers walked by. "Excuse me", John said, "Can't you get more help in this line? It is moving very slow." The manager just shrugged his shoulders. ""Sorry sir. As the saying goes, what you see is what you get. Our staffing was down 25% over the holidays, and today, two people called in, as they were too busy to work".  

After a bit, John and Mary gave up on the returns, and headed to a local family restaurant to get some supper. It seems they were not the only ones with that idea. At the restaurant was a line waiting to get in. Mary went in to take a peek to see what the holdup was. She asked the person behind the counter why an entire section was roped off, when so many folks were waiting to get a table. "Sorry - no staff for that section. We have been short of help all year. This morning, one of our waiters just up and quit. No notice or nothing."

Not to be the bearer of bad news, the above example is today's problem. Many people choosing not to work. Especially service jobs. But tomorrow's problem is going to be much, much bigger. How so? Technology. Not any offshore company or country taking our jobs, but the technology we invent will take them. Our biggest problem is the tens of thousands (maybe millions) of jobs which will be done by some kind of automation by 2030. One article I read, said that worldwide, over a billion current jobs will be gone by 2030. That is six years away. 

What is the solution? Train young people, especially school age, to be ready for jobs which don't yet exist. There will be jobs in 2030 - just not many that look like today's jobs. So, how are our kids doing to get ready for the coming reset in six years? Well, many cannot read at grade level. And many cannot do math. Other than that, they know about the 63 new pronouns. And DEI. But learning for the future? Nada. 

This would be a great question to ask at a school board meeting next month in 2024. "Excuse me - but what are we doing to prepare our kids for the coming reset? Are we still training kids for jobs which will be taken over by automation, or are we thinking outside the box? Are we training our young people for jobs which don't yet exist?" I would love to see how that one would be answered.

Even our truck driver shortage will turn into a surplus once more trucks become autonomic. Yes, that is coming. Many manual jobs - gone. Many service sector jobs - gone. Many assembly line jobs - gone. The unions can clamor all they want, but here is reality. The great reset is going to be technology. And AI will be the biggest culprit. 

There is an old saying for the young folks who went into the field of robotics. "I make things which make things." That is where the future lies. We need to train our young folks how to make things which make things. More and more things will be made by some kind of 3-D printing - even some food items. More housing will be 3-D printer made. The possibilities are endless.

For us boomers, we have seen the entire gamut of manufacturing era jobs. We saw many new jobs come, and now we will see even more go away. But many boomers now are retired and can sit back and look at this changing landscape in amazement. The young folks however - can't. They need to be nimble and develop critical thinking skills.

Why? Failure to adapt will mean failure to launch. The world which is coming is different than any we have ever seen nor imagined.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

2024 - Our year of boom or BOOM!

"If you don't like technology, a bumpy ride will lie ahead. However, if you do like technology, 2024 is going to be the start of a very wild ride. By 2030, a scant six years away, our world will look oh so different."

I read an article a while back, penned by some lower grade futurist. He was addressing the year 2024. In his opinion, 2024 will be a leap year. Sure, I know it is the Leap Year where we get another day in February. But it will also be a year where our technology takes a huge leap. It will be as if the first three years of this decade were our prep years, leading up to the "big show" in 2024. For that, 2024 could be a real "boom" year. More on that in a minute.

But we also still need to be concerned about the other "BOOM". That would be our two wars growing outside of the confines the have been in. How so? Russia at any time (especially after having another ship severely damaged by Ukraine forces), get so frustrated that it nukes the battlefield. For the first time since World War II, a nuke would have been used during wartime. Then all of a sudden, the stage could be set for World War III.

Or - Gaza. Or should I say Iran. Ever since October, Iran has been poking Israel and the United States, just daring us to respond to their nonsense and butchery. Israel has already responded by going into Gaza to clean it out. But that might be part of Iran's diabolical plan. And Iran proxies have launched over 100 attacked on United States forces in Syria and Iraq. All that to broaden the war. In 2024, should Hezbollah get involved as well as more of Houthi's provocations, the Middle East could really ignite.

However, if we can keep the "dogs of war" contained, we could all be enjoying the other "boom". The tech "boom". For the past couple of days, the YouTube channel has been loaded with articles about the "new items" which are ready to be bought by tech hungry customers. Many of the items are loaded with AI, more so than what we have seen to date. What does this mean? Our "tech curve" is ready to go from a steep incline to almost vertical. 

We are on the verge of having a 6th generation fighter for our armed forces. This really is Star Wars stuff. Even our current 5th generation fighter, the F-35, is getting ready for a Block 4 upgrade. This will make the F-35 so advanced to how it was originally designed, some are saying it this jet fighter will act almost "alien". 2024 will be big year for aeronautics. A game changing year.

We will continue to develop quantum computing. This "black box" science of computing will become more mainstream. AI will start to be incorporated into just about everything. Nanotechnology will also become more mainstream as a viable business. Extraordinary things will be made possible by things which are smaller than small. I could go on and on, but I think we all understand. Change will start to happen so fast now in 2024, that changes which used to take a decade, will now take only a year. Soon that year, will only be months. 

If you don't like technology, a bumpy ride will lie ahead. However, if you do like technology, 2024 is going to be the start of a very wild ride. By 2030, a scant six years away, our world will look oh so different. Are we entering a brave new world? I hope so. We could also be entering a world like 1984 if we are not careful.     

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The world, and our 97-pound weakling...

"No more Obama like presidents - PLEASE! Let Biden be the last. We need a Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, or Donald Trump. We need the big stick, and someone who is man (or woman) enough to use it. No more kicking sand in our faces! Time to get serious. Time to kick butt and take names."        

Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG). I am sorry - but I need to say this. This is the dumbest name I have ever heard of for a coalition of "the willing". We sure have come a long way since Desert Shield - and not in the right direction. But hold on! The United States is taking a lead role in this new initiative. And one of the major players, our longtime ally (France), just pulled out of the coalition. Why? The United States has shown zero leadership in the Middle East as of late. As such, the French said they will act as guardians for their own ships, thank you. Chalk another one up for Team Biden.

Why is the United States leadership being questioned at such a critical junction? Actions speak louder than words. With a very impressive cadre of forces in the area, we have done nothing against the Houthis except "write them nasty letters" like Obama used to do. We have had over 100 attacks against our forces, and once in a while, Biden authorizes a "pin prick" response against the Houthis. The Houthis, this ignorant bunch of sheep herders in Yemen, all of a sudden gets sophisticated missiles, which can damage large container ships. Gosh, I wonder what terrorist nation is supplying the Houthis with those weapons.

Because we have a 97 pound, 81-year-old squish for a President, who is afraid of his own shadow (as well as his falling poll numbers) - we do nothing. But yesterday, our inactivity almost caused us to cross the Rubicon. How so? One of our troops in in critical condition from a Houthis drone strike. If that person had died instead of being critically injured, what would no-go Joe done? Another nasty letter. I know what Reagan or Trump would do - all hell would break loose in Iran. With over 600 cruise missiles being in theater over there, being on the receiving end of them in Iran, would make for a very bad day indeed. 

I mean, come on Joe! If you are not going to use the USS Ford, please send it home, and we can replace it with the USS Minnow. Seriously Biden - have you looked in the mirror as of late, to see how we look in the eyes of the world? Namby-pambies comes to mind. Or (dare I say it) - pussies (as in pussy cats).

Seeing Biden as our Commander in Chief, makes me think back of the movie The Mouse that Roared - only we are not the mouse. The "mouse" is the Houthis, and I am surprised they can even stand up, they are laughing so hard at our cowardness. They kick sand in our face, and laugh doing it. Now Iran is threatening to shut down the entire Med. Why so bold? Because Iran knows we won't do anything. We might as well just pack up and go home, for all the good we are doing over there.

No more Obama like presidents - PLEASE! Let Biden be the last. We need a Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, or Donald Trump. We need the big stick, and someone who is man (or woman) enough to use it. No more kicking sand in our faces! Time to get serious. Time to kick butt and take names.        

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Oh, that joy thing!

"If you feel joy in your heart, that is a good thing. If you are not yet a believer in what is the real reason for the season, that is okay. Lord willing, that will come sooner rather than later."

The other day, I was listening to a theologian on the news. He was talking about Christmas, and the unbeliever. He had an interesting take on that subject. Christmas, for those who believe in the birth of Christ, or those who only believe in a Santa Clause Christmas, most all of them, feel joy this time of year. Then came the nugget - let those who only believe in a Santa Clause Christmas experience that joy. For joy is a big part of what the real Christmas is all about.

What is it then, about this time of year? Sure, there are Scrooges, but they are few and far between. People seem to walk with a spring in their step, smile more, laugh easier, and long for family more. Yes, even if a family is as dysfunctional as Meathead's family was in the TV show, All the Family, people yearn for family this time of year.

The people on the news on TV are almost giddy. Neighbors, who you have not talked to since the first hard freeze, are free with their salutations and greetings. Even the UPS and Amazon delivery guys and gals, who are working their butts off this time of year, seem joyful. 

And that is mostly the adults I have been talking about. Now for the kids. Anyone else notice how totally excited, hanging off the ceiling excited, most kids are this time of year? Is it just the presents under the tree? No, but that is a big part of it. Our grandies have scrutinized every present which has their name on it - and some that don't. But it is more than just the presents. It is the magic of this time of year. Yes, even the family going to church together is a big part of it.

The Christmas tree is lit, the music comes from most every room, and the house is about as clean and clutter free as it can get. The stage is set for a wonderful, and festive Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebration. The bonus we get this year as with last, our church is so full at Christmas time, we actually start on the day before Christmas Eve. This afternoon, the grandies will go to Grandma and Grandpa's church for a family Christmas service. It is going to be wonderful. Then we will come back home, open presents, and have a pre-Christmas Eve feast. And so it begins.

Back to this joy thing. If you feel joy in your heart, that is a good thing. If you are not yet a believer in what is the real reason for the season, that is okay. Lord willing, that will come sooner rather than later. Why do I say that? Because the reason for the season is always there. And when that reason is found, and truly recognized, the "joy meter" goes off the chart.

Before I finish, I want to note this aside. Just the other day, I read about Hulk Hogan. At Hulk's age (he is my age), he discovered the reason for the season. Hulk accepted Christ and was baptized. A Christmas miracle? Maybe. But when one is saved, no matter the age, Heaven roars. And that should give all of us joy.  


Friday, December 22, 2023

Heros from the heartland


"Bottom line - here is where I believe the heroes of the heartland stand. If you come here, and are of a different faith, you are free to practice it. However - we are a Christian nation. Have been since the get-go."

The other day (this is a true story) I was at a grocery store getting ready to buy some salsa dip. A "rack jobber" (someone from a wholesaler who stocks shelves with the product they are supplying to the store) was talking to a customer. The customer had told this man who was stocking the shelves, "Merry Christmas". The response was unexpected, yet welcome. 

"And Merry Christmas back to you sir! I am tired of all this bulls**t with people saying happy holidays! We are a Christian nation, and we will say Merry Christmas during Christmas time." I looked at him and said, "Well put sir. It is Christmas time. That is the holiday we should be recognizing." He turned around and looked me square in the eyes. "I am sick to death of letting all these non-Christians into our country who are trying to change our holiday traditions. I am sick of it. It needs to stop." 

These were gutsy words. Somebody could have overheard him and complained to the store management. That outburst could have cost this man his job, But I think he knew that. And he did not care. He was passionate about what he was talking about. 

When we left the store, I told my wife we need to hear more of that kind of talk from more people. Everyone is so cowed by this "coexist" and DEI nonsense, we are scared to express our true feelings. Not this man. In my book, he is one of the heroes of our heartland. Unafraid. 

I will never forget when Barack Obama was POTUS, he declared that the United States was no longer a Christian nation. Excuse me? Maybe in his eyes, as an alleged closet Muslim, that was true. But hold on - we are a Christian nation, with our culture and laws based on Jewish-Christian traditions. 

Bottom line - here is where I believe the heroes of the heartland stand. If you come here, and are of a different faith, you are free to practice it. However - we are a Christian nation. Have been since the get-go. If you find that fact intolerable, you need to find someplace else to live. If you can peacefully coexist with the Christians and Jews who live here, and not try to change or diminish our culture, you are free to stay.  

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Who is going to clean up this mess?

"My hope is the history books will be truthful when this story is told. That Joe Biden and Mayorkas tried to destroy this country just by letting too many people, many of which have no business here, in our lifeboats."

Been watching the news as of late? The folks who live in Texas and Arizona don't have to watch the news - they are living it. Tens of thousands of illegals coming into this country every single day. Right now, we are concerned with this disaster as it unfolds. But we are in a triage mode - try and stop the bleeding at any cost.

So, the illegals are being flown all over the country, at taxpayer expense. ANYTHING, just to get them away from the border. But what happens when they land? These people are from all over the world. Most are not vetted. They could be terrorists. Or they could be transmitting infectious diseases. But who cares? Our government does not.

At the end of the day, this cannot stand. Most normal people know that. Even some Democrats are starting to get it. Democrats like Fetterman. Or Hobbs. You can't input millions of people in our country from all over the world, most with zero job or language skills, many with no money, and expect them to thrive. At the end of the Biden years, these people will have to be dealt with. And it will not be pretty. How so? Even though the ACLU just wants us to make instant citizens out of them, with zero vetting, 90% of them need to go back to where they came from. Yes, that will mean mass deportation.

This adventure in lunacy that Biden has visited on us, is going to cost our country billions of dollars to clean up. Who will the victims be? The illegals, who have been used as pawns by not only our Biden administration, but also the cartels. And let us not forget the taxpayers, who will be stuck with the bill.

This has been a hot mess times one hundred, and the real crime is that so many just let it happen. We all can watch and bitch about it, but it is still happening. In our little corner of the universe, we have illegals all over the world, begging on street corners. Where they are living, what they are eating, how they are keeping warm, is beyond me.

In all my years living in the country, this erasure of our southern border is the cruelest, most treasonous thing I have ever seen. For our country, it has been death by a thousand cuts. But the remedy for this treasonous mess will be very painful. Many on the left, will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. But not the normal folks. They did not create this mess - but we will have to clean it up.

My hope is the history books will be truthful when this story is told. That Joe Biden and Mayorkas tried to destroy this country just by letting too many people, many of which have no business here, in our lifeboats.

When the fix comes in January of 2025, we need to be strong and resolute. It is going to be ugly. Many socialists will fight us tooth and nail. But we can thank Uncle Joe for that. He created Frankenstein's monster - now the normal folks need to deport it.   


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

What ever happened to Colorado?

"A year from now, it will all be over. We will know who the new president will be. We will know who will control the House and the Senate. But what will our country look like? Can we survive this next election with tempers and temperaments running red hot?"

Anyone here a fan of Colorado? I am - or should I say I was. Going out west was a ritual of my family when I was a boy. I LOVED California. I wanted to live there. But after going to Estes Park a couple of times, I thought living in Colorado would have been kind of cool also. Back in the 50's the roads, out west were tough, and the people were few. I loved the mountains and the green valleys. But - that was then, and this is now.

As an adult, I have been to Colorado and California a few times. Sometimes on business, sometimes on vacation. Both states had changed quite a bit since I was a boy. Every year there was less and less about California which I found alluring. But I had hope for Colorado. That is - until the state went from purple to blue, and the potheads had enough oomph to get weed legalized. That was the start of the slow slide into the abyss.

What happened yesterday in the Colorado Supreme Court, however, really took the cake. We are now in dangerous territory. To not allow a person to be on the state ballot, just because you don't like that person - is un-American. To say that Donald Trump was part of the J6 "insurrection" is really a bridge too far. Has Trump been convicted of any J6 crimes? Of course not. So, to use that as an excuse to keep him off the ballot was nothing more than a canard.

The Colorado Supremes put a stay on this order until January 4th. Then the ballots will be printed up. In my opinion, one on three things will happen: Thing One - This will be on the express train to the US Supreme Court. SCOTUS will do a quick review and strike it down. Thing Two - SCOTUS will take a pass on ruling on this (state's rights issue), and the other Republican candidates will have their names removed from the ballot out of protest. Thing Three - SCOTUS takes a pass, and the Colorado ballots are printed up with all names but Trump on them. Trumps approval goes even higher, and then all hell might let loose.

A year from now, it will all be over. We will know who the new president will be. We will know who will control the House and the Senate. But what will our country look like? Can we survive this next election with tempers and temperaments running red hot? Elections used to solve things. No longer. The animus towards Donald Trump on the left runs red hot. The love and loyalty for Donald Trump withing his base also runs red hot.

Get the picture? This next election will solve nothing, except it will save the economy and our borders, should Trump win. However, should Biden win again, by hook or by a crook, Katie bar the door... 



Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Lipstick on an ugly pig

"Not enough lipstick at Max Factor to cover up the blemishes on this pig. Can Biden turn this slide around? Nope. And why not? Because Biden is Biden. At 81, he will not nor cannot change his ways."  

I am sorry folks. I do believe in putting one's best foot forward, but sometimes even that does not help. Word on the street is that Joe is steaming mad at his staff. Why? For letting his poll numbers go south. It seems like almost daily now, his numbers worsen. Of course, none of this is Joe's fault. Nor is it the fault of Joe's prized economic program called (dare I say it) - Biden-omics. 

Sometimes you can put lipstick on a pig to make the pig look better. Sometimes it works even with an ugly pig. And this economy is a very ugly pig. Not just in any one category - it is very ugly in most (maybe all) categories. And his "base" from the last election, is flying south faster than birds leaving Minnesota in November. Who does the base like if it is not Joe? Buckle up for this answer - they remember how much better they did under Donald Trump. Therefore, much of Joe's base is going to back Trump.

Did you hear that Katie Hobbs, the Democrat from New Mexico has now had it with Joe's out of control border? She not only sent Joe a bill for what her state has spent on illegals, but now she has called out the National Guard. And the problem with illegals is not only on border states - it is in all states.

The problem with high prices from a shaky economy, an open border which lets in hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of illegals, and wars waging overseas - only someone living under a rock could not notice them. But we have precious few who are living under rocks in our country (although, sometimes you could fool me on that one!). Just like it is a coach who will be fired when the team is playing poorly, in most countries it is the president, prime minister, or whomever is in charge, will take the blame for things not running smoothly. And no Joe Biden, blaming MAGA Republicans when YOUR programs are not working, also does not work.

With some polls showing Biden's approval rating in the low 30's, it is only a short trip to the upper 20's. These low poll numbers could be unprecedented in recent history. The coattails in the next election could reach deep into the House, the Senate, and many state houses. Joe Biden might end up being the best thing to happen to the Republican Party in many, many years.

Not enough lipstick at Max Factor to cover up the blemishes on this pig. Can Biden turn this slide around? Nope. And why not? Because Biden is Biden. At 81, he will not nor cannot change his ways.  

Monday, December 18, 2023

The EV - the biggest cluster in years

"One of the crown jewels of the new EV era was going to be the F-150 Lightning, made by Ford. So many gizmos, one Ford designer said it was 'like driving your cell phone'. Guess what? Ford just pulled the plug on building those things."

Much has been written or reported as of late, concerning Joe Biden's pet rock. His pet rock? The electric vehicle. Seemed like a good idea at a time - to some folks. But for those who knew that 2 +2 = 4, something was missing in the equation. For those who liked to think that 2 + 2 = 5, this was going to change everything. And so it seemed...

There was so much wrong with this crazy idea, it is hard to know where to start. So, I will start with the batteries. They are very heavy. They are very expensive. And most of the material needed to make them, exists outside our country. Like China. And the manufacture of these batteries causes a ton of pollution. But who cares? Plus - if your battery wears out and needs to be replaced, get ready to take out a second mortgage on your house. Yes, they are that costly.

Infrastructure. Where do you charge these puppies? How about at home? Just run an extension cord out to the garage, right? WRONG! You need to have an electrician install a 50-amp service in your garage. That costs over a grand. And then there is the electricity needed to charge them. Not cheap. 

On the news the other day, a man was reporting from Tennessee. Seems after the tornados, some areas of the state were without electricity for days. And some of those folks had EVs. They were stuck. No plan "B" available. Plus, the batteries don't work well in very cold climates (like MN). And to find convenient charging stations, is an adventure, and not a good one. Bottom line? The infrastructure is far from being ready for the EV.

One of the crown jewels of the new EV era was going to be the F-150 Lightning, made by Ford. So many gizmos, one Ford designer said it was "like driving your cell phone". Guess what? Ford just "pulled the plug" on building those things. Why? Very few folks are buying them. Many are not ready to take that expensive risk as of yet. What is Ford going to build instead of the Lightning? Good old gas guzzlers. 

Here is the epilogue for the EV. The UAW does not want to build them, the consumer does not want to buy them, and the country does not have the infrastructure, nor energy to power them. This entire idea was a poorly hatched idea by the government. Image that - a government program which did not work. 

What is the legacy for the EV going to be? Something like the "pig-tailed" electric bulbs. We all know how those things ended up.

ps - Did I mention the EV batteries can also catch on fire?  

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Battle of the Red Sea?

"Do we need the House of Representatives to declare war on Iran? If so, call them back into work and let's do it. I am sick of these guys in Iran. I have been since the revolution. Time to use our 'big stick'. You want the battle of the Red Sea, Iran? Then let's get it on. Remember - you asked for it." 

You have to hand Iran credit for one thing. They sure do like stirring the pot. To make the kind of mischief they are making in the Middle East, they don't give a rip on how many of their proxies are killed. Just so long as life becomes very hard for the Great Satan (us) and the Little Satan (Israel). But now the proxies are going after just about everyone and everything which floats in the Red Sea. And this is where the next great battle might take place.

How bad has it been getting? Shipping giant Maersk has told its shipping container vessels to "take a pause" in transiting the Red Sea. That is really huge news. Why? It could have a global impact. Why would Maersk want to stand down for a while? The Houthis seem to be launching drones at just about every ship in the sea. Why? Chaos. Disruption. Pain. Even though the United States and its allies have been shooting most of these drones and missile out of the sky, it is still spooking many of the shippers. So, more US warships are on their way over there.

On the news this morning, was more about Biden declaring war on our own fossil fuels. He needs to get his head out of the sand and get ready to teach Iran a lesson. Like, he needs to give Iran a "full throated" response. A response which would hurt them. Hurt their proxies really bad. Show Iran that this road they are on, is going to lead them to their own ruin. Until that happens, Iran will keep on ratcheting up the chaos in the Red Sea.

What puzzles me the most about our responses so far, is this. We have the biggest and baddest man-o-war ship in the world in the neighborhood right now. It is about time to show Iran just how big and bad this ship (USS Ford) really is. Or show them what our Burke Destroyers can so when they fire a salvo of missiles. We could park every ship we have in the Red Sea or Persian Gulf, and if we don't use them - then so what?

Do we need the House of Representatives to declare war on Iran? If so, call them back into work and let's do it. I am sick of these guys in Iran. I have been since the revolution. Time to use our "big stick". You want the battle of the Red Sea, Iran? Then let's get it on. Remember - you asked for it. 


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Our mess in 2024

"January is going to be a hot mess. AND - that is assuming nothing more gets put on the plate. I can see the handwriting on the wall already. Another CR will be coming. The Freedom Caucus will throw a fit. Might be the end of the very short tenure for Speaker Johnson."

Tick, toc, tick toc. No, I am not talking about the Chinese internet program which has many of our kids held captive. I am talking about the loud sound of the clock, signifying the end of the calendar year. It is going to be a nice holiday season, sliding right into 2024, which promises to be a real mess. How so? The nation's "to do" list is long and complicated. And Congress only has the month of January to kick butt and take names - or else.

What is it about getting funding authorized and passed into law which is next to impossible for us to do? When our new speaker "kicked the can" down the road just a bit ago, the day of reckoning is approaching quickly. Many of the funding bills are not signed into law as yet. Why? The Republican House prepares them, and then votes on them. When they pass, they are sent to the Democrat Senate. This institution is crawling with socialist Democrats and establishment Republicans. Getting Republican funding bills approved by the Senate borders somewhere between the very hard and the impossible. 

Just in case a bill does pass the Senate (with amendments), it then needs to go back into conference. In the unlikely event it passes muster in both chambers, it then goes to Sleepy Joe for signature. He might veto the bill, and then it is back to square one. MEANWHILE - tick toc, tick toc. Ground Hog Day approaches.

Did I mention the additional funding for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific still is not passed? Did I mention the southern border is still wide open, and no legislation has passed to fix it? Did I mention the impeachment inquiry for Biden is still going on? Did I mention the House hearings on Hunter Biden continue? Did I also mention the House and Senate are off for MLK Day? How is all of this stuff going to get done before the government shuts down? Tick toc, tick toc.

January is going to be a hot mess. AND - that is assuming nothing more gets put on the plate. I can see the handwriting on the wall already. Another CR will be coming. The Freedom Caucus will throw a fit. Might be the end of the very short tenure for Speaker Johnson. Bottom line? Enjoy the holidays. If you imbibe too much, don't worry about it. The hangover starts on January 1, 2024. Tick toc.


Friday, December 15, 2023

The housing problem

"Is Biden-omics going to cause another major reset on housing prices? Where millions will suddenly find themselves 'under water'? We will have to wait and see."

John and Mindy bought their very comfortable three-bedroom rambler about ten years ago. It is small, but the price was right, and they got a good deal on their mortgage rate. When the rates were at their lowest, they refinanced and got a 2.7% 30-year mortgage. They were in great shape - that is, until John's business unit moved to the other side of town. They then decided, it would be a good idea to move about 25 miles closer to where John worked.

Flash forward to Biden-omics. Joe Biden became president and had a friendly Congress. He starts spending money like a mind numbed moron. He took the fine economy that Trump had built and destroyed it. Pretty soon, all that spending led to inflation. Inflation, which had been barely a squeak during Trump, now was roaring once again. Soon the Fed stepped in and jacked up interest rates. Next thing you know, we once again have mortgage rates hovering around 8 percent.

Back to John and Mindy. After some house hunting, they found a few houses which fit their needs. But holy smokes! That inflation thing brought on by Biden-omics sure juiced up the prices! What was a $300,000 house just a few years ago, was now selling for $500,000. But the real shock came when they decided to talk to a realtor.

The first meeting with the realtor was a cold slap of reality. Not only were "they out of the game" for a half million-dollar split home on 1.5 acres of land, but the best interest rate also they could get was 6.9%. Sadly, the realization of their situation started to sink in. They needed to stay where they are, and have John take a huge commute through city traffic every day. Just like that, thanks to Joe Biden, they were stuck.

Right now, real estate is a mess. Commercial real estate has scads of vacant buildings. Why? That is another Biden/Democrat mess. Nobody wants to work downtown anymore, due to crime. The Democrats have de-funded the police, and any crook who gets caught, is set free by a Soros funded DA. Result - most major cities have a dystopian look to them. Welcome to three years of Biden-omics and Biden policies. 

Housing? We have a lot of people just like John and Mindy who are "stuck". By the way - if you are feeling pretty good about your paid-up house, have you thought who is going to buy it? All those appreciated dollars now have your house worth a pretty penny. And now with an interest rate of 6.9% finding a prospective buyer, good luck on that one! 

Is Biden-omics going to cause another major reset on housing prices? Where millions will suddenly find themselves "under water"? We will have to wait and see. Maybe everyone just needs to sit tight until next year when we get a normal president who can reverse all this Biden nonsense. In other words, sit tight and keep your fingers crossed. 



Thursday, December 14, 2023

Guilty and guiltier

"Guilty and guiltier. Sleazy and sleazier. The Bidens. The whole family (expect Navy) makes me queasy. Some on the left feel the same about Trump. But at least, Trump got stuff done."

This is a pair to draw to. The Bidens. Dad (Joe the "Big Guy") is going through an impeachment inquiry, and Hunter (the crackhead), is under subpoena to be disposed by the House. First Hunter - he shows up at the Senate, has a blistering presser on how bad the "MAGA" Republicans are, and then blows off his date with the House. Then we have the "Big Guy". Now that the impeachment inquiry is going on, he blasted the MAGA Republican House for "not doing the people's business" - you know, like Joe does. In any event, the ball is now starting to roll. 

What will come out of all of this? Option One: Hunter gets pardoned by the "Big Guy", and the myth of two tiers of justice becomes a cold hard fact. Option Two: Hunter does not testify before the House, and then is held in contempt. Fines and maybe some jail time follows. Option Three: Hunter is tried for tax evasion, and even the great and powerful Abbe Lowell cannot save him from jail time. In any event, the poor grandchild (child of Hunter's) named Navy, will continue to suffer having Biden as a family name. Why? Dad and grandad are both sleaze artists.

What about Joe? Will he be impeached? Probably not. Nowhere near enough votes. That is, unless something very damning comes out of the inquiry. Then, maybe. But leaving impeachment aside, Joe will be exposed for what he is. A phony. A crook. A liar. Then what do we do with an 81-year-old man who is corrupt and forgetful? Get rid of him via the 25th Amendment? Doubtful. For reasons most normal humans do not understand, Biden still has his loyalists. And they will stick with him through thick and thin.

My take? If we are going to impeach Biden, let's impeach him for dereliction of duty for not keeping our borders secure. Both Biden and Mayorkas should walk the plank on this one. And if we really wanted to pile on, I would also charge Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and Austin for dereliction of duty for happened at Abby Gate while retreating from Afghanistan.

Guilty and guiltier. Sleazy and sleazier. The Bidens. The whole family (expect Navy) makes me queasy. Some on the left feel the same about Trump. But at least, Trump got stuff done. And he kept us safe and out of wars. Having the Bidens in charge of our country, is like having the Soprano's in charge of our banking. Enough said. Full stop.     

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

As the world keeps turning...

"It will not be outsourcing to China which will steal our jobs - it will be technology. How will things look in 2030? Very different, I am sure."

Each day, every day, the Earth makes one revolution. We have a morning, afternoon, evening and nighttime. Multiply that revolution 365 times or so, and you have the Earth making one full trip around the sun. Spring, summer, fall and winter. Why bring this up? Because each day, more and more things are being invented to make our lives easier. More and more changes are made - and more are coming. Soon, every year will be wildly different from any past year. And in 2023, we are just on the cusp of that big change. In fact, 2023 might be our last "semi-normal" year.

Many years ago, when Alvin Toffler wrote his book Future Shock, he addressed how hard rapid change will be for us. Truthfully, I don't think Toffler had a clue on how much change we would be experiencing by 2023. And as 2023 is getting ready to turn into 2024, major changes are knocking at our door.

I think the biggest change we will see in the new year is how quantum computing is going to change so many things. It is so different than our current computer models, that twenty years ago, if you tried to explain this type of computing to the average person, they would look at you like you were on drugs. It would make no sense. None. But today it does make sense. And it is going to change everything. Especially when it is married up with AI. How much will it change things? Right now, with a handful of qubits. quantum computing can do wonderful and amazing things. More so than regular computing. But by 2030, having a quantum computer with over 100,000 qubits will be quite possible - and it will be able to do what today, is impossible.

Robots. Don't look now, but robots are already starting to take over some of our labor-intensive jobs. The other day, Tesla just rolled out its newest version of its bot. It is called Optimus and is quite an improvement since the first Tesla bot called Optis. Optimus is looking more human and is able to do more human like movements. Disney is also making a small robot and putting some basic AI in it. The point of all this, is robotics which at one time was a "black box" science, is now going to proliferate all over our fruited plain. In fact, it will be hard to find an industry where some kind of robotics is not involved.

Still worried about 5G communications? Don't be, because in six short years, we will have 6G as our norm. As much as 5G is changing things with its super short latency time, 6G will do the same. It will be lightning fast. It is expected to transmit data at speeds up to one terabyte per second. That is a huge improvement over 5G, as 5G was a huge improvement over 4G. Buckle up folks - speed will be the name of the game for the rest of this decade.

One final note. Many of us have noticed how things have changed since the Floyd riots and the pandemic. Fewer and fewer workers. Well - get used to it. It will not be outsourcing to China which will steal our jobs - it will be technology. Our biggest problem might be too much leisure time.

How will things look in 2030? Very different, I am sure. But I am not a futurist, so that is as far as I can go in explaining it.     

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Sitting Ducks

"My message to Iran is simple. In a bit over a year, there will be a new sheriff in town. None of your sins will be forgotten nor forgiven. You will pay a dear price for all that you have done to the United States as well as Israel. Just saying. You have been warned."   

Imagine if you will, having a son or daughter serving our country right now. That son or daughter is stationed in the Middle East, serving at one of the many small bases we have in Syria or Iraq. For ninety-two times in the past couple months, the Iranian proxies have been shooting missiles, mortars, or drones at some of our bases. There is basically no defense for these things. It is only by the grace of God that nobody has been killed so far. Some troops, however, have had TBI injuries from the blast concussions. Because there are no real defenses for these incoming munitions, our troops are nothing more than sitting ducks. 

Wait - hold on! Are not our rules of engagement, if we are fired upon, we can return fire? Sure are. Don't we have the "big stick" (USS Ford), as well as the IKE over in the area? Yep. And don't we have two AEGIS destroyers also in the area? Yep, again. And don't we have other land-based air assets also in the area? Yes, yes and yes again. Then what pray tell, is our problem? Why are not we giving these proxies a big taste of our wrath? Answer: We have an 81-year-old squish for a Commander-in-Chief. Seems the guy who "beat the hell out of the racist Corn Pop", is now afraid of his own shadow.

We have all heard the stories about how Reagan and Trump responded to bad guys. Not a pretty sight to be on the receiving end of our power. On the other side of the coin, we have heard how Bill Clinton bombed an aspirin factory (just to be safe), or how Obama would "write a nasty letter" if we were attacked. But this Joe Biden takes the cake. The bullies can smell his weakness and fear and continue to kick sand in our faces because of it.

But what will happen, God forbid, if these proxies get lucky on one of their strikes? They get a direct hit on a base and kill some of our troops? What will Mr. Biden do then? We can bomb these proxies all day long, and Iran just laughs. They don't care. Iran will just find some more proxies to do their dirty work. What would I do if I were Commander-in-Chief? I would send a salvo of Tomahawk Missile from our AEGIS Destroyers over to Iran. I would take out one of their major terminals located at one of their ports. The message to Iran would be - if you do it again, we will take out the rest of your terminals, and your ports. And we can go up from there.

Will Biden do that? Not a chance. Way, way too scared. Besides, he is fighting his war against the weather and MAGA Republicans. Oh - and white supremacists also. But Iran? That scares Biden half to death. 

My message to Iran is simple. In a bit over a year, there will be a new sheriff in town. None of your sins will be forgotten nor forgiven. You will pay a dear price for all that you have done to the United States as well as Israel. Just saying. You have been warned.   

Monday, December 11, 2023

The gambit which just might work

"'Without borders, a country is no longer a country.' Boy oh boy - how many times have we heard that as of late? We need our country back. We need strong leadership. America is too young and too strong to wither away. Is help on the way? I sure hope so. This gambit must work!"  

This is just like playing some high stakes poker. Only there are many parties involved in the outcome. Who are the players? Biden. The Congress. Ukraine. Mayorkas. Israel. Millions of illegal aliens. Rather than just sitting back and taking it, rather than putting Mayorkas up in front of the House or Senate and watch him smirk, the Congress has decided to play some high stakes poker instead. Either there is an immediate course correction with our out-of-control border, or no more funding for Ukraine or Israel. With a record number of illegals coming over the border something needed to be done - ASAP.

This is the issue. With broken borders, we can't have all these unidentified people coming into the country. And every normal person who lives in this country, knows why Biden is turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the massive problem. The reason has been the same for years. Grant mass amnesty, which will increase the amount of Democrat voters by seven or eight figures. The fact this evil ploy has left this nation very vulnerable to terrorism, is just a cost of doing business for the Democrats.

What really jacked up the conversation, was Director Wray leaving the reservation (so to speak). He said he had never seen so many "warning lights" blinking red. Let me put it another way - the FBI thinks the open southern border has put our country in a clear and present danger. Period. Full stop. To fix this mess, is going to take lots of money and a ton of national will. It will mean deporting millions back to where they came from. But first we will need to find them.

Back to the gambit. Each funding bill has a rider on it which addresses border security. If Ukraine and Israel don't get another penny due to the remiss of the administration - so, be it. The Euro Zone can take care of Ukraine, and Israel has already told us they will go it alone if need be.  The IDF might have to use munitions which are not as accurate, but that is the way the city (or cookie) crumbles. Using our ultra-accurate munitions will save Gazan lives, but maybe the administration does not care about that. For the long game, losing Gazan lives might be another cost of business in order to get more Democrat voters. 

Biden will agree to more funding for the border if he can hire more border agents who will do nothing but be nannies. Practice catch and release. Clear thinking citizens want no part of that charade. We want the border secure, and most of the illegals scooped up and returned. One border expert thinks that 9 out of 10 of the asylum seekers have no case. Zero. They are just playing us. 

It is too bad it had to come to this. Much of why we are here is the intransigence of Mayorkas and company. Mayorkas is a traitor and should be treated as such. A patriot would have refused the illegal orders coming from the White House and quit on the spot. After Mayorkas is impeached, he needs to be held accountable for his high crimes and misdemeanors. As should Biden.

"Without borders, a country is no longer a country." Boy oh boy - how many times have we heard that as of late? We need our country back. We need strong leadership. America is too young and too strong to wither away. Is help on the way? I sure hope so. This gambit must work!  


Sunday, December 10, 2023

The magic of Christmas

"So, what is the magic of Christmas? It is a lot of things. Many wonderful things which only come but once a year. But it also marks a time which there will now be hope for the hopeless, life for the lifeless, and love for the unloved."

What is it about Christmas? It is that time of year when friends seek out friends, family always seems to get along better, and our hearts grow (as said in Grinch) - to ten times their size. It is, as the saying goes, the most wonderful time of the year.

Those who are faith based, find a special joy in the Christmas celebrations. Even those who are not faith based, find a different kind of joy during this season. Houses are decorated, some have lights on the outside of their houses, many have presents under a decorated tree, and for the first time in many months, Christmas music is allowed to fill the house.

Last night we had some friends over for a early Christmas get together. It was some friends we have not seen for a while. As much as we like getting together with these folks, there was something even more special in getting together during this time of year. We had some holiday Hors d'Oeuvres, had a nice fire in the hearth (almost too much of a fire!), listened to Christmas music, and caught up with a whole lot of conversation. It was a wonderful evening.

But I would be remiss if I did not mention the reason for the season. After coming to know the Lord, I could not imagine what celebrating Christmas would be like without the Christ in Christmas. There would still be (what some call), the Santa Clause magic. But without the wonder in the manger, and how it would change the world, a Santa Christmas alone, would ring hollow. 

When the Old Testament ended, and the prophets were done foretelling of the coming of the Emanual (God is with us), the world went into a 400-year waiting period. For 400 years, the faithful waited for the birth of this baby who would change our world, change everything - forever. And then that one December night, in a little obscure town in the Middle East - it happened. The Christ child was born. 

So, what is the magic of Christmas? It is a lot of things. Many wonderful things which only come but once a year. But it also marks a time which there will now be hope for the hopeless, life for the lifeless, and love for the unloved.

That dark and lonely night in December so many years ago, our world changed. That is the real magic of Christmas. The hope, the joy, the wonder. Emanual has come - and for that alone, I wish a Merry Christmas to all!    


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Is Newsome the guy?

Even though Gavin has nice hair and is very slick, you can't outrun your reputation. And Gavin's reputation is California. Not enough lipstick to put on that pig, to make California look good. 

Even some on the Republican side of the street are impressed with how Gavin Newsom handles himself in front of a camera. He is glib, he is at ease. And he can spin a very good yarn. One minor problem however - most of what he spouts are lies. In fact, somebody on our side said Newsom reminds him of Bill Clinton. How so? Both are "incredibly good liars".

I had put in my blog article yesterday, that more and more on the left are having serious reservations about Uncle Joe. At 81, he is not a good 81. He is (as one on the left said), a "dead man walking". Besides all of which, there were two explosions in Bidenville yesterday. The first was the southern border. The new "ground zero" in Arizona. Another record of illegals. And what are we going to do with six million or so new folks who have no skills nor no English skills? Good question. Biden wants to make them all citizens so they can vote Democrat. I know what Trump wants to do - deport them all (those who are here without a valid reason).

The other explosion heard was Hunter. Even Abbe Lowell cannot save him now. He is in deep, deep do-do. Even if he is not sentenced prior to the end of his dad's term, The stink and stench of Hunter will permeate everything related to Joe Biden. There is no amount of cleaning, legal wrangling, or sophistic blather which will change that. 

By the way, as an aside, what happened with Hunter is rich irony. How many times have we heard Biden excoriate people who cheat on their taxes? So much so, Biden wanted to add almost 100,000 new souls into the IRS. And now we find out that Hunter is one of the biggest tax cheats in the country. And (we don't know this as yet) - Biden might also have nibbled on his tax statements. Like all these "loan repayments". Stay tuned on this one! 

Compared to the Biden rats' nest, Newsom is looking better and better all the time. Not to us, but to the loony left. So, what if Gavin cheated during the pandemic by going to the French Laundry. Let bygones be bygones. Even though Gavin has nice hair and is very slick, you can't outrun your reputation. And Gavin's reputation is California. Not enough lipstick to put on that pig, to make California look good. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

The Fool on the Hill

"Who is the fool on the hill today? Soon, the number of fools on that hill might be too many to count. But they will be there. For all to see."     

Back when I was a youth, the group Sergio Mendes & Brazil 66 released a song called Fool on the Hill. It had a nice beat, and I kind of liked it. A young lady I was just starting to see, gave me that record on one of our first dates. She said the song reminded her of me. What does that mean? I am just going to leave the rest of that story, right here. I still wonder what she meant by that...

What and who is a fool on the hill? I have thought about that over the years from time to time. To me, a "fool" is someone who just does not get it. Someone who is clueless. We have all known a fool (or fools) as sometime in our lives. Sometimes we too, have been foolish, done foolish things. It is always good and natural to try and hide our foolishness ways. But to be a fool on the hill, means (to me at least), your foolishness is on display for all to see. 

Much has been made of the age of our president as of late. Even Charlamagne recently had some disparaging words about the president's age. And it was not just him. It seems that this subject is circulating around the black community. The black community, which has always been a slam dunk supporter for Democrats in just about any election, is very soft right now on support for this current president. He is too old to run again - way, way too old. And because of his age, he tends to act foolish. 

But that about age - the thing none of us can stop or change. Policies can be modified, but age is an absolute. Being more foolish as you age is something many cannot help. That being said - the president right now may be a fool, but he is not the biggest fool on the hill.

The biggest fool on the hill would be the president's son, Hunter. And all of a sudden, after years of festering, all the garbage in Hunter's laptop, is coming home to roost. And thus, the indictments are starting to pile up. It looks like the fruits from all those years of foolish behavior and deeds, are now knocking at Hunter's door.

Hunter, the biggest fool on the hill, might have allowed his foolishness to taint many members of his family. Is this the match which will light the Biden Crime Family on fire? It could be. This might be the wet blanket which will put a pall on the 50 years of Joe's government service. If Joe was a big player in this scheme, if he was in fact the "Big Guy", then age or not age, Joe will be standing on the hill of fools right next to Hunter.

Who is the fool on the hill today? Soon, the number of fools on that hill might be too many to count. But they will be there. For all to see.