Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Full frontal assault

"Yesterday, one of the shows had a Constitutional scholar on who said the Framers wrestled with having impeachment in the Constitution at all. For reasons just like we are seeing now. Where it would be misused and abused."

Well this is it. The main battleground for the Schiff Show. The Never Trumpers will be out in full force this week, trying against all odds, to bring down our President. The "witnesses" have all been coached by Shifty and this crew. They even know how to emote. Meanwhile, the government is starting to run on fumes, as the CR the President reluctantly signed a short time ago, is about to expire. But who cares?

In any event, the parade of robots who are set to testify are all going to say just about the same thing. "That phone call the President made to the new President of the Ukraine, was the worst thing in the world. I was shocked and appalled! It made me ashamed to be an American!" Okay - maybe a wee bit of exaggeration. You get my drift. This phone call is nothing more than a tempest in a teapot. Period. It is a nothing burger. 

But the Left continues to play up their favorite professional Never Trumper, Lt. Col. Vindman. He is a hero. He has a Purple Heart. As a fellow vet, I respect that part of him. But he hates the President. As such, his memory of the phone call is definitely slanted towards the Left. That is as nice as I can put it. Plus, he is publicly speaking out against his Commander in Chief. That is a no-no. So, this week, we will have to put up listening to Vindman and all the others. Once all these public hearings are over - then what?

Once the Schiff Show is over, then is the House going to vote on impeachment? This one part of the Constitution which is suppose to be used as a last resort, is being bandied about by Schiff like it is commonplace. Yesterday, one of the shows had a Constitutional scholar as a guest who said the Framers wrestled with having impeachment in the Constitution at all. For reasons just like we are seeing now. Where it would be misused and abused.

In any event, if the House does vote to impeach, the Republicans in the Senate are "locked and loaded". If the Democrats really want to open up Pandora's Box, they might not like what is going to come out at them. But - you can't cure stupid. So Ms. Nancy, Shifty Schiff and the rest of the clowns are headed into a box canyon. Hope it was worth it folks. Now our side will say, "See ya - wouldn't want to be ya..."   

1 comment:

  1. Well, the rules say the House Judiciary must first draft Articles of Impeachment, specifying the "high crimes and misdemeanors." Wags have suggested that item 1 is "he hurt our feelings," and item 2 is "he beat Hillary." Given what we know so far, the real Articles, if it even comes to that, are likely no less laughable and, I'm starting to wonder if they can even pass the House. All it would take would be for 19 vulnerable Democrats to choose survival (and there are more than that number threatened) and the whole charade would end right there.

    An even better guess might be that Pelosi would somehow stack the Judiciary Committee with enough people that the Articles would never get voted out, so she could blame Republicans for "preventing" that vote she doesn't want taken. Getcha popcorn.
