Saturday, March 20, 2021

Indefensible and unforgivable


"As most of us know, we are in turbulent times right now. Many believe that right is wrong and wrong is right. That was predicted in the Bible eons ago. Evil, the principalities of darkness, are stalking our land."

Welcome to the new world of "woke". It is a land which is antithetical to the world people of faith recognize - especially during Lent. Why? In the land of "woke", sins are rarely if ever forgiven. If you do something stupid and regrettable during your youth, that is tough toenails. You will be branded and tattooed with those indiscretions for the rest of your life. People of faith on the other hand, recognize forgiveness and redemption - no matter how grievous the sin.

In the news yesterday, there was a story about a young up and coming gal, who was on the precipice of a huge promotion. Her name is not important, and many of us would not recognize it anyhow (she was affiliated with MSNBC). Anyhow, during her teenage years, she put some stupid and regrettable things on social media. In the ten years which have past since she posted those items, she grew up and matured. She long ago removed the offensive items from social media, and has offered many mea culpas for it since then. To bad, how sad. The uber-left saw that as an unforgivable sin. She is now being let go, and probably "cancelled", so she can never work again in media.

Let me remind you, she is one of the left's own. Not a conservative - not a Donald Trump supporter. And yet, this is how the left is eating their young. No forgiveness. No redemption. You must be cancelled. If that is what they do to one of their own, think of what they will do to people on our side. Whereas we can forgive those who have strayed in the past (like, Leo 2.0), offenders to the uber-left, might has well go live on Mars.

The Bible tells us that we will be forgiven by the same yardstick that we forgive others. It is right there, in the Lord's Prayer. But when you shun God and His teachings, then the "woke" culture of forgiveness takes over. In other words, there is none. No redemption. You screw up, you are done forever. Case closed.

A woman of deep faith was being interviewed on one of the cable shows yesterday. When asked about how we navigate these dark times, her reply was simple and straight forward. "It is when times are the darkest, that our faith allows us to shine the brightest." Amen to that. Maybe as hard as it is, we need to outwardly forgive those on the left for the terrible things they have done, and are doing, do our country and others. Show them our light. Help lead them out of their dark world.

As most of us know, we are in turbulent times right now. Many believe that right is wrong and wrong is right. That was predicted in the Bible eons ago. Evil, the principalities of darkness, are stalking our land. We need to remember who the real enemy is. It is the one who is turning us against the other. It is the one teaching us not to forgive and to cancel others we disagree with. We need to remember that. 


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