Thursday, February 3, 2022

It is time...

"We need to put an end to this crap. Life for some seniors is very difficult in these days of Biden caused inflation. Getting a few percent in a COLA helps, but not paying state taxes would be a game changer for many seniors who are living on the fringe. And here is a very important message to Taxing Timmy and his merry band of socialists. THIS IS NOT YOUR MONEY!" 

Yesterday, I read in the news that Senator Coleman was the co-sponsor of a bill to exempt seniors from paying state taxes on their social security earnings. Well, duh! Those who have followed the Bird for a while know that this is a real pet rock of mine. If ever there is an issue to get my dander up while living in Minnesota, it is this one. To me, paying social security taxes is the biggest impediment to retiring in Minnesota. Even more so than our endless and brutal winters.

When this has been brought up before, the minions on the left always seem to have the same answer. "Well, we would like to - but we just can't afford it". Or, "We have very important investments and priorities we need to take care of first." Or, my favorite by far, "Yes, but what about the children? Education needs surplus dollars much more than our seniors". Gag me with a spoon.

Here is something I will NEVER understand. Why is this not a bipartisan issue? Democrats cannot be that brainwashed by the collective, they don't need the extra money each month. The money from not paying taxes on their social security checks. To me, this is a slam dunk. A no-brainer. Then why is this so hard? It sure was not that hard in Wisconsin. Wisconsin, a purple state like Minnesota, does not tax seniors on their social security retirement checks. Neither does South Dakota. What up with Minnesota then?

Actually, there are still twelve states which still tax social security benefits. However, some only tax a small portion. Those states are Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont, Rhode Island. West Virginia did also tax social security, but according to the Motley Fool, they will stop this year. 

We need to put an end to this crap. Life for some seniors is very difficult in these days of Biden caused inflation. Getting a few percent in a COLA helps, but not paying state taxes would be a game changer for many seniors who are living on the fringe. And here is a very important message to Taxing Timmy and his merry band of socialists. THIS IS NOT YOUR MONEY! IT IS OURS! So, keep your mitts off of it!

It is time folks. We have a large surplus this year. Our legislature is in session. I have already spoken to both my representative and my senator. They are both on board. How about you? Have you talked to your reps? Are they on board? If not, time to get them on that train...


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