Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Internet Morphing


"Don't blink, or you might miss something important!"

In case you have missed it, something very important has happened this week. It may not seem that way right now, but trust me, in the world of media, it was huge. In 2012, the struggling Yahoo shocked Wall Street by hiring a proven performer away from Google.  In an instant, Marissa Mayer, a former Google exec, became Yahoo's new CEO. She promised big changes, and as we get to the end of 2013, we have just seen the first of them.

This week it was announced that Katie Couric would be leaving ABC News to become the face of the new Yahoo News. Big deal you might say - who watches news on a search engine? Well, the next big thing is right around the corner, and Yahoo wants to be in the driver's seat. Yahoo will still be a search engine, but so also much more.The distinct difference between television and the internet is about to get very fuzzy. In fact, many techno watchers believe in five years or less, they will be one in the same.

The interesting thing on this industry morphing is this is the first "big" thing - but not the first thing. Even though you cannot watch live TV on the internet, services like Netflix allow you to watch delayed programing. And it is very good I might add. Wireless, on your phone, tablet or PC. Whenever or where ever.

However, there has been one internet service which beat Yahoo to the punch. Last year Glenn Beck established Blaze TV with some limited programing. It, like Netflix, it is available for a modest monthly subscription fee. Unlike Netflix, Blaze TV has some live programming - and growing. Over the months, not only has the programming increased in variety, the quality of the broadcast has improved. Clearer picture, less buffering.

Where are we going from here? Nobody seems to really know. However, there is consensus on one thing - we are going somewhere new and unchartered. The bold and innovative leaders in the world of media are getting ready to put their tattoo on this change. For those who are mobile and on the go, this will be a very big thing.

So as our brave new world of media gets even bolder, I am going to finish this up and watch an episode of something on Netflix. I like this change as THIS is change I can believe in!

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