Monday, February 17, 2014

The Flat Earth Society


"No Mr. President - this debate is FAR from over!"

I have been denigrated. I have been besmirched. I have been dissed. Our very haughty Secretary of State has referred to me (and countless others) as "flat earthers". In the common man's vernacular, that means we are stupid. Why? Because we won't drink the Koolaid, listen to the sophism, about MAN MADE climate change. By the way - I have seen pictures of the houses that Kerry and Gore live in. Their carbon footprints look like they were made by Gulliver the Giant.

This continues to be the Democratic party line. The goal has never changed. Carbon tax. Think if the revenue the government could obtain just by taxing people for trying to stay warm, for driving to their jobs. Rather than coming up with a comprehensive energy policy, one that would show a natural "sunset" period for fossil fuels when the time was right, the Administration wants to "Cap and Tax" our energy reserves right now.

POTUS has used the drought in California to prove his point. According to him, it is devastating (true), and we have caused it (not true). The Southwest as well as much of Southern California are arid in nature - deserts. We have been able to "cheat" nature by using water coming off the west side of the Rocky Mountains. However, when the snow pack is not what it should be, and Pacific storms don't materialize, it can get very dry in the region. We have ways to prevent that (water farms), but we refused to develop them. So we let the desert be the desert. Not our fault. Next year could be wetter than normal. That is weather, not climate.

I have addressed this issue before. We are on the cusp of finding new, cleaner, abundant sources of fuel. They are out there, and many nations are searching for them. In the meantime, we have hundreds of years left of fossil fuels in this country. Our nation continues to produce enough food to feed most of the world, the oceans are not rising, and life goes on. I have been on this planet for over six decades, and the weather (climate) is no stranger now than it has been at any other time in my life.

So go ahead John Kerry - call us names. We may in fact be stupid. We did after all, elect your boss twice.

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