Thursday, February 20, 2014

"We are not as bad" Party


"Where am I right now? Somewhere between a rock and a hard place..."

I went to my BPOU this week. It was a chance to hear incumbents and challengers introduce themselves and stake out positions on some key topics. One might ask, "why in the world would there be challengers for seats which already have incumbents? Should we not be saving our firepower, keeping our powder dry, for the other side?" Yes - except for one thing. Many on the Right, many who call themselves Conservatives, are sick and tired of hearing "but we are not as bad as the other guys." That tune has worn out very fast.

Many people these days invoke the name of the "Gipper" - Ronald Wilson Reagan. Some who invoke his name were not even born when President Reagan was our Commander in Chief. Others, like myself, remember Ronald Reagan very well. A bold man with bold vision. Cooperation, collaboration, but never surrendering precious values. He could articulate his case to the American people. He could work Congress. He could lead. No excuses, just leadership.

Just in case someone has been in a deep sleep for a while, our country is a mess. Our state has sky high taxes, and about to go higher. Think that is hyperbole? Some in the Minnesota House want to put another 5% tax in gasoline. Our law makers have done nothing to reduce our taxes. Many taxes have just shifted from one pot to another. As our government footprint continues to grow both nationally and locally, so does the bill. Those on the Left spend like they are on a drunken orgy. Those on the Right, console us by saying they were able to hold down the rate of increase. Those of us in the middle can only say "BFD!"

Rush talks about this quite a bit on his program. His words on this issue are true. When Republicans run as Moderates, RINOs or Democrat Light, they lose. When Republicans run as principled Conservatives, they often times win. We don't want to elect people from our party to get to Washington or St. Paul just to get comfortable - we want real change agents. We don't give a hoot if they make friends or not - we want people who can tell the story, hoist the flag. No more surrender on values. We are tired of being frogs in slowly boiling water.

I am a sucker for people with bold vision. I have heard many charlatans in my adult life. I can tell the difference between the two in a New York minute. Even if Minnesota Republicans stay in the minority after 2014, I never again want to hear "but we are not as bad". Make the argument, seize the moment, win the day!  As for me, I will continue to vote for courage and vision. Everything else just leaves me cold on a very cold day.

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