Friday, November 28, 2014

Equitable Outcomes


"She likes to think about herself as 'Wonder Woman' - the 'Wonder', I agree with..."

Today in the paper, I read where the Mayor of Minneapolis wants to establish two additional positions in her 2015 budget. These people would be working in a yet to be formed department entitled the "Office of Equitable Outcomes". Holy smokes! If this new department does not sum up exactly what the problem is, and where the divide is in local and non-local politics is, I don't know that does!

Constitutionals (and Tea Party people) understand the what's and whys of our Constitution. This document is the cornerstone which has made America so exceptional. To keep our country from looking like totalitarian (or worse), our Founding Fathers wanted to ensure in America, EVERYONE has equal opportunity. Period. Case closed. To ensure everyone is guaranteed equal outcomes instead of equal opportunity, flies in the face of what we stand for as a nation.

Last night my youngest daughter invited two of her friends to share our Thanksgiving meal. It was nice to have them, but I particularly enjoyed hearing their stories. My daughter is getting ready to go back to college in January; one of her friends who was over is also going back to school this winter, only to a different school and majoring in a different subject; the other friend already has a degree, but is getting ready to go back and get a Master's degree. I bring this up for one reason - this is an example of the freedoms of choice we have. Not outcomes, but opportunities to pursue dreams. And all three are getting ready to pursue their dreams.

I love the opportunities I have been given in my life. I have had no less, and no more than most others. I could have done better in my career, and I could have done worse. I had the opportunities to do both. The OUTCOME I have received from my working career was based totally on me. How I worked, how I applied my skills, how hard I worked, all determined the OUTCOME. To believe in equal outcomes, would be for me to demand I receive in retirement the same as a retired CEO. The fact that CEO might be better educated, might have worked harder, might have worked smarter, would have nothing to do with it. I demand equality. I demand to receive the same as that person is receiving.

Some think we need a national dialogue on race. We maybe do. However, I believe what we also need a national dialogue on our Constitution. We have way too many people who are either ignorant of it, or choose not to follow it. It is our founding document. It is our rudder. Without our Constitution, we are no longer exceptional. In fact, without it, we might just become "no longer".   

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