Monday, November 17, 2014

Our Unbroken Immigration System


"The President has grabbed this non-issue and turned it into the "issue de jour" for 2015..."

I swear. If I hear one more time the phrase "our broken immigration system", I am going to throw up in my mouth. There is nothing wrong with our immigration system that a bit of oil and a tune up won't fix. What we DO HAVE is a broken border and visa system. That is what the oil and tune up are needed for.

Lefties might look at the article and go directly to their play book. "What is the matter? Don't you like immigrants? This country was founded by immigrants". That logic also makes me want to throw up in my mouth. So I will get this on the table up front. I am PRO IMMIGRANT. My great grandparents were immigrants. So were my wife's. At my last job, I worked with dozens of LEGAL immigrants from India. They were very welcome there (including by me - I managed their contract), and the work they did was value added for sure.

We do not have undocumented workers in this country. If I can be blunt, I will say what we have. WE HAVE LAW BREAKERS. Why do I say that? We actually do have laws on the books which regulate our immigration and visa systems. The people I worked with at my former company were here using an I9 Visa. Once the visa expired, they were to either leave or apply for an extension. To do neither WOULD BE BREAKING ONE OF OUR LAWS. It is just as simple as that.

Years ago I needed to go to Australia to negotiate a deal with the Royal Australian Navy. Before I could set foot on Australian soil, I needed a temporary work visa. I also had to sign an agreement that I would abide by the terms of the visa. To not do so, would be breaking Australian law. The remedy would be immediate expulsion and I would probably never be able to go back there. It was simple. I knew the rules of the game, and I followed them.

Our southern border is so porous, we almost rely on an "honor system" to keep people out. News flash - very few follow it. They are not honorable. THAT is why we have millions of illegal people in this country right now. If they wanted to become American citizens, we have a PROCESS to do so. To not follow the process is UNLAWFULL.

Our President, who put his hand on a Bible and promised to uphold our Constitution, is about to make the biggest blunder of his political life. To allow UNLAWFULL people to remain in the United States with no penalty or recrimination is unacceptable, almost treason. I have said this before. We need to go through our country and do a "who is who" exercise. Those that prove they belong here stay - those who don't belong here are deported. It is really as simple as that.   

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