Saturday, July 11, 2015

Dying under its own weight


"Created by the government, run by the government. How did you expect it to work?"

A few years ago, when there was still a chance to stop ObamaCare in the courts or at the voting booth, a very wise pundit had some pearls of wisdom to share. I will paraphrase a wee bit as I don't remember his exact words - "We don't need to do anything to derail this new health care law. Because it is unsustainable, it will die under its own weight."

Today it was disclosed the backlog of MNSure cases has now grown to 180,000. A spokesperson from MNSure said a prime reason for this backlog was the state was trying to ensure only qualified people receive subsidies. This program looks to be ripe for waste, fraud and abuse. Our other two health care sacred cows (Medicare and Medicaid), have fraud running through their veins.

But MNSure is a "pet rock" of our Governor. He will continue to pour good money after bad to try and fix the unfixable. Sooner or later he too, will give up. Then MNSure will be dead, and if ObamaCare is still alive at that time, we will get on the federal exchange.

Speaking of which (that is, if ObamaCare is still alive), how about the latest news of health care premiums? Awesome right? Just like we were promised, right? WRONG! This program, which was sold by the slickest of all snake oil salesmen, is a perfect example of "you can't get something for nothing". In other words, you can play the shell game only so long before the costs pop up somewhere. And they are popping up in renewal insurance premiums.

Buyer's remorse has started to spread over the land. That is, those who "bought" this pile of crap in the first place. Myself, like many others, were not so easily cowed. We knew there is no such thing as a free lunch. When the salesman in chief told the minions that not only were scads of people going to get healthcare for free, the rest of us were going to get a huge discount in our premiums. PLUS, our healthcare was going to get better! Excuse me - I know I am not the sharpest blade in the drawer, "but I ain't stupid either!"

We will see what happens now that the news is settling in about the new premiums. By the way, the new premium increases are not slight - some are close to 50%. If that does not help this pig die under its own weight, I don't know what will.


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