Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Once again, screw the rules!


"These two, along with their daughter who has been trained well, are the biggest users I have seen in my adult life..."

I have never seen anything like these two (three counting their daughter). They are the poster children on how to use, misuse, and abuse our government. How to turn everything into a perk. They have become filthy rich just for being in government service. And then parlaying their experience obtained from government service by soaking organizations in charging outlandish speaking fees. And to make matters worse, they are shameless. Totally and absolutely, shameless.

I think the biggest scheme, the biggest shell game the Clintons have come up with to date is the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation. Or as Rush Limbaugh like to put it, the Clinton Crime Family. It has done quite well actually. Putting the money laundering aside for a minute, it has raised over $2B since 2001. That is a lot of cheese! This foundation has become a whirlpool of money which feeds many causes - some of which are even charitable. However, it has also been a tool for enriching the Clintons as well as funding another race for the White House.

This "good old boy" from Hope, Arkansas, along with his lawyer wife have done quite well. They have gone from rags to riches just by practicing the old P. T. Barnum adage - "There really is a sucker born every minute!" And it is STILL going on today! How do I know? A bunch of Millennials have been asked who they would like to see as the next President. Many answered "Hillary". Why? "We need to have our first woman President!" Just like we elected a clueless, experience less guy to be our first half black President, we now want to elect a corrupt, user to be our first woman President.

One of the things that really, really smells bad about these two are the speaking fees. Bill, the master user of the group, starting charging outrageous speaking fees as soon as Hillary became Secretary of State. Some might say (not me of course), these fees were nothing more than influence peddling. Countries and organizations paid big bucks for favors from the State Department. I am sure that was just dumb coincidence! You know, that Bill's fees went up like a Roman candle as soon as his wife became SOS. Silly me!

But the apple does not fall far from the tree. Some university is paying Chelsea Clinton $65K to give a 10 or 15 minute speech. On what you might ask? Good question. Probably on what she has learned by being the child of the Clintons. Like how to use people as an example.

So while a hundred unanswered questions on Benghazi continue to smolder, while thousands of lost critical Clinton e-mails continue to be sought, Hillary is running for President. If anyone votes for this woman, and if they know her past, I would simply like to know why. Her record is not spotty - it is terrible. Some even believe treasonous.

Long after the Clintons are gone (and it can't be soon enough for me), books will be written about them. I think the name of the first book should be called "Screw the Rules!", or "Rules need not Apply!" The fact this family is still in the news amazes me. The fact they are still in politics amazes me more. Simply amazes me.   

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