Monday, July 20, 2015

The power of the state(s)

"It never ceases to amaze me how our framers from so long ago, could pack so much wisdom into so few words..."

The 10th Amendment. The one which is often referred to the "Federalism Amendment". The one which again reminds the Federal government of their limited powers. Not unlimited, but limited. That the real power rests in the sovereignty of the states. Finally, it is the amendment which has been all but forgotten (or ignored) by some today.

What has happened over time (in my book) is this - the 10th Amendment, which has so much of our states sovereignty pinned on, has become watered down or ignored by the courts. Our Federal Government, of which the founders were very concerned about, has become a behemoth with enormous powers. Meanwhile, the power of the states have been diminished.

Fortunately, there are some Governors in certain states who believe their state is sovereign. Who believe in state's rights. Who understand the 10th Amendment. After the senseless tragedy in Chattanooga this past week, those Governors have taken the bull by the horns. They have ordered their National Guard troops (who they have control over) to be armed in their domestic locations. The Federal Government has not followed suit as yet, and I doubt (under this Administration) they will.

In addition, even though the Federal Government has not yet ordered all flags to flown at half staff in honor of the Chattanooga fallen, some Governors have ordered such for flags over their state buildings. To me, it says quite a bit about a state or its Governor how they act in times such as these. It is not an coincidence that most Governors who adhere to the principles and constructs of state's rights are red.

Today, the country moves on from the events of last week. If there is any good that could have come out of this, it was a wake up call. For those listening, for those paying attention, it was a clarion warning. The enemy is no longer at the gates, the enemy is within the compound. Plus, it will be up to the states to protect its citizens. It will be local law enforcement working with the National Guard who will last line of defense. The job of the Federal Government should be taking the battle to the terrorists overseas.

In the upcoming 2016 election season, a good question for any candidate running for any office should be his or her position on state's rights. If you get gobbledy gook or a blank stare for an answer, wish that person a nice day and shut the door. This issue is too important to continue to ignore. For all of us.

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