"Here she is. The woman who weaponized the IRS. Her punishment? Living scot free. PLUS, making a boatload of retirement dollars - paid for by us..."
I guess if I wanted to do something wrong, something evil, something that could land me in prison (and still get away with it), all I would need to do is become a part of this most corrupt Administration. It was announced today that the Obama's "Justice Department" would not seek any legal redress against Ms. Lois Lerner. Who you say? Lois Lerner, the most dishonest and corrupt person to ever to work at the IRS.
Some say it was Lois who learned how to effectively weaponize the IRS. That is against the RIGHT type of people and organizations. Oh yes, you are right. The IRS has been misused in the past. However, never to the extent that Lois did. And the best part is, we have her dead to rights. Hands in the cookie jar. And even though she did a wonderful job in destroying her damning e-mails and wiping her server clean, enough had been learned about what evil she did to put her away for a long, long time.
So what happened? Why is she not doing the perp walk? Why is it that people in this Administration can get away with all kinds of crap and only be rewarded? And our "Justice Department"? As we saw under Eric (we are all cowards on race) Holder, our "Justice Department" under Obama seems like more crooks than cops.
Many on the Left who wonder why, why some of us would like to shrink the size of Government and adhere to Constitutional principles. To start with, the recently held Benghazi hearings. Then the IRS hearings with Lerner and then John Koskinen. Both were examples of travesties of justice.
During this week's Benghazi hearings, one of the telling questions asked of Hillary Clinton was very simple and direct. Was there even one person, one beating heart in the State Department who was held responsible for the Benghazi missteps which resulted in the deaths of four Americans? Nope. Not a one. Because, you as you know, we have rules. Union rules. Public sector union rules. As well as protection for the directors, administrators and the Secretary herself.
So where does that leave us? Hillary will walk, and Lois will skate. Two wrong doers (and massive liars) of epic proportion are now going to get away with high crimes. And where is the public? The outrage? The pitchforks and torches? Not visible. People just don't care anymore. They don't want to hold their government accountable. If it is not their ox being gored, then it is a big "so what?"
So welcome Lois, to the select crowd who have gotten away with just about every crime imaginable. As the saying goes, "If the glove does not fit, you must acquit." Well Lois, in your case, the glove did fit. It is just too bad the time did not fit the crime.
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