Saturday, October 10, 2015

The race for the cure...

"Every October we see pink everywhere. But does it really so anyone any good?"

Even though the cost of life seems cheap in some areas of the world right now, in many countries, life is still cherished. In this country, as well as many others, the greatest threat to our lives is cancer. Possibly the scariest word ever coined. But as bad as cancer is - and it is always bad, the good news is simply this. We are racing as fast as we can towards a cure.

One of my good friends is heavily involved in the October "Race for the cure" And he does it through fishing. Why? It hit very close to home for him. You see, breast cancer, blood cancers - they are leading the way right now. There are hundreds - yes hundreds of facilities who are "racing for the cure". Many are world wide - most however, are in the United States.

I would like to say this is for the sake of research only. To save those who need to be saved. And this only part of it. The golden grail, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, is for whomever finds the "silver bullet" for cancer. In other words, the cure.

My Dad died of throat cancer. My wife's Mom died of lung cancer. My wife's uncle died of cancer. My favorite cousin died of pancreatic cancer. One of my best friends died of liver cancer before he was 50. We know of what we speak. We are not unique however, as most have some kind of story about how cancer affected their family or a close friend. 

When the "silver bullet" is found, when we find the cure for just one type of cancer, the bells well be ringing. I have said for a long time now - it will be breast cancer (thank you Susan G. Kolman) or the blood cancers. Once our researchers have identified the cures for one of those two cancers, the next will be - you name it. And the company who finds the cure? Their stock might surpass Apple's stock.

The end is coming, and soon for cancer. Sorry cancer, you have had your day. You have taken way too many of us, most way too early. Now it is your turn to go away. You see cancer, every day, in hundreds of facilities, we are figuring out how to kill you - forever. So those who have cancer, those who have loved ones with cancer, know this - the end is end sight. 

Should October be "Pink Month"? Hell yes! Thank you everyone who shows cancer we are not afraid. That we are fighting back. So I will speak for many of us when I address you cancer - SCREW YOU! Your days are numbered.

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