Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, Monday...

"Monday, Monday - so good to me. Monday morning, it was all I would hoped it would be..."

The Mamas and the Papas

Sorry for the tease. This is not about 1960 era music.

Here we are starting another work week. Some are off work today as it is Columbus Day. The day which honors the man who discovered America. Whoops - wait a sec! Some cities (including the hairballs who run St. Paul) have decided that this old white guy that got into a wooden ship and crossed uncharted seas, is not worthy of spit. So some cities are now calling this day "Indigenous Peoples Day" instead. Why? Who knows?

Then there is tomorrow. Tuesday. The first Democratic debate. I am definitely going to watch it. It should be very, very interesting. We will see what a non-player Lincoln Chaffee is. Truthfully, I am amazed this former RINO is still in the race. I look for Martin O'Malley to make the biggest splash. He has been like the little boy in the corner jumping up and down saying, "Hey! What about me? What about me?" My guess is he will take off after Hillary like nobody's business. Enough so much, it will cause Debbie Blabber-Mouth to wince. I just hope Martin can keep his shirt on during the entire debate.

Then there is (what the lap dog press is reporting) the disarray in Washington. The disarray due to those nasty old Tea Party Republicans. I think due to the withering pressure on Paul Ryan this weekend, he will announce he is running. I also hope that Daniel Webster keeps his hat in the ring. Regardless of who the next Speaker is, the Liberty Caucus, the Freedom Caucus have done their job. Most pundits are in agreement the Speaker's position will change. It will not be the same as before. With the new Speaker, there will be more opportunity for everyone to have a seat at the table - and not be pushed out in the hallway like before.

One more thing about Monday. Today there was a story in the paper about the COLA for Social Security and Federal Retirees (military also?). Due to the drop in gas prices, there will probably be no COLA raise this year. Keep in mind the price of food keeps going up as does electricity (and let's not forget our best bargain - ObamaCare). Most retirees I know have very low mileage on their cars. Why? Because they don't have to go as many places anymore (like work). So, they don't buy as much gas. Retirees do however, have to eat, need power in their homes, and pay for Medicare Part "B". And like I say, those three items have gone up steeply this past year. It will be interesting to see what the increase is in welfare payments next year.

So Monday, Monday - bring it on. I am ready for another week. With the news getting wonkier all the time, there is never a shortage of juicy tidbits for the Bird to squawk about. Even on a windy Monday morning.

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