Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Politics and corn Flake

"It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will Senators like Flake, Corker and McCain be seen as reformers who tried to tame an out of control President, or Benedict Arnold times three. Stay tuned - this is far from over."

Oh my - there is way too much the Bird could address on this almost frosty morning. Watching a cable news show last night, the host also said he did not know where to begin - way, way too much happening. So I will first talk about the strange title to this blog article. The corn Flake is Senator Jeff Flake. He and his Senate buddy, Senator Corker have decided to go out with a bang by trying to wound this President. In reality, the only wounding will be to the American people if they succeed in hosing up the yet to be released tax bill.

Here is the truth about Jeff Flake. And President Trump was correct on this one. Back home, Flake's numbers are tanking. He is considered one of the least popular Senators in the nation. To survive a primary, and then to win in the general, he would have really needed the President's support.

However, one cannot outrun the past. When Jeff Flake signed on to be part of the "Gang of Eight" to legalize illegal immigration, that painted a big target on his back for Donald Trump. Trump could not for the life of him, understand why someone in a border state would not be a staunch of border control. So in the President's opinion, Flake was weak on immigration. He became part of the swamp which needed to be drained.

What is going on right now (in my most humble opinion) is nothing less than a scorched earth policy led by some of the heroes of the Republican establishment. Heroes did you say? Heroes to whom? Why to the Democrats of course. With this rebellion against the President, I can start to see smoke on the horizon. And that smoke is coming from the yet to be delivered tax bill. It might be going up in flames. 

Now if I were living inside Trump's skin, I would have played this one a bit differently. I would have kept my powder dry with my opinions and tweeting. In other words, just like Mario Puzo taught us in the "Godfather" novel - never let them know what you are thinking. To pour fuel on this fire when every possible Republican vote is needed to get some key items passed, maybe was not his smartest play.

Here is something else which the President needs to consider. Even though both Corker and Flake have announced they are leaving the Senate, they are not leaving tomorrow. No, they will be around until their replacements are sworn in on some cold day in January 2019. And don't count out John McCain either. There is some very bad blood which still runs between him and the President. Great harm can come from the trio of McCain, Corker and Flake.

One final comment. Disgruntled Senators can address the Senate body and call the President names, impugn his character, and blast his style. It is water off duck's back. Donald Trump has been like this most of his 71 years, and he is not going to change. And sorry, his hard core base loves it when he rips into the Washington establishment. That is why they elected him. To drain the swamp. To get rid of the drift wood.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will Senators like Flake, Corker and McCain be seen as reformers who tried to tame this "out of control" President, or Benedict Arnold times three. Stay tuned - this is far from over.


  1. I think the 5 or 6 maverick senators are honorable enough to vote for or against legislation based on what they (and their constituents) think are good for the American people.
    Their concerns about the President will stay outside of their voting. They will represent their states well.
    ps. Mark Rubio endorsing your guy for governor should help a little given the media exposure it will give him.
    Get the yard cleaned up.
    Dave Gjerdingen

  2. Would it be OK if I cross-posted this article to There is no fee; I’m simply trying to add more content diversity for our community and thought this was insightful. I’ll be sure to give you complete credit as the author. If “OK” please let me know via email.

