Thursday, October 4, 2018

Off the cliff...

"I would like to close with some words of wisdom. Some words of hope. Maybe just a peek at a ray of sunlight. But I have nothing. For the first time in my life I am very afraid for our country." 

This is it. The week that was. I have never seen anything like it, and I would like to say I probably never will again. But I will. And you will. Maybe even worse than this week. Where are we right now? The Loons on the Left has taken the advice from that wise sage, Maxine Waters. As most can remember, Maxine told her sheeple to "get in the face" of every Trump supporter they can find. Make them feel "unwelcome" at any venue. Well, the sheeple took that tidbit and ran with it. And now look at where we are today.

Right now we have Senators being escorted to the Senate floor by Capitol Police. Why? They are being accosted by paid nut balls on the Left. The nut balls do not want any votes for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. And that has NOTHING to do with Dr. Ford. Beer drinking in high school or college. Fart jokes. It has to do with only one thing. This fine judge, the man of honor, who pledged he would not tinker with Roe v. Wade, might, just might, change his mind on his pledge. AND if he did, the ability of a woman to kill her baby might become illegal. 

That is it. That is what all the fuss is about. This is so very important to the unhinged on the Left, they will destroy this man and his family just to take that very remote chance away of overturning Roe. Here is the clinker however. In the event that Roe is overturned, it would not make abortions illegal. Because of state's rights, it would become an individual state issue. Where it should have been all along. 

But who cares about the facts? Right now, we are so fractured, we will argue over anything. Not just argue, fight. Social discourse? Gone with the wind. We really have stepped off the cliff with the Kavanaugh issue. And like Humpty Dumpty when he had his great fall, I don't know if this egg can be put back together again. We truly are now in uncharted waters. 

Now that we have crossed the Rubicon, stepped off the cliff, what is our next step? Lock and load? Is that what things are coming too? As far as I am concerned, when I have seen some of the rude, crude, in your face boorish behavior exhibited by the Loons on the Left, I am amazed someone has not been shot. We are living on borrowed time.

I would like to close with some words of wisdom. Some words of hope. Maybe just a peek at a ray of sunlight. But I have nothing. For the first time in my life, I am very afraid for our country. We might be at the point where we start to become uncoupled. Then things might get very messy, very fast.   


  1. 'As most can remember, Maxine told her sheeple to "get in the face" of every Trump supporter they can find.'

    Those sheeple had better prepare to defend their own faces!

  2. It all started in Nov 2016, when the country thought they elected a Republican president........
    The 45th president exudes more defiance from one of his short, little fingers than all the liberal yodelers of the Democratic Party and entire armies of pink pussy-hat-wearing protesters put together.
    When not contravening the libs, Trump opposes the traditional Republican establishment that he is supposed to command.
    The Republican party demands additional sanctions on the Russians; he schemes to lighten them.
    They want free trade; he imposes punitive tariffs.
    They dig NATO; he calls it obsolete and works to weaken it.
    They desire immigration “reform”; he insists on deportation, fewer refugees, no Muslims and the building of a wall.
    They want to stay in Afghanistan and Syria; he wants out.
    On almost a daily basis Trump fights to prove that he—and not the Republican party-runs his administration.
    You better look inward for the cause of the un-coupling, not at us.

  3. As more than 1,200 law professors of both political parties sign a petition stating the obvious legal fact that Judge Kavanaugh’s behavior at last week’s hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court of this land,” the Republican leadership is forging forward with Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, ignoring the legal, moral, political and institutional perils that lie just ahead.
    By confirming a justice whom most law professors deem disqualified for the appointment, the Republican leadership will have gravely damaged two of the cornerstones of the nation: the authenticity and integrity of the Supreme Court and the rule of law itself.

    1. Read my post today Dave, and you will see why it simply does not matter if Kavanaugh gets in or not.
